People who now want a gun but can't get them thanks to our laws

Liberals are fear-driven and have lots of spare time now to shelter in place and process their fears. I agree with previous posts that, when the dust settles from this Corona issue, they’ll drift back to their previous political positions because Libtards are Libtards.... They are also Rats by nature and cannot be trusted as far as you can throw them!
Human nature is a fascinating thing. SHTF isn’t really here yet but things are digressing quickly. Let those “Antis” sweat it out, hugging their Louisville Sluggers and kitchen knives while losing sleep! But, if those same people are hungry, can no longer provide for the wife and kids, eventually they will think about clubbing someone with their bat for a meal or two. It’s human nature. I don’t want those idiots armed any more than they want me armed. The people watching will get very interesting, that’s guaranteed!
f*** them. I don't want them on the team. For years they couldn't care less about the second amendment or MY right for ME to protect my family. In fact most liberals wanted MY rights taken away. Now suddenly they have an epiphany and realize the very real chance that they may actually need to defend themselves. Well too god damned bad for them. They better learn to run and hide until someone with a gun comes to the rescue.
You can be certain that once TEOTWAWKI has passed, they will be right back to their old belief system.
I have a coworker that I gave the Home Firearms Safety class to (actually, a group of them) about 5 years ago. He texted me Friday with a pic of the LTC application, asking me what he should be applying for. I didn't even bother to tell him his PD most likely isn't going to accept it at this point.

They won't accept a 5 year old class certificate either, at least in my town.
I was contacted the other day by someone I would characterize as an acquaintance - not really a friend, but we've met a few times and had some conversations. In our conversations the fact that I'm a gun owner came up, so I wasn't overly surprised when he contacted me. The jist of his message was:

"I used to think guns weren't necessary. Now I realize that's not true, how will I protect my family if things go downhill? Yesterday I looked into the process to get a gun, but I realized I can't take any gun safety classes since they're all shut down. Is there anything I can do?"

I told him basically he's SOL, get some pepper spray and hope for the best. I refrained from giving him the whole "You supported gun control? THIS is gun control. Congratulations!" speech.

How many other conversations exactly like mine do you think are happening throughout MA, and other states like it? Anyone else here had non-gun-owner friends/family/acquaintances contact them with a similar question?
Sometimes, a kick in the ass is a blessing in disguise. A real attention-getter! Looks like this fool finally saw reality for what it is. If he chooses to purchase a firearm, tell him to choose wisely. I have seen far too many novices take advice from armchair commandos and gun shop know-it-all's and end up with a weapon that doesn't meet their actual needs.
They won't accept a 5 year old class certificate either, at least in my town.

That's because the cops have decided that. There is no statutory expiration date for a cert., though some towns will, as we all know, make up sh!t as they go along.
Some of you are a little harsh in your replies I think now is the time to add to the ranks and being bullies doesn't help. The best thing we can all do is to take these people now with their eyes wide open and take them to the range, encourage them and get them set up with safety classes so they can get their license.

Lets use the opportunity at hand instead of dismissing it shall we?
I agree with this thinking. It's likely that Never again in our lifetimes will there be so many people with their ears and eyes open to discussing the topic of firearms ownership.Many will get a gun and still be morons who vote D. That will never change. However many many "thinking" people CAN be shown the light and brought over to our side
COMPLETELY disagree.

i have no clue how old you are. Your background. Your views or anything else about you. I have been in this game since the 1986 ban.
this is the first time in my life time that people are together, on both sides of the fence. Everybody is scared. Everybody sees the fragility of where we are now. And FINALLY the general public realizes that the police CAN NOT be everywhere. And if stuff goes sideways they are on their own.

hell these guys are having a breakdown over toilet paper.

now is exactly the time to show them the error of their ways. Now is the time to remind them thapey said “no one needs a gun”. “The police will protect you”. Nobody needs a 6 round magazine etc..

now is the time to have them completely readjust their thinking. Based on their own needs, fear and possible immediate future.
It actually seems like you're agreeing more than disagreeing. Just a difference of approach . You're both suggesting, show them why they were wrong and lead them into the light. Other folks are saying let em burn.....
I told him basically he's SOL, get some pepper spray and hope for the best. I refrained from giving him the whole "You supported gun control? THIS is gun control. Congratulations!" speech.
You mean the pepper spray that can only be legally sold by the gunshops that are shut down, or the pepper spray that the on-line vendors refuse to ship to MA?
Texts from a guy I went to HS with. Not a liberal but certainly not a hard core conservative either.

