NY AG dissolve the NRA Lawsuit?

What the heck is wrong with some of you folks? There is corruption and greed in all aspects of life yet you as fellow gun owners and shooters are bashing the NRA because of a few people who took advantage of their postions. What about our so called country leaders such as Obama, Biden, Clinton and the such who made fortunes from shady deals with foreign countries. Many of which are supporters of terrorism (Obama)! I say clean out the NRA and start over but don't allow it to be eliminated. My father in law was one of the founding fathers of GOAL here in Massachusetts. They have had some tough times but are still very instrumental in protecting our 2nd amendment. If we don't support them kiss you guns goodbye! Wake up folks!!
This is a new normal; Gun owners clapping fins like seals when sharks swim by. Give me a brake!

I am a proud NRA endowment lifetime member, your bitchin' is helping our enemies. STFUP and go on the range instead!
Every organization has a room for improvement and every organization should be able to handle it internally.

Reload your brains and be ashamed of yourself!
Watching people defend the NRA is like watching a battered wife trying to convince her friends her husband is a great guy.

The NRA does not proactively try to repeal gun laws. It doesn't even TALK about repealing them. And I'm talking about the big ones. Like state licensing (all of it), NICS check requirements, '68, '34, etc.
Watching people defend the NRA is like watching a battered wife trying to convince her friends her husband is a great guy.

The NRA does not proactively try to repeal gun laws. It doesn't even TALK about repealing them. And I'm talking about the big ones. Like state licensing (all of it), NICS check requirements, '68, '34, etc.
Watching NES members talking about the NRA is like watching a husband cheating on his wife just because she did not make him pancakes this morning. Again, this is a public forum. Use your energy somewhere else.
Watching people defend the NRA is like watching a battered wife trying to convince her friends her husband is a great guy.

The NRA does not proactively try to repeal gun laws. It doesn't even TALK about repealing them. And I'm talking about the big ones. Like state licensing (all of it), NICS check requirements, '68, '34, etc.

so you are OK with NRA paying for Wayne's suits about several hundred thousand dollars on top of his obscene $2 million annual salary? Payments and no work no show consulting contracts to former employees to buy their silence without Board approval? You seem to be willing to excuse financial corruption becuase its well the NRA. I'm not. What these so called leaders have done is wrong and when people break the law, law enforcement steps in to enforce the law. The NRA / LaPierre created this mess and made AG James job easy. If they would have followed the rules then James would not have a case. They broke the rules and the corruption must end. People donate to protect the Second Amendment not so that Wayne LaPierre can live the life of a king
Interesting question is whether 2A supporters are better off resuscitating the NRA vs contributing to other 2A organizations. Also, better to have a lot of grass roots orgs operating and state level or a large national organization or both. Either way, we need to get our act together because divided we fall.
so you are OK with NRA paying for Wayne's suits about several hundred thousand dollars on top of his obscene $2 million annual salary? Payments and no work no show consulting contracts to former employees to buy their silence without Board approval? You seem to be willing to excuse financial corruption becuase its well the NRA. I'm not. What these so called leaders have done is wrong and when people break the law, law enforcement steps in to enforce the law. The NRA / LaPierre created this mess and made AG James job easy. If they would have followed the rules then James would not have a case. They broke the rules and the corruption must end. People donate to protect the Second Amendment not so that Wayne LaPierre can live the life of a king

I think you are the right dude to solve this puzzle: Obambas entered WH supported by donations, but left WH rich like Russian oligarchs. What has happened? Asking for NES friend.
And a boost in the power and influence of NRA to go along with their renewed dedication to 2A
and doing something about 2A rights in states like NY, NJ, MA, RI etc... use the f***ing money thats giving to you by people who intrust the NRA to do and show that they are doing it. Keep all your shit flyers and membership BS. IF the NRA is on this site please pay some f***ing attention to the freedom hating states. 🇺🇲
The LaPierre haters here remind me of the never Trumpers. It doesn't matter how much good he does they are gonna call him names, accuse him of wrong doing, and support endless investigations.

The anti-NRA posters remind me of the leftists who hate America and the pro-GOAs are like the folks who think China is the good guy.

Lapierre can do 50 good things, but it doesn't erase one bad thing, right? I don't think that the NRA is beyond saving, I think it needs to be refocused on gun rights and not being a personal checkbook for the leadership. Like I said if Lapierre went tomorrow I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if landed a job at Everytown or some other Bloomberg puppet organization. Why? He's a money grifter chasing money not chasing after the mission. He doesn't want to solve gun rights because there would be no need for him and his leadership. He's a model example of many other civil rights organizations in this country. They don't want to solve problems they want to fund raise and get rich trying. Sorry if you can't see that. That's why I initially said go after them all.
Just because Obama, Clinton and Biden ect. all eat well at the expense of the taxpayer does not make it right for the NRA to follow along.

The NRA isn't going anywhere.
This was all grandstanding by the NYAG but if true it will bring to light the waste that Wayne has been allowing and that should piss off every single past and present dues paying member. He was stealing the money of members who had a choice on where to send their money.

I recall being taught two wrongs don't make it right.
This is a new normal; Gun owners clapping fins like seals when sharks swim by. Give me a brake!

I am a proud NRA endowment lifetime member, your bitchin' is helping our enemies. STFUP and go on the range instead!
Every organization has a room for improvement and every organization should be able to handle it internally.

Reload your brains and be ashamed of yourself!

Open your checkbook, Wayne needs another bachelor pad to f*** interns.

