Scott Brown Is A Horrible American!

I got the same reply as Pennypincher in post #153. I didn't mention the CT shooting in my email. His people aren't bothering to take the time to read and answer each email seperately. He and his staff can go take a hike!
Got that same email. "I know better than you, so STFU." All I said was in response to his FB post to bring back the federal assault weapon ban, was that history has shown us that another law for gun control will not protect my kids. Please focus on mental health and protecting my kids. He clearly didn't get the message in the last election. I guess he'll have to wait until the next one to see the pattern.
What do you expect from a piece of shit who goes to Afghanistan (as per special request) for two ****ing weeks, than includes his "homecoming" in a TV ad and brags about his service in debates. I am utterly embarrassed to have voted for such a piece of scummy shit.

I got the same reply as Pennypincher in post #153. I didn't mention the CT shooting in my email. His people aren't bothering to take the time to read and answer each email seperately. He and his staff can go take a hike!

I'm fairly sure he kept most of Kennedy's staff.

Nothing to do now, but make sure he know he has no chance next time around. He can step away from politics or get he teeth kicked in every time he runs.
Got that same email. "I know better than you, so STFU." All I said was in response to his FB post to bring back the federal assault weapon ban, was that history has shown us that another law for gun control will not protect my kids. Please focus on mental health and protecting my kids. He clearly didn't get the message in the last election. I guess he'll have to wait until the next one to see the pattern.

I forgot to mention, he (or his aides) completely disregarded my concern for the lack of attention to the mental health crisis behind recent murders. That was the focus of my e-mail to Scott Brown. I asked that he not be so quick to take the failed path of seeking a solution through gun control. He (or his aides) decided to stick with the gun control solution and ignore the lunatics causing the mayhem.
I can not believe I wasted 50 greenbacks helping brown defeat marsha in his 1st election. But, as scotty used to say "fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me"
They won't make the same mistake twice. The new assault weapon definition will not include wording like "bayonet lug" or "flash suppressor". It will be most likely worded something like "goes bang" . :-(
Copy & paste from the "Contact Scott" page of this boobs' short-lived website:

Hi Scott,

I voted for you when you ran against McQuilken and voted for you against Coakley. In retrospect, I wish I had not. At least when you vote for a liberal Democrat you know what you're getting. If weak-ass "republicans" like you keep rolling over for the dems and volunteering MY firearms liberties at the altar of nanny government I may as well just switch parties. I can say this: all the Scott Brown supporters I know are now FORMER supporters. Enjoy the private sector.


Jay Higgins
Millis, MA
I forgot to mention, he (or his aides) completely disregarded my concern for the lack of attention to the mental health crisis behind recent murders. That was the focus of my e-mail to Scott Brown. I asked that he not be so quick to take the failed path of seeking a solution through gun control. He (or his aides) decided to stick with the gun control solution and ignore the lunatics causing the mayhem.

Great point you have that the gun control crowd ignores mental health. Scott is going and who will miss him? And if you are reading this Scott thanks for never answering my letter regarding tearing up half of a mountain to put up a "green wind farm"
I just sent this to him:

You have sent out emails explaining your stance on the second amendment and you should know that you lost the election precisely because of that stance.
The gun owners in this state got you elected the first time with a MASSIVE amount of financial and active support but you lost it completely with your actions regarding gun control.

I've never seen the 'gun community' support ANYONE as much as we supported you the first time and have never seen any elected official slap down those supporters so hard.

That slapdown cost you the election.

It's really a shame that your actions have given this state back to the liberals that have been trying so hard to ruin it for us.

You should be honest and officially change your party affiliation to DEMOCRAT.
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SO.. NOW I agree Scott Brown is a douche and an outright threat to our rights.

When his Facebook post appeared and then rapidly disappeared I got on to his .gov website and sent him a message as well written as my 8th grade writing skills would allow. Basically pointed out how he knows full well another "AWB" will solve nothing and only attack our rights. I also pointed out that if he DOESN'T know this than he isn't doing his job and deserves to have lost to Eliarbeth Warren.

The semi canned reply:

Dear Morgan,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I appreciate hearing from you and value your opinion.

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 26 people, including 20 children. After such a tragic event, we must come together as a nation to mourn those who were lost and keep the victims and their families in our thoughts and prayers. To that end, I supported S. Res. 621, which condemned the horrific attack that occurred in Newtown; this resolution passed the Senate on December 17, 2012.

I was committed to public safety as a State Representative and State Senator and remain so as your U.S. Senator. I’m proud that Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun laws in the country, and I supported the state assault weapons ban. As a U.S. Senator, I opposed the national concealed carry reciprocity legislation because it would have weakened the ability of Massachusetts to enforce its own strong gun laws. I would also support renewing the federal assault weapons ban. In the wake of this tragedy, Americans must come together for a national conversation about how to prevent these crimes.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at

Scott P. Brown
United States Senator
Nananana told you all so. That R never meant a thing. Welcome to the light. Now lets all laugh all our asses off together as Brown gets his clock cleaned by another retarded moonbat in the next special election.
I wrote him a letter basically saying I'll stay home because of his support for the ban. I also wrote that as an active member of this community - that I can say with absolute certainty I will not be alone.

When he runs to fill Kerry's seat - I'll ask he remember what he did for us today - which is nothing. We'll return the favor on election day.
yah, I just wrote to him too. Not that it will do any good, but I guess it made me feel like I did something. Got to send a message I guess.

At this point he may as well run as a D.
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