shtf alcohol stock?


NES Member
Apr 20, 2011
NOT in mass. finally.
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what would you stock for a shtf scenario? i am thinking graves is a must along with whiskey and brandy. what whiskies and brandies are good? looking for suggestions. i know of folks giving a teaspoon of brandy to sick children in yesteryear to alleviate coughs. and whiskey cures just about anything in adults, amirite? [laugh]
tell me what would be good to stock and why.
I make sure to have plenty of homebrew on hand. That includes not just beer but meads as well.

During a SHTF scenario, brewing beer will result in safe to drink water.
A case of Jim Beam and a case of red wine. Both would simply be moral boosters. Jim Beam is also cheap enough to put away by the case and I like it.
Vodka, good moonshine, as high concentration as you can get. Grain alcohol also work great.

tasteless and colorless. Mix with any flavor for children's favorite treat. No single or double malt shit or flavors. Make your "brandy" of any flavor in minutes.

Use as disinfectant for body or soul.
Vodka, good moonshine, as high concentration as you can get. Grain alcohol also work great.

tasteless and colorless. Mix with any flavor for children's favorite treat. No single or double malt shit or flavors. Make your "brandy" of any flavor in minutes.

Use as disinfectant for body or soul.


Any good recipes for grain alcohol? Might pick some up today, never actually tried it. I know it's like 151 proof right? [laugh]

Any good recipes for grain alcohol? Might pick some up today, never actually tried it. I know it's like 151 proof right? [laugh]

not likely to distill that high outside of industrial settings or OCDed moonshiner.

Also you can use high strength vodka as fuel, portable burners or gas additive.

The reason vodka is 80 proof ... who knows the answer and who discovered this shit, anyone?
Bourbon is king. Something everyone (or most) wants or identifies with. You can say its not optimal for everything but in a SHTF scenario most people are going to use it for its original intention. Escape though consumption & I doubt that anyone in a desperate situation is going to care if its aged 12 years or 12 days.
The reason vodka is 80 proof ... who knows the answer and who discovered this shit, anyone?


no this is not Rasputin. It's Mendeleev. He discovered The periodic table and as a side hobby wrote an extensive paper on vodka. (big ****ing surprise) Yeah, he is Russian, go figure.

92 proof vodka has the highest density of vodkas. If you mix half a glass of water and half a glass of super-concentrated ethanol, you get less than a glass. So 46% is the answer to the meaning of life and everything. The mice got it off by 5.

no this is not Rasputin. It's Mendeleev. He discovered The periodic table and as a side hobby wrote an extensive paper on vodka. (big ****ing surprise) Yeah, he is Russian, go figure.

92 proof vodka has the highest density of vodkas. If you mix half a glass of water and half a glass of super-concentrated ethanol, you get less than a glass. So 46% is the answer to the meaning of life and everything. The mice got it off by 5.
How much vodka did you drink before typing that last part?? 46-42=4 [smile]

the only problem with beer is that grains will be hard to come by

now whiskey, brandy and the like is pretty easy in new england
I buy my grain in 55# sacks, usually as part of a group buy. I have some barrels to store it in, that hold more than a full sack each.

I also have a couple of 'spare' 1/2 bbl kegs on hand (planning to convert one into a BBQ/smoker). With one of them, I could make a still (just need the column). I already have the propane burners, so not much more needed to get that going.
not according to the federal goverment, are you some kind of racist, bro?

Must be math according to king O, or one of his cronies.

Worst case, you can always ferment any juice that's not been treated with sulphates. Fresh pressed cider is a common favorite to ferment. Get some honey and you can ferment the hell out of that too. Same with maple syrup (get grade B if you want some flavor left though).

I have yeast packs in the fridge, and tubes in the freezer. As long as I have power, I'll be good for the freezer stock. The packs of dry typically last a couple of years before you have less vitality/viability with them.

Might be about time to make a new batch of maple wine... For drinking holiday season 2014.


I'll be able to distill utility grade clear spirits, but I know I would like to have a stash of this ambrosia as a remiinder of what was great about civilization post-SHTF
Every time I go the the liquor store (which is pretty often) I add one 1 to the SHTF collection. My shopping list usually looks something like this. Mid range vodka ( Tito's or Kettle One ) for the wife, Good Scotch or Whiskey (whichever I'm drinking that week ) for me, and the the cheapest/ strongest either Vodka or Whiskey/ Bourbon to add to the collection, usually around $10 a bottle for a 1/2 gallon. Comes in a plastic bottle, sits on the bottom shelf and when it come's home it sits on the bottom shelf until it's needed, which hopefully is never.
I have two metal racks full of beer that will age 5-10+ years depending on the brew. I also have a decently stocked liquor cabinet with mostly rums and whiskey. I have homebrew equipment should I need to brew but as others have said ingredients may be hard to come by. I have hops growing in my yard but would also need grains and yeast.
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