Shut your mouth.

As a preface, your posts have been reported several times (you all can stop now - we get it. We have >30,000 members and your voices have been heard). As a testament to the openness here, several mods and the guy that owns the place not only have not closed it, but we've posted here.

This makes me more angry then OP telling me to shut my mouth. I wish we would stop trying to make this a complete echo chamber. I reply with sarcasm 95% of the time here, but I can surely appreciate threads that challenge the bias confirmation we see.

Back to the content of the thread, I agree with Derek. The virtue signalling people that are drinking this racism koolaid need get out of their liberal white guilt ridden suburban neighborhoods and see how the rest of the country/world lives. I too joined the military and thrived the same as everyone of my peers regardless of their skin color or past. The reason I joined the military? At the age of 17, the Fire Chief in my home town straight up told me, in front of my father, to join because there was no way a white guy was going to get hired with out Vet preference. My Grandfather was a hero firefighter in NYC, it's what I wanted to do, but equal opportunity not so equal. I was immediately disqualified for military service, due to a life long medical issue. I put my tool belt back on and felt bad for myself for a few months. Decided to try again with a different recruiter/branch and got the right waver. I could have easily played the victim card and become some kind of white trash addict with a chip on my shoulder, but I didn't.

Save the privilege bullshit, stop feeling bad for people, encourage them to better themselves.

FYI, saying shit like "toxic patriotism" is the same as me patronizing you with my earlier troll posts. It saps whatever little credibility you had when started the thread.
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Our forefathers blew up private property, destroyed goods of private merchants and fought anyone loyal to the oppressive crown (Torries).

when you read threads on here vilifying protesters as more and more cops garner the support of the same “patriots” that they will readily oppress blindly, it makes me sick that some on here jump to the defense of the oppressor while your 2A right comes from fight that very culture of power.

I don’t like the looting or violence and I do support anyone defending their propertyand livelihoods. But as ugly as it is, THIS is how we keep our rights. If you are one of the people whose actions today would have been the same as those on the side of colonists loyal to the crown, you’re the problem-not the protesters.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.
Funny, I have a "friend" on FaceBook that posts the same garbage. Lives at home, too fat to get in the military, was a: mall cop, armored truck guard(mall cop with a gun), security guard, "asset protector" for Best Buy, messenger for Garda, security "supervisor for Job Corp, where he bragged that he could arrest people on Federal charges, never gotten laid , etc. Now he HATES COPS???? Reminds me of the OP.
OH, OP, you've been here all of two months, and you post garbage like that? Troll much? How about going Green???? Too much of a skinflint?
This makes me more angry then OP telling me to shut my mouth. I wish we would stop trying to make this a complete echo chamber. I reply with sarcasm 95% of the time here, but I can surely appreciate threads that challenge the bias confirmation we see.

Honestly, most of the Members posts/threads I like are the ones that left MA and CT and continue to contribute here. They let us know what we are tolerating staying in MA. Some of us fight with support of 2A groups, some 'rally' and spread the word of the Bill of Rights. I love to see dissent and disagreements when there is a genuine discussion/argument taking place. I can't stand trolls and shit-pot stirrers.

I think some report theses posts because they don't know how to reply and wish the OP would go away. There's nothing wrong with having your beliefs challenged. I think we have all seen how NES deals with true instigators. As EC mentioned the thread is still going. Hopefully the members that have reported it have joined, or follow the thread. There isn't much that i would change on NES and don't know that I would if i could. [thumbsup]
Reporting a post? I wasnt really sure that was a practiced thing, so if you dont agree with a post you “Report” it? To Admin? LOL Sorry but that’s a bitch move in my opinion. If you don’t like what someone posts then type out what you got to say or just dont respond.

Snowflakes are not just a lefty thing.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.
Reporting a post? I wasnt really sure that was a practiced thing, so if you dont agree with a post you “Report” it? To Admin? LOL Sorry but that’s a bitch move in my opinion. If you don’t like what someone posts then type out what you got to say or just dont respond.
Ha! Some clowns here were reporting posts in the classifieds because the price was too high!
Reporting a post? I wasnt really sure that was a practiced thing, so if you dont agree with a post you “Report” it? To Admin? LOL Sorry but that’s a bitch move in my opinion. If you don’t like what someone posts then type out what you got to say or just dont respond.
There are day-ladies on here that average about two reports per day. Don't ask me to name names, because I won't.
I typed up a really long and intellectual retort of the 9 pages of bullshit puke I just read coming from OP on this thread, I thought well certainly if I lay out all the logic and rational reasoning, explain all parties involved in this discussion, etc ad nauseum that progress could be made and he could be convinced. Then I realized this is the internet and he succeeded in being more divisive than TPNES selling covid AR lowers.

Making a gin and tonic and sitting back to let this dumpster fire burn as bright as Minneapolis. Too soon?

Edit: Reply will return soon... The other damned meme misidentified the bird that it used. :mad:

You forgot to specify whose rules we are following today. I vote for:

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Ha! Some clowns here were reporting posts in the classifieds because the price was too high!