Dave how do I get my permit for buying firearms

I never thought I would do this. But I’m thinking I want to now.

I think the shit is gonna hit the fan

Do you think I should go for the FID or license?

He was upset and pissed to find out the state has basically shut down licensing and even if they did not he was looking at 3 or 4 month minimum to get it.
I agree with this thinking. It's likely that Never again in our lifetimes will there be so many people with their ears and eyes open to discussing the topic of firearms ownership.Many will get a gun and still be morons who vote D. That will never change. However many many "thinking" people CAN be shown the light and brought over to our side
It actually seems like you're agreeing more than disagreeing. Just a difference of approach . You're both suggesting, show them why they were wrong and lead them into the light. Other folks are saying let em burn.....

Yes, there will be many hopeless morons but the 2A 'paradigm shift' crowd is bigger than we will see in our lifetime. People who say let them burn are equally moronic and IMHO selfish and unpatriotic.

I had mentioned this in another post or thread somewhere: Huge (wasted) opportunity for the NRA. Given all the renewed interest in self defense preparedness and BIG numbers of first time gun owners, they could take the high road and launch PSA's for new owner gun safety and have other timely and helpful info on their website. Any web team worth their salt could figure out SEO for the current situation and do a hell of a job leading people to the NRA's site. They could encourage membership with offers for further detailed information relevant to the current crisis such as a series of articles.

But no...

At least for me if I type in it takes me to one of their 'National Gun Owners Survey' which first requires personal contact details to continue. We all know they ask a bunch of insipid questions that end with a hard plug for membership. For me that's a hard pass. In small font at the bottom there's a home button- neg points for making that extra work. I will give them props for finally making some very helpful info available, such as this page NRA-ILA | COVID-19: Threat to Second Amendment. However I think they will lose folks by force feeding the survey. Probably someone on the web team told them that was a bad idea but some marketing exec insisted.
Yes, there will be many hopeless morons but the 2A 'paradigm shift' crowd is bigger than we will see in our lifetime. People who say let them burn are equally moronic and IMHO selfish and unpatriotic.

I had mentioned this in another post or thread somewhere: Huge (wasted) opportunity for the NRA. Given all the renewed interest in self defense preparedness and BIG numbers of first time gun owners, they could take the high road and launch PSA's for new owner gun safety and have other timely and helpful info on their website. Any web team worth their salt could figure out SEO for the current situation and do a hell of a job leading people to the NRA's site. They could encourage membership with offers for further detailed information relevant to the current crisis such as a series of articles.

But no...

At least for me if I type in it takes me to one of their 'National Gun Owners Survey' which first requires personal contact details to continue. We all know they ask a bunch of insipid questions that end with a hard plug for membership. For me that's a hard pass. In small font at the bottom there's a home button- neg points for making that extra work. I will give them props for finally making some very helpful info available, such as this page NRA-ILA | COVID-19: Threat to Second Amendment. However I think they will lose folks by force feeding the survey. Probably someone on the web team told them that was a bad idea but some marketing exec insisted.

in a perfect world this would be a great plus. However, I would predict the antis would turn this around and say the NRA is "profiting off a crisis" and use that as another talking point. There needs to be some balance between actively recruiting new shooters to join, and appearing to profit off this crisis.
I agree with this thinking. It's likely that Never again in our lifetimes will there be so many people with their ears and eyes open to discussing the topic of firearms ownership.Many will get a gun and still be morons who vote D. That will never change. However many many "thinking" people CAN be shown the light and brought over to our side
Ya sure, the Rev. Jim Jones used that approach to get everyone to drink the purple kool-aid. Antis have been brainwashed and indoctrinated. They know no other way. The die is cast in this country. Pick your side and start digging trenches.
in a perfect world this would be a great plus. However, I would predict the antis would turn this around and say the NRA is "profiting off a crisis" and use that as another talking point. There needs to be some balance between actively recruiting new shooters to join, and appearing to profit off this crisis.

