Scott Brown Is A Horrible American!

Well, Ed Markey has announced he's running as a Dem in the Senate race for Kerry's seat. He has clout and should easily defeat Idependent candidate Brown should he decide to run against Markey.
Well, Ed Markey has announced he's running as a Dem in the Senate race for Kerry's seat. He has clout and should easily defeat Idependent candidate Brown should he decide to run against Markey.
Turnout at these sorts of elections is terrible. It is possible to win, but it will require each of us do far more than we have ever done or even considered doing in an election.
Turnout at these sorts of elections is terrible. It is possible to win, but it will require each of us do far more than we have ever done or even considered doing in an election.

So you're agreeing to run for office then? Good. We've got your back.
So you're agreeing to run for office then? Good. We've got your back.
If I could figure out how to get the required signatures running on a platform of "government is not here to solve your problems but rather to keep you free to solve them in your own communities," I would run.

I am open to suggestions and help.
If I could figure out how to get the required signatures running on a platform of "government is not here to solve your problems but rather to keep you free to solve them in your own communities," I would run.

I am open to suggestions and help.

I'll help get signatures if you can work on getting that down to a size that will fit on a bumpersticker.
If I could figure out how to get the required signatures running on a platform of "government is not here to solve your problems but rather to keep you free to solve them in your own communities," I would run.

I am open to suggestions and help.

Get a time machine.
Didn't we know this when he ran for office initially? Beware the tendency to flatten things down to liberal vs. conservative and make what winds up being a very shallow, mislead choice based on an overly-simplified perspective. Things can be a lot more complex than that.
At this point he needs to come out as the Democrat that he is .

Brown might have a better chance if he did that, have a chance to take Markey out in the primary. Whatever R clowns that will vote for him as a R will vote for him as a D. On the other hand there is probably enough left over hatred just for having the R after his name to squash that from working.
That's what I honestly expect. I mean, the past election he ran away from "Republican" and plastered "Independent" everywhere.

Yep. I was getting tons of mailings from him explaining how much he was willing to "reach across the aisle." There was one memorable one quoting all the nice things that Democrats/liberals had to say about him.

When your big selling point is how much you're like the opposition, something is wrong. I won't dignify him by calling him a Judas. At least Judas got 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal.
I admittedly have not read all 20 pages here's one point I'd like to make: I wonder how much of an ass Brown feels now that there was NO Assault Rifle (or weapon as they like to say) involved with this terrible tragedy? It was all done with pistols and .22 at that. Wow, an AWB would most certainly have prevented that evil moron from doing his worst.

Brown did nothing more than feed on the desire for people from MASS to have one conservative senator and he played the part well up until the time he was inaugurated.

I admittedly have not read all 20 pages here's one point I'd like to make: I wonder how much of an ass Brown feels now that there was NO Assault Rifle (or weapon as they like to say) involved with this terrible tragedy? It was all done with pistols and .22 at that. Wow, an AWB would most certainly have prevented that evil moron from doing his worst.

Brown did nothing more than feed on the desire for people from MASS to have one conservative senator and he played the part well up until the time he was inaugurated.

Been avoiding the press, do you have a link on that?
There have been numerous threads on multiple forums. A few days ago, I reported that a first-responder I know confirmed to me first hand that there was no .223 or highpower wound damage and that everything he examined was .22. Then, a day or two ago, it was released that no rifles were in the school, but four handguns, obviously in .22. That's what was used on the mother. So, the Bushmaster story was 100% bogus. Something was found in his car be we don't know what yet. We also don't know if he shot his way in or buzzed in. Both have been reported twice with no confirmation on anything.

So, all the talking heads....the anti-gunners screaming about large caliber high-capacity magazines were lured there but rumors, not facts. They must feel like asses right now. Not to take anything away from the tragedy. Check over at AR-15 forums, hometown, New England. There are three or four threads regarding this. Still, information trickles out so only the newes posts will have the links you're looking for.

There have been numerous threads on multiple forums. A few days ago, I reported that a first-responder I know confirmed to me first hand that there was no .223 or highpower wound damage and that everything he examined was .22. Then, a day or two ago, it was released that no rifles were in the school, but four handguns, obviously in .22. That's what was used on the mother. So, the Bushmaster story was 100% bogus. Something was found in his car be we don't know what yet. We also don't know if he shot his way in or buzzed in. Both have been reported twice with no confirmation on anything.

So, all the talking heads....the anti-gunners screaming about large caliber high-capacity magazines were lured there but rumors, not facts. They must feel like asses right now. Not to take anything away from the tragedy. Check over at AR-15 forums, hometown, New England. There are three or four threads regarding this. Still, information trickles out so only the newes posts will have the links you're looking for.

They will only feel like asses if they are forced to admit it publicly. So far I haven't seen any such thing casually from the talking heads and headlines you can't avoid anywhere you go now.

