Proposal to come before Lexington Town Meeting

I would ask him how he would feel if they were trying to ban sports cars because they get drag raced and cause accidents and hurt children? "We are not trying to ban all cars you can still own one, just not one of the evil race cars, like the Corvette. No one needs to go more than 65 since that is the speed limit"

I am sure that the people would say that is silly it is not the car it is the driver's causing the problems.
I would ask him how he would feel if they were trying to ban sports cars because they get drag raced and cause accidents and hurt children? "We are not trying to ban all cars you can still own one, just not one of the evil race cars, like the Corvette. No one needs to go more than 65 since that is the speed limit"

I am sure that the people would say that is silly it is not the car it is the driver's causing the problems.

They may not understand Corvette, better to use Audi, BMW, or maybe Bentley.
They may not understand Corvette, better to use Audi, BMW, or maybe Bentley.

Actually it would probably be better to say SUV, as they are big, some have lots of horsepower, and they cause a lot of damage when involved in an accident.

I'd wager the soccer moms would then back you.

Or, do a little research, see what the proponents of this BS drive, and mention those same vehicles. I'll wager there's plenty of statistics out there that could make your case for outlawing those vehicles too.
Actually it would probably be better to say SUV, as they are big, some have lots of horsepower, and they cause a lot of damage when involved in an accident.

I'd wager the soccer moms would then back you.

Or, do a little research, see what the proponents of this BS drive, and mention those same vehicles. I'll wager there's plenty of statistics out there that could make your case for outlawing those vehicles too.

Hummer branded GM vehicles... Mercedes G-wagon, Land Rover, and some others. Cosmetically similar to military vehicles, or originally developed for those markets, now being marketed to civilians.
(Yes, I know GM H2, H3, and T2 differ only cosmetically from GM production vehicles... Thats' my point! The analog to black rifles is pretty easy.)
There is no restriction on how many can be called. MA towns must hold an annual town meeting, but can hold other town meetings as needed.

A warrant is required to be publicly available for viewing at least 7 days before an annual town meeting, and 14 days for other town meetings. Many town charters require longer viewing/posting. Only articles on the warrant may be considered at a town meeting. Citizens can have an article placed on the warrant with 10 voter signatures.

Here's more info than you probably care to read:

Edit: *no restriction on how many can be called, but the calling of the meeting must follow certain rules

Great info here. Also, the mailing out of the warrant to every home in the town is a considerable cost and thus limits the number of TM actually called.
Hummer branded GM vehicles... Mercedes G-wagon, Land Rover, and some others. Cosmetically similar to military vehicles, or originally developed for those markets, now being marketed to civilians.
(Yes, I know GM H2, H3, and T2 differ only cosmetically from GM production vehicles... Thats' my point! The analog to black rifles is pretty easy.)

Hummers would be excellent choices too. Very easy analog.
Actually it would probably be better to say SUV, as they are big, some have lots of horsepower, and they cause a lot of damage when involved in an accident.

I'd wager the soccer moms would then back you.

Or, do a little research, see what the proponents of this BS drive, and mention those same vehicles. I'll wager there's plenty of statistics out there that could make your case for outlawing those vehicles too.

IIRC one of the crunchier tree-hugging organizations was beating this particular drum about "oversized vehicles" some time back.
Great info here. Also, the mailing out of the warrant to every home in the town is a considerable cost and thus limits the number of TM actually called.

How the warrant is posted can vary. I don't think many towns mail the whole thing to everyone. In my town the warrant must be posted in specific public places within every precinct in town.
I would ask him how he would feel if they were trying to ban sports cars because they get drag raced and cause accidents and hurt children? "We are not trying to ban all cars you can still own one, just not one of the evil race cars, like the Corvette. No one needs to go more than 65 since that is the speed limit"

I am sure that the people would say that is silly it is not the car it is the driver's causing the problems.

