Shut your mouth.

No. Antifa’s primary concern is to show up to directly fight white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Since many of those very people they fight now wear uniforms with badges, two things ensue: 1) cops kill people of color disproportionately to that of light skinned people, 2) Antifa becomes not-so-nice to those same cops.
After that , looting and violence is conducted by the desperate, anarchists, and even white supremacy groups looking to delegitimize the protesters
You are a absolute clown throwing a tantrum. Antifa labels anyone who doesn’t agree with them a facist Nazi. Do you feel better after thumping your chest playing the white savior card?
You are a absolute clown throwing a tantrum. Antifa labels anyone who doesn’t agree with them a facist Nazi. Do you feel better after thumping your chest playing the white savior card?
Broadbrushing. Name calling. Argument lost.

Antifa calls out racists and fascists. News flash: racists and fascists actually ARE in power across the US. While many of us were distracted by all our flag waving they took office from city level to Federal. Antifa isn’t nice. I’m not excusing the behaviors of the violence. I’m saying that change is ugly and they’ve (BLM Antifa and the youth) have had it.
"Dear Diary, Day 2, not sure I can take this much longer. Could not sleep last night. OP continues to attempt to sway group with calls for violence and change. I fear the worst..."
last I checked, the forefathers didn't destroy private property. They took the fight directly to the government oppressing them. Riots =/= protests.
Boston Tea Party?
Today’s value of tea dumped estimated at $1.7 million.
Tea belonging to the British East India Tea Company, holders of a government-issued and enforced monopoly.

Sons of Liberty dumped the tea. They didn't smash windows, loot, nor burn the ships down to the waterline. Even replaced the padlock they broke to gain access.
Broadbrushing. Name calling. Argument lost.

Believes that Antifa is good for any reason,, really dumb, argument lost.

Antifa calls out racists and fascists. News flash: racists and fascists actually ARE in power across the US. While many of us were distracted by all our flag waving they took office from city level to Federal. Antifa isn’t nice. I’m not excusing the behaviors of the violence. I’m saying that change is ugly and they’ve (BLM Antifa and the youth) have had it.

None of this has anything to do with the argument and everything to do with obvious discomfort over calling out hypocrisy over being a patriot that sided with the unpatriotic.
It’s a sign of losing an argument when the attack gets personal.
Cheers mate
No, it's the sign of a losing argument when you start by attacking a whole bunch of people, provide no relevant facts, and then declare victory because you don't like the responses. Almost time to head back under your bridge.
You know.... you can be against Floyd getting murdered and not drink BLM kool aid at the same time OP.

I have always had a simple litmus test for any one crying about systemic racism. I ask them 3 questions. What do you spend your money on? How much do you invest in your education, either time or money? And how many hours a week do you work.

If the answers to those questions suck.... then you don't get to jump to the racism square. That is a VAST majority of inner city bitching? How do I know? I spent 10 years working in human services trying to help the 'oppressed'. They want you to do more to fix their life than they are willing to do. I fought that inertia EVERY DAY for 10 years.

They can f*** off now.
Broadbrushing. Name calling. Argument lost.

Antifa calls out racists and fascists. News flash: racists and fascists actually ARE in power across the US. While many of us were distracted by all our flag waving they took office from city level to Federal. Antifa isn’t nice. I’m not excusing the behaviors of the violence. I’m saying that change is ugly and they’ve (BLM Antifa and the youth) have had it.

I'm new here, did not read the first 7 pages.
DG: I think the problem we are all having here is: Ok Antifa calls out racists and fascists.....The problem is they are calling out everyone. Do you really honestly believe racists and fascists are in charge of America? Really? I think you need to go back and take a look at the tremendous progress over the last 60 years in equality for all. Yes, there are pockets of hate, but they are being blown WAY out of proportion. Yes there are many bad/racists cops. But there are many MORE good...even black cops.

Violence is not the answer. Burning down your own neighborhood is not the answer. MLK changed the world and did not resort to any violence.
... I don't think the overwhelming majority of the protesters or marchers are violent, either. But the opportunist klingons that come in behind them, different story, this also includes
The first video shows the local, (Dickinson, North Dakota) mall before protests:


This video describes what happened after the protestors left and the klingons came to town. Video may be too long, didn't watch. He may insufferable, full of himself, or full of $hit, I don't know...

No. Antifa’s primary concern is to show up to directly fight white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Since many of those very people they fight now wear uniforms with badges, two things ensue: 1) cops kill people of color disproportionately to that of light skinned people, 2) Antifa becomes not-so-nice to those same cops.
After that , looting and violence is conducted by the desperate, anarchists, and even white supremacy groups looking to delegitimize the protesters
There's not a single fact in here. How many white supremacists and neo-nazis do you know? Me, none.
I'm new here, did not read the first 7 pages.
DG: I think the problem we are all having here is: Ok Antifa calls out racists and fascists.....The problem is they are calling out everyone. Do you really honestly believe racists and fascists are in charge of America? Really? I think you need to go back and take a look at the tremendous progress over the last 60 years in equality for all. Yes, there are pockets of hate, but they are being blown WAY out of proportion. Yes there are many bad/racists cops. But there are many MORE good...even black cops.

Violence is not the answer. Burning down your own neighborhood is not the answer. MLK changed the world and did not resort to any violence.

You have a very optimistic outlook on how far we have come and the progress we have made as a country. But thats all it is, optimism. The reality of the situation is very grim and our progress has been slow. You would be naive to think otherwise. I understand and agree with some of what you are saying but i think the underlying division is to real to ignore. The "pockets of hate" are much larger than i think you realize. I'll take it one step further and say that regardless of how we all think we are or feel, there will always be a small part of us that is slightly bigoted. Coming to terms with that reality is half the battle. To change that mindset in our children is other.
"No. Antifa’s primary concern is to show up to directly fight white supremacists and neo-Nazis."

Ask obvious white supremacist and neo-nazi Andy Ngo how he feels about this.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.

Paid agitator?
*cough* tea party... *cough cough*

unless you think a tv from target is the same kind of private property as tea owned by a government backed monopoly that employed its own army, then we're not talking about the same thing. Also the Sons of Liberty didn't burn down the Beaver, Dartmouth or Eleanor. Unless they forgot cuz rioting was new to them. They also forgot to burn down the wharf and all the businesses on it too.
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