T Shirt Fundraiser - CLOSED

945 sold / $9330 raised. Wow. Great job to all in getting the word out.
Maybe we'll see 1,000! Today is the last day to buy.
Yep. One thousand would be a nice big round number. But, let's not get caught up the meaningless part of our goal. These are only shirts, and donations. The hard work is still ahead of us.
Campaign is now over. Total came in at 990 shirts / $9,620 raised. Thank you to everyone for making this such a great success!

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." -Thomas Jefferson
Maybe offer it in another color and chalk it up again?

I'm getting emails from people looking to buy them.
I've been toying with the idea of a not-so-PC version in black ink on orange shirt. I'd keep the front basically the same but redo the back. Possibly with the 'come and take it' / AR silhouette. Thoughts?
WOODSIE831: You can have one 'o mine if you wish.

But now later: I just got the email from Booster: they are running another round, so you can jump on that one I suppose.
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I've been toying with the idea of a not-so-PC version in black ink on orange shirt. I'd keep the front basically the same but redo the back. Possibly with the 'come and take it' / AR silhouette. Thoughts?

I'd go for orange.
I think I like the back though - if you ponder it for a minute it has some soul ..
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