Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

I guess the ammo shortage is over, the 9mm and 762-39 has been up for over 5 mins and still available.... these days thats unusual
Bougie brass 7.62x39 is usually in stock a bit longer than anything else.

The 9mm is s good sign though, maybe people are slower because its a new brand in stock
TS must have gotten a literal sh** ton load of this Serbian 9mm its up twice already and it stays up even for case lots but Does this mean the commies have enough ammo they aren't worried about us grabbing it? I say this cause I was under the impression that Belom only made ammo for the military originally.
I value the thought of the shortage being over more than couple boxes of that 9mm right now... that is why I am not clicking on "buy" just to be disappointed with the site hanging and realizing the only reason why it is still available is because the check out is overloaded/ broken 😁😁😁
anyone doesn't want theirs let me know I'll take it lol just run it all through a lee factory crimp die.
LOL yeah I was going to say it's a very easy fix. Will just take time depending on how many rounds of STV you have [laugh]
I'll gladly crimp everyone's STV rounds for them....but I want $1 per round that I crimp.....

[laugh] I kid I kid
Every order I've placed usually was filled and shipped within a day, CC is charged pretty quick. Five orders in the last month all shipped pretty quickly.
from the CMP? We were talking about the CMP. I know this thread goes off topic with other vendors but we figured this is the biggest ammo buying thread on NES so we chat about it here.
Placed an order for BELOM 9; transaction declined. Did it again, and it told me that there was a duplicate order placed?!:rolleyes:
Mine went through, but, with tax and shipping got to $0.66pr, was probably not worth it. I only got 500rds.
How does this compare with Speer or Blazer quality wise?
From what I read, it's very high quality. NATO spec loading, and manufactured on new presses.

Reviews from Velocity ammo are all good.

Reviews from Global Ordnance are favorable, aside from packaging.

I got my first case in a few minutes ago. It's nice looking stuff, and packed in plastic instead of paper. PXL_20210209_153026454.jpg
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