Rise in antisemitism points at absolute need for self defense

The author suggests that more firearms in the hands of the civilian population would not have benefited Ukraine or Israel and supports a civilian militia-like system where guns are locked in an arsenal, brought out only for training. Perhaps he’s an aware that the kibbutz suffering more killings had such a system - the guy with the key to the arsenal was shot first. But realities seldom dissuade the anti-gun advocates…

”Far from adopting some kind of Second Amendment analogue and broadly encouraging civilian firearm access writ large, a country might adopt an approach focused on militia-like training and civic responsibility—relaxing the process for obtaining civilian firearms when those guns are used in organized training supervised by former soldiers.”

The author suggests that more firearms in the hands of the civilian population would not have benefited Ukraine or Israel and supports a civilian militia-like system where guns are locked in an arsenal, brought out only for training. Perhaps he’s an aware that the kibbutz suffering more killings had such a system - the guy with the key to the arsenal was shot first. But realities seldom dissuade the anti-gun advocates…

”Far from adopting some kind of Second Amendment analogue and broadly encouraging civilian firearm access writ large, a country might adopt an approach focused on militia-like training and civic responsibility—relaxing the process for obtaining civilian firearms when those guns are used in organized training supervised by former soldiers.”
Insert “why not both“ meme here. How about adopting a Second Amendment for widespread private ownership of firearms and also have the country provide “militia-like” training for all civilians who want to partake?
Insert “why not both“ meme here. How about adopting a Second Amendment for widespread private ownership of firearms and also have the country provide “militia-like” training for all civilians who want to partake?

The author writes from an assumption that private ownership of semi-automatic rifles and pistols is undesirable, concluding his article reinforcing the militia clause of the 2ndA “If anything, it proves the wisdom of the prefatory clause, that “a well-regulated militia [is] necessary to the security of a free state.” Sadly, (pre-7Oct) even Israel sends IDF Reservists home with their rifles when in active reserve training - otherwise, they are in the arsenal.

We had both, when Teddy Roosevelt and Congress chartered what would be called the “civilian marksmanship program” in 1903. In 1990, the General Accounting Office issued their assessment saying the CMP was of “limited value” as it was not driven by US Army federal oversight and management. True, that - exactly as it should be. What they describe below is the Army (J)ROTC, not the CMP.

”The CMP was conceived in the early 1900s during a period in U.S. history when civilian training in marksmanship was viewed as essential to total military preparedness. Its mission and purpose were simply to train U.S. citizens in rifle skills in the event that they might later be inducted into the military.
If usefulness is defined as a measurement of whether this program contributes to the military preparedness of the United States today, we believe that the CMP is of limited value for the following reasons:
. CMP objectives and goals are not linked to Army mobilization and training plans.
. Army requirements do not exist for the program-trained personnel or instructors.
. Program-trained personnel are not tracked and may not be available when needed.[/i]
New York is officially Hamas' Bitch.

There was a time when New Yorkers had balls. The city and it's residents are largely simpering subs to kefiyah wearing terrorists. All these "demonstrations" all these regular folks detained by protesters and not one has simply put the gas to the floor and fixed the problem. There is a fix to this - it's called violence and it works.
New York is officially Hamas' Bitch.

There was a time when New Yorkers had balls. The city and it's residents are largely simpering subs to kefiyah wearing terrorists. All these "demonstrations" all these regular folks detained by protesters and not one has simply put the gas to the floor and fixed the problem. There is a fix to this - it's called violence and it works.
Because a middle-class working person commuting to work still adheres to the rule of law, and they have everything to lose if they violate it to protect themselves or others from violent lunatics, nevermind running over people sitting in the road. The imported welfare-state terrorists have nothing to lose and adhere to no rule of law, and the state doesn’t impose it upon them. Sure, some will get arrested, but immediately set free with no charges brought.

They are normalizing gatherings of thousands with no one interrupting them. If I can don a tinfoil hat for a second, it’s a perfect dry run so that they can suddenly have thousands of people organizing in one place, but suddenly they are all armed and storming Christian and Jewish places of worship, malls, public transportation hubs, etc…. Add to that that every single person in NYC has been disarmed by the government, and they know that everyone is an easy target with little to no means of defense. It‘s no coincidence that the ngo’s are flooding the country with terrorists while also writing firearms control legislation for Marxist American politicians to submit for a vote so that suburban mothers will cream their yoga pants.
Add to that that every single person in NYC has been disarmed by the government, and they know that everyone is an easy target with little to no means of defense.
You'd be shocked how many NYC sole-proprietors are armed, (including those who've held a "premises license" all along), and of course NYC is now putatively shall-issue.
But realities seldom dissuade the anti-gun advocates…
all anti-gun advocates are representatives of an entity that is very aware that its desire to terror population and redistribute the wealth by force makes it a #1 target for people to use guns against it.
New York is officially Hamas' Bitch.

There was a time when New Yorkers had balls. The city and it's residents are largely simpering subs to kefiyah wearing terrorists. All these "demonstrations" all these regular folks detained by protesters and not one has simply put the gas to the floor and fixed the problem. There is a fix to this - it's called violence and it works.
the only communities that can protect themselves are enclaves that exist mostly outside of the common law. like when brooklyn store owners got local mafia and residents to get iron sticks and stand together on the street - all the noble black warriors retreated back.
same as now when they block the bridge outside, but still do not shove their filthy noses into the area where people are not controlled by credit scores and bank accounts access to the level that would prohibit them from doing some real hard-ass mass violence.

it is still very interesting how government sponsored socialist entities like DSA are factually merging all the black movements with jihadist movements and align the singular stream of fight against the people of america. should make people think, one would hope, but, well, it is only a wishful thinking.


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I never understood what Muslims mean when they complain about imperialism. The caliphate that came from Mohammed expanded to control more territory than even the Roman Empire managed, and was able to keep control of it for far longer, finally dissolving in 1924.
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