That is why I was wondering. I haven't seen a peep other than an early mention, likely yours, that those on the scene were confirming what appeared to be suspicious inconsistencies in the news.
From the very outset of this horrible mess, I've been the one in my circle of friends to said that this would all 'blow over' and that we were feeling the 'false pressure' of those who look at any opportunity to criticize firearms and their legit owners. I said it would tail off quickly and it really has. The press is now more focused on the discussions of what to do with the school, (tear it down works) and also some more local stories and about one last vigil today someplace in town. The talk about guns and the murderer and his creepy family are muted. The press will take the opportunity of the New Year celebrations to bury this story more and more and only bring it forward if something major develops. We won't see any more magazine restriction or confiscation discussions except with the uber stupid out there like Bloomberg. Everyone else knows they went off the deep end without knowing what was below and it bit 'em but good. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of deserving creeps.

There have been numerous threads on multiple forums. A few days ago, I reported that a first-responder I know confirmed to me first hand that there was no .223 or highpower wound damage and that everything he examined was .22. Then, a day or two ago, it was released that no rifles were in the school, but four handguns, obviously in .22. That's what was used on the mother. So, the Bushmaster story was 100% bogus. Something was found in his car be we don't know what yet. We also don't know if he shot his way in or buzzed in. Both have been reported twice with no confirmation on anything.

So, all the talking heads....the anti-gunners screaming about large caliber high-capacity magazines were lured there but rumors, not facts. They must feel like asses right now. Not to take anything away from the tragedy. Check over at AR-15 forums, hometown, New England. There are three or four threads regarding this. Still, information trickles out so only the newes posts will have the links you're looking for.


There have been numerous thread on multiple forums because you started them, Rome. I've seen the one(s) here, the one you started on ARFCOM, and if I subscribed to more gun forums (who has the time?), I'm sure I'd see more. This story has yet to be confirmed by anyone other than your "first responder." In at least one of those threads, others with "first-hand" info have disputed this. Until there's more than this one source, this is still a single point unconfirmed rumor.

This is not to say their info is rock solid but things are coming to light.


Yeah, but this is the video from 15 Dec. There was all kinds of bad info early on. The shooter's mother was a teacher (wrong), he killed his brother (wrong), there were two shooters (wrong), that he was buzzed into the school (wrong), etc, etc, etc. Early on there's lots of bad info flying around. Doesn't confirm anything, other than what we already know, and that's that early info is almost always wrong.
From the very outset of this horrible mess, I've been the one in my circle of friends to said that this would all 'blow over' and that we were feeling the 'false pressure' of those who look at any opportunity to criticize firearms and their legit owners. I said it would tail off quickly and it really has. The press is now more focused on the discussions of what to do with the school, (tear it down works) and also some more local stories and about one last vigil today someplace in town. The talk about guns and the murderer and his creepy family are muted. The press will take the opportunity of the New Year celebrations to bury this story more and more and only bring it forward if something major develops. We won't see any more magazine restriction or confiscation discussions except with the uber stupid out there like Bloomberg. Everyone else knows they went off the deep end without knowing what was below and it bit 'em but good. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of deserving creeps.


This would be the best thing for the gun grabbers. They absolutely want this story to go away. When the discussion is off the national stage, the opposition tends to quiet down. Have we not learned that the most nefarious of legislation is passed on the eve of holidays, weekends, and under the cover of night? Just because the media is quieting down, doesn't mean things aren't continuing behind closed doors. We must remain vigilant in our fight.
email reply from Scott Brown:


Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I appreciate hearing from you and value your opinion.

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 26 people, including 20 children. After such a tragic event, we must come together as a nation to mourn those who were lost and keep the victims and their families in our thoughts and prayers. To that end, I supported S. Res. 621, which condemned the horrific attack that occurred in Newtown; this resolution passed the Senate on December 17, 2012.

I was committed to public safety as a State Representative and State Senator and remain so as your U.S. Senator. I’m proud that Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun laws in the country, and I supported the state assault weapons ban. As a U.S. Senator, I opposed the national concealed carry reciprocity legislation because it would have weakened the ability of Massachusetts to enforce its own strong gun laws. I would also support renewing the federal assault weapons ban. In the wake of this tragedy, Americans must come together for a national conversation about how to prevent these crimes.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at

Scott P. Brown
United States Senator

got the same reply
got the same reply

If Scott runs in a special election, I'm voting against him. I'm not even going to sit the election out; I really don't want to see him get elected after the positions he has taken. Even if a Libertarian runs, I'll still vote for the D just to make sure Scott doesn't win.
Thank GOODNESS you guys voted for him over Martha, because we're so much better off now! Can you imagine having someone like....Elizabeth Warren in office during these times?? It's a good thing you didn't waste your votes on libertarians like I did! You've saved us all by standing with this champion of gun rights!!
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