There's no profiting off this crisis for gun owners, there is only losing by the antis. They brought on this situation (their situation) with all the aggression, vitriol and vigor they could muster for decades. Let them bask in it.
These are people who 4 months ago would have reveled in gun owners being crucified in a public square.....and profited off it by selling tickets to watch.

I as a gun owner do not profit from this crisis one bit knowing that all the antis cannot get a gun. The only upside for me or other gun owners is there are fewer guns to be aimed in our direction when the scared stiff antis panic as the shit hits the fan in earnest.

This wake up call for them has been a looooooong time coming and frankly I'm extremely glad it has arrived.
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The media will say the NRA is just trying to sell guns as usual and using this crisis to sell more of them.
Sorry, we've been screwed over by the sheep too many times, let the slaughter begin!
I want nothing more than every survivor to have a firearm in their hands and say "I want all my rights back!".
At least for me if I type in it takes me to one of their 'National Gun Owners Survey'
These "surveys" that ask NRA and other gun org's members inane questions like "Do you think AWs should be banned", "Should ammunition require a license to buy", etc. are an insult. Chances are they will never be tabulated (compare the format of the response for to the NRA election, which is tabulated) and even if they are, it produces a useless result.

I have spoken directly to one of the masterminds involved producing this drivel. The simple answer "we do it because it works". The response rate, average donation, etc. from each type of campaign is carefully tracked and what works is continued or expanded and what does not is discontinued.

Oh, I have a marketing prediction - we are about to face "the most important election of our lifetime".
in a perfect world this would be a great plus. However, I would predict the antis would turn this around and say the NRA is "profiting off a crisis" and use that as another talking point. There needs to be some balance between actively recruiting new shooters to join, and appearing to profit off this crisis.

Yep, maybe I didn't clarify that point well enough but a soft, informative & helpful approach would be key. Total soft sell. Force feeding one of their 'surveys' which we know is only a hard sell for membership is most definitely the wrong approach.
Yep, sorry... not sorry.
I have a neighbor who is a bird hunter, I told him years ago to buy something that is effective for more than ducks. Yesterday he asked me if I had any buck shot he could borrow... Nope. Just have enough to feed my M4 for a couple of years, head to Walmart... Get a text yesterday... Walmart is not selling... gee, that's a bummer.
I'm a firearm owner.. but!
You had fifty years to buy anything you wanted.
But now you want something more capable than that single shot scattergun that you use on a couple Sundays a year to break a little orange clay pigeon with.
I've got one word for you....
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f*** them. I don't want them on the team. For years they couldn't care less about the second amendment or MY right for ME to protect my family. In fact most liberals wanted MY rights taken away. Now suddenly they have an epiphany and realize the very real chance that they may actually need to defend themselves. Well too god damned bad for them. They better learn to run and hide until someone with a gun comes to the rescue.
“Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit.”

Translated as:
“He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”
Anselme Polycarpe Batbie

Later attributed to Will Rogers, Winston Churchill, etc:
“If you are not liberal when young, you have no heart. If you are not conservative when you are old, you have no brain.”

If you aren’t going to take advantage of someone changing their mind, that explains a lot about why MA gun laws are so f***ed. One of the reasons I became an Instructor. I want their votes on our side.
You mean the pepper spray that can only be legally sold by the gunshops that are shut down, or the pepper spray that the on-line vendors refuse to ship to MA?

Haha, good point! Maybe I should offer to sell him a can for the low low price of $200!
“Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit.”

Translated as:
“He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”
Anselme Polycarpe Batbie

Later attributed to Will Rogers, Winston Churchill, etc:
“If you are not liberal when young, you have no heart. If you are not conservative when you are old, you have no brain.”

If you aren’t going to take advantage of someone changing their mind, that explains a lot about why MA gun laws are so f***ed. One of the reasons I became an Instructor. I want their votes on our side.
Good luck with that. There is no way someone who has been anti gun and who has voted Democrat his whole life is suddenly going to start vsupporting conservatives, and join a group like the NRA, and vote to keep Trump in office just because they want a gun today. I just don't believe it.
You can be certain that once TEOTWAWKI has passed, they will be right back to their old belief system.
Exactly. Look at 9/11. The day after everyone was a flag waving patriot who wanted to hold the Muslim world accountable. Two years later they were screaming about anti Muslim bigotry and the unjust war in the east. You can paint over the skunk's stripe but it won't help the smell.
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