Shooting reported outside Empire State Building

It seems like as more info comes out about this thing, and the greater the potential for the cops being the ones who shot the most people... the media lingo is already changing.

First it was 11 shot, then wounded, injured, hurt... now grazed. Coming soon, "nicked"
Twisted their ankles running away was what I heard

Kelly initially said that Johnson fired on officers, but police said later they were trying to determine whether Johnson actually fired shots.
Suicide by Cops. Have to see if he even fired a shot.

Kelly said authorities believe police may be responsible for some of the injuries because of the limited capacity of the gunman's weapon.
[rolleyes] Sound like the gunman killed his boss and that was that.

Erica Solar doesn't know who shot her in the back of the knee while she walked to get coffee on her way to work, said her brother, Louis Lleras.
The two officers fired a total of 14 rounds at Johnson, Kelly said. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said some of the nine wounded may have been shot by police in the mayhem. Johnson's semi-automatic weapon was equipped to fire at least eight rounds; at least one round was left in the clip, police said. Another loaded magazine was in his briefcase.

One round...left in the CLIP. Another loaded USELESS magazine in bag. PHEW!!! At least he would not have been able to use the magazine in the .45 that accepts clips. [rolleyes]

Math time:
14 rounds:

9 Wounded
4 "God knows where"
1 Head Shot - Maniac Dead

.07% hit ratio: That is NOT a good ratio when trying to shoot for center mass.
[bow]He is definately playing up the hero police thing but the construction according to him wasn't a hero but doing what he should have done
I wonder how quickly this is all going to be buried? By looking at the bullets, its simple enough to tell who really did the shootings, but I'm thinking we won't get to learn that info. In the end, it will mysteriously all be the gunman, and heroic cops.

The shooter worked in the fashion industry. If they find out he was gay the story dies by tomorrow.
So if the cops are shooting at you – are you allowed to fire back or is there some charge like resisting homicide or impeding the official murder spree?
Was just sent a photo (prior to any sheets or bags) looking straight down at the street from a friend who works 4 floors directly above the spot where a victim died. Not pretty.
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Just heard about this now on cnn. Crazy. Didnt sift thru all 11 pages here so will do later . Gotta be video of it out there im sure
Nope. On his back, head turned right, arms out, plaid sleeveless shirt, river of red flowing up to a plant box.
A nut in NYC shoots 11 people and it's the lead story. 19 people get shot in one day in Chicago and there's barely a peep. I guess when it's business as usual it doesn't make a big news splash.
I'm waiting for the NY Post to post the story: "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight" and then post the pictures of the cops who shot the friendlies in the melee.
Why do the headlines still say he shot 11, shouldn't it be "Crazed gunman Kills one, Police kill one and shoot 9"?
Wait til the lawyers read this!!

The average hit rate for NYPD Officers involved in a gunfight between 1998 and 2006 was 18 percent. For every five shots, four bullets missed the intended target and went somewhere else. And that hit rate is consistent with the "normal" hit rate in armed encounters which hasn't changed much for years and years.
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A nut in NYC shoots 11 people and it's the lead story. 19 people get shot in one day in Chicago and there's barely a peep. I guess when it's business as usual it doesn't make a big news splash.

Well, it will fall off the front page quickly, since the police shot almost all of the victims. The shooter apparently had a .45, and put three rounds into his target. there was at least one bullet left in the mag, so there are three rounds unaccounted for. Yet 9 people shot...
So.... I guess the officer that one-shotted the dog with no collaterals is looking preeeeeety good right now. [wink]

disclaimer: dark humor present in this post. Read with a healthy grip on 1a
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