PRO 2A Rally Time?

Feb 27, 2012
Live Free or Die
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Maybe it's time for a PRO GUN rally in Washington DC, the NRA needs to get the PRO 2A Senators and Congressmen out to speak in our support, and quickly as Obama is mobilizing his moonbat army of Anti's. This is looking like a one sided gun fight ( pardon the Pun ) but the Anti's are organized and getting more press every day, heck they even had kids at the Super Bowl! Every time i turn on the news or open the paper and see an anti gun rally, there are people, lots of people, Moonbats, Liberals, Democrats or Republicans, it doesn't matter they are showing up in numbers, and numbers count especially to elected officials, who make it clear they will vote with whoever has the most numbers. ( Think self preservation )
If anyone reading this is thinking of the 100 people from the million mom's group who showed up at the state house, is an indication of the antis we are fighting, your wrong, Bloomberg and Soros are Billionares and they hate guns, period. Money equals power which equals votes !!!

We have four more years of our Constitutional rights coming under attack, if we don't fight for them now we are going to losing 240 years of hard fought freedoms , what do we tell our kids and grand kids about history. The Revolutionary war we fought for our freedom from tiernay, the Civil War was fought for equal justice and to preserve the Union. World Wars 1 and 2 were fought to stop dictatorships and preserve freedoms, and Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were fought so people could live freely. And in 2013 we watched Dancing with the Stars and all our freedoms slipped away. That's not the legacy we should be leaving.

Every State, County and Town with a gun club or range needs to organize and get all the gun owners together, and get the clubs and ranges to sponsor one or more large tour buses of gun owners per club, if this were to happen we could have a very significant presence on the Washington Mall. My club has over 500 members, 10% is 50 members not a difficult number to achieve, for a trip like this. Its time to fight for our rights, and large numbers of VOTERS tell a better story.

Maybe as an incentive the gun manufactures could throw a few dollars or raffles in to help defray costs and boost attendance, they have as much to lose as we do.

Its sink or swim time

Just my two cents.
Moonbats are just good sheep who listen to whatever baloney their favorite demagogues are spewing.

I agree that a rally is a good idea. People should have vacation time right now to go. Let them know how many people are going to be pissed off by more legislation that does not address the problems in this country that CAUSE violence.

Opposition protesters will probably call us baby killers. Ironic, huh?
I hope this is on the NRA's radar as politics is all about numbers. If one third of the NRA membership were to attend that would put a rally over one million people on the Washington mall
Take a deep breath. Let it out. Okay.

These things are being planned, there is nothing you can do about the fact that the media is covering the other side's agenda and not ours( it isn't that we aren't rallying, it's that there's is no coverage), and even a huge rally in DC may not give you what you want.

Did you see the coverage of March for Life? The day before a few thousand people gathered in DC to demand stricter gun laws - which got covered by every media outlet as a top story - 500,000 people marched on DC to demand an end to abortion and protect the lives of the unborn.

I'm willing to bet you were either there, or you didn't even hear about that.

This is a long fight, and people are working on many different things. Posting here is fine, but the real answer is to get involved personally.

I will also say that this won't end in 4 years. This will go on forever. the question is whether it will go back to a simmer before it flares up again.
Just a heads up...we have more than four years of our Constitutional rights coming under attack. They are perpetually coming under attack. We must always be vigilant and make our voices heard to prevent them from further slipping away.
Just a heads up...we have more than four years of our Constitutional rights coming under attack. They are perpetually coming under attack. We must always be vigilant and make our voices heard to prevent them from further slipping away.

Yes, and a huge fallacy is that just because your guy is in the White House, you can relax. *All* my liberal friends (quite a few folks) love Obama and don't say a thing, if they are even aware, about the fact that Obama has strengthened Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA, etc. when Bush was in office, it was an endless litany about jack-booted storm troopers and the police state. Now, they are quiet as church mice about the billion bullets and thousands of assault rifles for DHS, but want to take away your M1 Garand.

Don't think it stops with the next guy. Government agencies don't get dismantled. They only grow bigger. And the real power is not held by elected officials. It's held by the people still there when the elected officials leave.
Ouch, never thought about the fact that once the government forms an agency, it never goes away, and yep its like a cancer.. it just keeps getting bigger every year.

Time to go back to the real estate section and see what land is going for in Utah.
Take a deep breath. Let it out. Okay.

These things are being planned, there is nothing you can do about the fact that the media is covering the other side's agenda and not ours( it isn't that we aren't rallying, it's that there's is no coverage), and even a huge rally in DC may not give you what you want.

Did you see the coverage of March for Life? The day before a few thousand people gathered in DC to demand stricter gun laws - which got covered by every media outlet as a top story - 500,000 people marched on DC to demand an end to abortion and protect the lives of the unborn.

I'm willing to bet you were either there, or you didn't even hear about that.

This is a long fight, and people are working on many different things. Posting here is fine, but the real answer is to get involved personally.

I will also say that this won't end in 4 years. This will go on forever. the question is whether it will go back to a simmer before it flares up again.

there are deff things being worked on
click it, sign up, get involved
there are deff things being worked on
click it, sign up, get involved

Speaking of...what was that group that is trying to get land out west and make a giant walled community capable of holding 7000 families? One of the rules is that everyone must be armed and must stand ready to defend the compound? Yeah, they just got a "plug" on WBZ...
1/3 of the NRA members don't agre with us. They don't believe we're in danger.
That's changing, from the conversations I've been having.

That said, I welcome the ridiculous proposals that illustrate exactly what the grabbers' intentions are after "taking the baby-killing black guns off the streets."
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