Scott Brown Is A Horrible American!

A vote for Brown now would be like a vote for Lie-a-watha. Again, no choice in Mass. and it's ironic how pro-choice this state is.[thinking] (scarcasm in case it's missed)
I'm happy he lost, just for this now. I thought he was still somewhat reasonable... wrong. I guess you can't expect much more from somebody who pretends they deployed to Afghanistan when they went for 10 days and then has a dramatic televised homecoming. ****ing piece of shit.

I went to his Senate website and sent him a detailed email on why I will never contribute nor vote for him again if he supports any gun control legislation.
funny when this happened i was telling my uncle scott brown would be pro awb he said no hes a vetran...then he comes out eith it on his face space sometimes wish i was wrong

I was just listening to Howie Carr and 'Bob' called, and reamed Howie on his rump swabbery of Scotty. Did an outstanding job, Howie eventually dumped him.

He talked about how Scotty only voted for things that made no difference, dragged Dodd-Frank across the finish line, and so many other great examples.

If you're on here Bob, I'll buy you a beer.

I was just listening to Howie Carr and 'Bob' called, and reamed Howie on his rump swabbery of Scotty. Did an outstanding job, Howie eventually dumped him.

He talked about how Scotty only voted for things that made no difference, dragged Dodd-Frank across the finish line, and so many other great examples.

If you're on here Bob, I'll buy you a beer.

Yep, actually glad Liawatha beat him, at least with her you know what you are up against, this guy he's just a wet noodle, a snake in the grass, that talks tough but clearly has no respect for individual liberty or the Constitution.

What a turd.
I don't think I would get on with Howie if I'm honest about my views on Scotty - oops, sounds like he moved on.

In Mass, given a choice between Dem & Dem-lite, the Dems will pick a Dem, the independents will split, and the GOP (at least conservative wing) will blank it.

I was just listening to Howie Carr and 'Bob' called, and reamed Howie on his rump swabbery of Scotty. Did an outstanding job, Howie eventually dumped him.

He talked about how Scotty only voted for things that made no difference, dragged Dodd-Frank across the finish line, and so many other great examples.

If you're on here Bob, I'll buy you a beer.

I heard that. I think Howie is in love.

edit: He is starting the love fest again right now.
I just posted this on Scotties FB page:

"I supported you twice with campaign donations and by talking you up amongst my friends, most especially the Libertarians. However I will not donate another dollar since you decided to violate your oath as a commissioned officer to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic...", the same oath I took and still live by. You appear to have taken the easy course and gone with the seemingly popular but misguided attack on the tool of a killer. If you truly believe that I, and many millions of other law-abiding Americans are not to be trusted with our choice of firearms that we use legally and safely, then I can no longer trust you to represent me in the government."

Not that it will make a rat's patootie worth of difference, but at least I am on record.
I also left him an email saying he lost my support, not shocking he jumped ship. Too bad he lost a couple thousand votes doing it, doubt he has a chance in a special election after this.
He can rest assured I'll be voting for whoever runs against him for Kerry's seat. I'd vote for Ted Kennedy over him. It won't matter because he'd be voting with the dems 75% of the time anyways and we'd get a little vengeance against the backstabber.

I think we need a write in. I dont want vote for the crazy liberal or whomever the Democrats put in the ring either.

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Do we ever really get a chance here in MA to vote for anyone Other Than a crazy liberal??
Yes, but not in an election and we keep losing. Check the primaries. In fact, get involved if you can. Th RNC in MA is part of the problem, though the "state party" does a good job making it difficult to get people on the ballot in the first place, then you have to compete with your own party which seems to want to lose in this state and their record of success in that desire speaks for itself.

MA should be a prototype for what conservative opposition to the socialist, entitlement, progressive machine looks like. It must speak to all who want and need government to be limited so that it cannot impose a tyranny of the majority.

Conservatives need to look past narrow minded concepts of what they think is "the right way to live" and recognize that this is the essence of agreeing to disagree that our Constitutional Republic prescribed for long lasting peace and freedom.

Pick a hot button divisive political issue and the answer is not "my way" or "your way", but "free to make your own choice and fully responsible for the cost of that choice."

I am not sure there are enough self reliant people who value freedom above all when it comes to politics, but if there are, this seems to me the only way to attract a voting block large enough from the disparate personal interests out there to compete with unions and other bought and paid for pandering platforms that promise a perfect nanny state. We need every last person who wants to be free regardless of what their personal social "norm" might be to have any hope of stopping the bread and circus pander express from ramming into us.
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i wrote Scotty a nice email the other day, not raging or disrespectful

but to the point. Simply that on his first bid for election a lot of us

supported him in many ways, on his second bid not so much. BUT

i wanted to make clear to him he F***** us more than once and

we're not anzious to support him this time. i kept it clean no swearing.

No reply. I also sent a reply to Blumenthal telling him he was full

of shit, a state cop told him that no one could have taken down


I was just listening to Howie Carr and 'Bob' called, and reamed Howie on his rump swabbery of Scotty. Did an outstanding job, Howie eventually dumped him.

He talked about how Scotty only voted for things that made no difference, dragged Dodd-Frank across the finish line, and so many other great examples.

If you're on here Bob, I'll buy you a beer.

i did hear this
I have been thinking about all the stories I am seeing regarding Brown running fo Kerry's seat. I think we need to push the Mass GOP to get behind a candidate other than Brown. Otherwise we are garaunteed to have a Dem in the seat, and likely for many years to come.

Does anyone know if there is a viable Libertarian coalition in MA with a candidate we could really get behind?
I've said it before and ill say it again:

Ed Morse III for Senate!

Seriously guys, let's everyone write him in.

I can't wait for that debate.

"Mr Morse, how would you handle (insert complex issue here)?"

"Drink a beer, consult my smart friends on NES, and **** you."

Scott's voting record got worse as his term in the Senate went along. He doesn't believe in the Constitution and is OK with Socialist Regime as do most of the Progressives.
email reply from Scott Brown:


Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I appreciate hearing from you and value your opinion.

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 26 people, including 20 children. After such a tragic event, we must come together as a nation to mourn those who were lost and keep the victims and their families in our thoughts and prayers. To that end, I supported S. Res. 621, which condemned the horrific attack that occurred in Newtown; this resolution passed the Senate on December 17, 2012.

I was committed to public safety as a State Representative and State Senator and remain so as your U.S. Senator. I’m proud that Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun laws in the country, and I supported the state assault weapons ban. As a U.S. Senator, I opposed the national concealed carry reciprocity legislation because it would have weakened the ability of Massachusetts to enforce its own strong gun laws. I would also support renewing the federal assault weapons ban. In the wake of this tragedy, Americans must come together for a national conversation about how to prevent these crimes.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at

Scott P. Brown
United States Senator
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