There are people that even cry/whine that they dont want to read certain peoples posts......but are neither mature enough to NOT read them or hit the ignore button.....its as if they need a "Special Safe Space" instead of acting like adults
This is getting more and more absurd. I get home from work to relax and play some Madden and this ridiculous bullshit pops up
Absurd you say? You want absurd? Here you go:

Paw Patrol is "copaganda" bc it it portrays cops in a positive light.

Times critic Amanda Hess penned a piece on Wednesday titled, "The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol,'" and the criticism that the popular children's show has faced in recent days for its main character Chase, a German shepherd police dog, and how that and other shows are deemed "copaganda" for portraying the police in a positive light.

This is getting more and more absurd. I get home from work to relax and play some Madden and this ridiculous bullshit pops up View attachment 364043

Absurd you say? You want absurd? Here you go:

Paw Patrol is "copaganda" bc it it portrays cops in a positive light.

Times critic Amanda Hess penned a piece on Wednesday titled, "The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol,'" and the criticism that the popular children's show has faced in recent days for its main character Chase, a German shepherd police dog, and how that and other shows are deemed "copaganda" for portraying the police in a positive light.

View attachment 364407
. Ofcourse Chase is my girlfriend’s 5 year olds favorite. Just F’in gross
Until someone can show me they have launched maximum PERSONAL effort to upgrade their life, and STILL gotten nowhere, they fail the 'systemic racism' test. At what point is someone responsible for their own lot in life? Do we make excuses for them forever? You have head start, welfare, schools begging to be woke and have black students, military options and benefits, and affirmative action.... if you can't make it with all those safety nets.... f*** off and stop blaming boogeymen.

This. The multi-generational white privilege argument looks reasonable at a glance and will be enough to convince low wattage folks to start a revolution but it's just a restatement of the apex fallacy, which is: the people at the top are white, therefore all white people are at the top.

Tell that to the many millions of poor white people living in Appalachian shacks, under highway bridges and the tunnels under Las Vegas.

The root cause of the problem is the many differences in genetic traits developed in isolated groups of humans living in very different environments over tens of thousands of years. Top of the list is a 15 point difference in average IQ.

These facts are now raycis and so we're going to try to force equality of outcomes where such a thing is fundamentally impossible to achieve. The result will be awesome. Bwahahahahahahaha.

I work with a Black guy, he is about 28, Married and has 2 kids. This kid works his Monday through Friday 7:30-4 for his 40 hours, leaves work and goes to his cleaning job from 5-10 3 days a week and works “Part time” slinging pizzas when he is not working his cleaning job. He rides his bike to work so his wife can have the car since she has kid duty. This guy is always smiling and tells me that these angry people out there need to just get a job and focus on family. I got so much respect for this guy, he refuses to take me up on my offer of throwing his bike in the back of my truck and letting me give him a ride. He says it’s his “workout” nobody has handed this kid a friggen thing and he takes care of what he needs to take care of. That’s what the majority of the people out there tend to not realize

This is how you succeed. I bet he takes a ration of sh!t from his homies for actin' wyte.
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. Ofcourse Chase is my girlfriend’s 5 year olds favorite. Just F’in gross

my son is 5 and has some PP toys but isn't really into the show...I saw this hit my news feed this morning, and it immediately put me in a pissed off mood to start the day.

Problem is the right and the supposed "silent majority" are all f***ing pussies and keep letting this shit roll on. At some point people have to stand up to this cancel culture retard mob and just say "no, shut the f*** up". Companies need to grow some balls and stop apologizing all over themselves for every fantastical nonsense microaggression.

Wouldn't be surprised if the next new episode of Paw Patrol shows Chase kneeling down or some such stupid bullshit.
Wow, I don't think much of these "protests" because most of them are infiltrated by professional agitators who are instigating violence. As for fighting tyranny, you ain't seen tyranny until the people who are behind all this crap are running the government. When they get power we will have no choice but to shoot back which is why I'd rather call them all out before we get to that stage because everyone will be fu...cked then. When they are in charge PROTESTS WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. Looky my caps lock works too.

Obviously did not check the "I am not a robot" box.
Reporting a post? I wasnt really sure that was a practiced thing, so if you dont agree with a post you “Report” it? To Admin? LOL Sorry but that’s a bitch move in my opinion. If you don’t like what someone posts then type out what you got to say or just dont respond.

Damn , I feel left out .
I'm going to have to work on being more offensive or something.
I think there should be a “count” box near each members feedback score that shows every time they complain to a mod. That’s nuts man but would be hilarious to see. I been here since 2013, didn’t even make a post til 2016, and the only time I’ve ever talked to a mod or admin was in the tech forum cuz I’m a dummy, or over beer at a table.

Whining doesn’t solve problems.
I think there should be a “count” box near each members feedback score that shows every time they complain to a mod. That’s nuts man but would be hilarious to see. I been here since 2013, didn’t even make a post til 2016, and the only time I’ve ever talked to a mod or admin was in the tech forum cuz I’m a dummy, or over beer at a table.

Whining doesn’t solve problems.

Just seems appropriate to your posting..... Rock on Brother.

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