I have tried that tack with antis I know and they don't see guns as comparable to anything else, because you know, "GUNS!!!"
Final motions for Article 34:!topic/lextmma/FSF7cLObyhw

The following are the final motions to be offered under Article 34 on Wednesday, April 6. Please note that we received one motion to amend before last night's deadline, detailed below. As that deadline has now passed, I will entertain no other motions under Article 34, other than these:

Robert Rotberg's MAIN MOTION:

RESOLVED that Town Meeting requests the Board of Selectmen to inform the Great and General Court of its concern that existing Massachusetts laws regarding assault weapons (M.G.L. c. 140, § 131M) may not sufficiently protect citizens of the Commonwealth, and Lexington. Town Meeting asks the Selectmen to initiate a town-wide discussion about assault weapons and gun violence that would lead to fully considered proposals (to be conveyed to the Great and General Court) for a strengthening of those laws.


I move to replace the words "sufficiently protect citizens of the Commonwealth, and Lexington" with the words "be sufficiently enforced" and further replace the word "violence" with the word "safety".
Just remember a substitute motion can be put forward at Town Meeting, it only takes a second to make it to the vote. They then have to vote to make the substitute motion the main motion. Usually they fail but sometimes they get voted in. Then they would have discussion and a vote on the new motion (or original if it wasn't replaced) so his original actual ban could come back.
Just remember a substitute motion can be put forward at Town Meeting, it only takes a second to make it to the vote. They then have to vote to make the substitute motion the main motion. Usually they fail but sometimes they get voted in. Then they would have discussion and a vote on the new motion (or original if it wasn't replaced) so his original actual ban could come back.

The Moderator of TM in Lexington explicitly stated that only motions to amend that were submitted by the end of the TM meeting on 3/23 (last night) would be eligible to be brought to the floor on 4/6.

That's what the single motion from Mr. Chen is.

You can pay attention to the "make the rules as you go" here:!topic/lextmma/YdBnTg3-KCQ
The Moderator of TM in Lexington explicitly stated that only motions to amend that were submitted by the end of the TM meeting on 3/23 (last night) would be eligible to be brought to the floor on 4/6.

That's what the single motion from Mr. Chen is.

You can pay attention to the "make the rules as you go" here:!topic/lextmma/YdBnTg3-KCQ

Is a substitute motion a motion to amend since it doesn't amend but it replaces the original motion and can be totally different.. I just don't know. Squire I assume you are correct and it can only be voted on as is, but I just don't trust anyone in that crowd.
Is a substitute motion a motion to amend since it doesn't amend but it replaces the original motion and can be totally different.. I just don't know. Squire I assume you are correct and it can only be voted on as is, but I just don't trust anyone in that crowd.

From what I understand, it can be debated as is, Mr. Chen can bring his motion to amend, which can be debated, and voted on, and then the resulting can be debated, and then a vote on what's left.

The Moderator explicitly stated she didn't want a circus with all kinds of amendments and votes, etc. To some extent, that has been avoided because it's now a Resolution, not a by-law.
This is going to get ugly on 4/6 no matter what. This is definitely going to get coverage as both sides are going to be appearing in full force.
Just remember a substitute motion can be put forward at Town Meeting, it only takes a second to make it to the vote. They then have to vote to make the substitute motion the main motion. Usually they fail but sometimes they get voted in. Then they would have discussion and a vote on the new motion (or original if it wasn't replaced) so his original actual ban could come back.

This is why the Minutemen of Lexington need to show up in force!

The Moderator of TM in Lexington explicitly stated that only motions to amend that were submitted by the end of the TM meeting on 3/23 (last night) would be eligible to be brought to the floor on 4/6.

That's what the single motion from Mr. Chen is.

You can pay attention to the "make the rules as you go" here:!topic/lextmma/YdBnTg3-KCQ

Don't believe it. It's a trap. They will do whatever they want, unless you stop them.

From what I understand, it can be debated as is, Mr. Chen can bring his motion to amend, which can be debated, and voted on, and then the resulting can be debated, and then a vote on what's left.

The Moderator explicitly stated she didn't want a circus with all kinds of amendments and votes, etc. To some extent, that has been avoided because it's now a Resolution, not a by-law.

Anything can happen, unless you stop it.
Word is that "No On 34" signs are disappearing from peoples yards in Lexington. Pretty sad and unfortunately, not surprising.
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