These people are stealing from you in the name of charity. It's embarrassing how you defend them
so you are OK with NRA paying for Wayne's suits about several hundred thousand dollars on top of his obscene $2 million annual salary? Payments and no work no show consulting contracts to former employees to buy their silence without Board approval? You seem to be willing to excuse financial corruption becuase its well the NRA. I'm not. What these so called leaders have done is wrong and when people break the law, law enforcement steps in to enforce the law. The NRA / LaPierre created this mess and made AG James job easy. If they would have followed the rules then James would not have a case. They broke the rules and the corruption must end. People donate to protect the Second Amendment not so that Wayne LaPierre can live the life of a king

Did I say any if that? I'm clearly for closing down the NRA because its a money making machine, not a gun rights organzation.
This is a new normal; Gun owners clapping fins like seals when sharks swim by. Give me a brake!

I am a proud NRA endowment lifetime member, your bitchin' is helping our enemies. STFUP and go on the range instead!
Every organization has a room for improvement and every organization should be able to handle it internally.

Reload your brains and be ashamed of yourself!
Watching people defend the NRA is like watching a battered wife trying to convince her friends her husband is a great guy.

The NRA does not proactively try to repeal gun laws. It doesn't even TALK about repealing them. And I'm talking about the big ones. Like state licensing (all of it), NICS check requirements, '68, '34, etc.

These are the two opposing points of view. I agree with both of them. Wayne needs to go. He may have broken the law. If the NRA can stay, and continue without him, great, and go improve it. If not, then dissolve it, or create a couple smaller groups from it. The LAST thing I would like to see is the AG dictate where the NRA money goes, as someone here suggested. I would not put it past them to try.

so you are OK with NRA paying for Wayne's suits about several hundred thousand dollars on top of his obscene $2 million annual salary? Payments and no work no show consulting contracts to former employees to buy their silence without Board approval? You seem to be willing to excuse financial corruption becuase its well the NRA. I'm not. What these so called leaders have done is wrong and when people break the law, law enforcement steps in to enforce the law. The NRA / LaPierre created this mess and made AG James job easy. If they would have followed the rules then James would not have a case. They broke the rules and the corruption must end. People donate to protect the Second Amendment not so that Wayne LaPierre can live the life of a king

Folks, if you support the AG's lawsuit because you want change within the NRA, ask yourself this:

The purpose of a lawsuit like this is supposed to be that it protects the rights of the membership of an organization. Does dissolving the NRA entirely and giving all its money to leftist political causes sound like the AG is doing this to protect us? Do you really think the NY AG cares at all about the NRA's members?

I want to see reform in the NRA, too. This is not it. The only people who should be prompting reform of the NRA are its members.

This is nothing more than a direct attack on one of the biggest tools we have against anti-2A politicians. If they didn't see the NRA as a threat, they wouldn't talk about it so much. This is political gangsterism and they are using every weapon they can against Constitutional rights. They will not stop here. They have gone after banking institutions of 2A orgs, they have blamed us for school shootings, they will continue to find any way they can to fight dirty to take our rights away. Don't buy the hype. The AG is not just going to "help" the NRA by going after leadership that may have abused funds; she is trying to destroy the NRA entirely. Her goal is that it will cease to exist. If you think she's just here to clear out bad leadership, this is like she's saying "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Don't open the door for a vampire.
The LAST thing I would like to see is the AG dictate where the NRA money goes, as someone here suggested. I would not put it past them to try.
I read (somewhere else, not here) that she wants to do exactly that... i.e., have the NRA dissolved and any money left confiscated and distributed to leftist organizations.

Is that insanity true or false? Or just speculation? [thinking]
Folks, if you support the AG's lawsuit because you want change within the NRA, ask yourself this:

The purpose of a lawsuit like this is supposed to be that it protects the rights of the membership of an organization. Does dissolving the NRA entirely and giving all its money to leftist political causes sound like the AG is doing this to protect us? Do you really think the NY AG cares at all about the NRA's members?

I want to see reform in the NRA, too. This is not it. The only people who should be prompting reform of the NRA are its members.

This is nothing more than a direct attack on one of the biggest tools we have against anti-2A politicians. If they didn't see the NRA as a threat, they wouldn't talk about it so much. This is political gangsterism and they are using every weapon they can against Constitutional rights. They will not stop here. They have gone after banking institutions of 2A orgs, they have blamed us for school shootings, they will continue to find any way they can to fight dirty to take our rights away. Don't buy the hype. The AG is not just going to "help" the NRA by going after leadership that may have abused funds; she is trying to destroy the NRA entirely. Her goal is that it will cease to exist. If you think she's just here to clear out bad leadership, this is like she's saying "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Don't open the door for a vampire.

I don't care about the lawsuit because I don't care about the NRA. There are a lot of other lawyers and organizations to donate to and support, that are far better 2A advocates.
Yes, they are calling for dissolution (this is all over many news articles specifically stated as "dissolve" or "dissolution"). They would also prohibit the board from sitting on any other NY charity boards permanently, and the AG will be able to redistribute the funds. It's not speculation.
Did I say any if that? I'm clearly for closing down the NRA because its a money making machine, not a gun rights organzation.

They are extremely effective at making liberals feel soiled and I do like that.

If they can be coerced into following their CHARTER as well, they're worth it.

"Just" as a bogeyman, probably not.

I'm skeptical at best that anything will "really" change. They have their own swamp.

So do ALL big stakes charities.
The left can't even lie about "no one is coming to take your guns" anymore.
They play with words saying "we are not your to take your guns (.....yet)" which is technically true when the current proposals are just to prevent you from buying new ones or moving the ones you have to another state when you move. Questions are controlled so you never hear the follow-up "are you trying to prevent me from buying a replacement if my gun breaks or I want a spare?".
Folks, if you support the AG's lawsuit because you want change within the NRA, ask yourself this:

The purpose of a lawsuit like this is supposed to be that it protects the rights of the membership of an organization. Does dissolving the NRA entirely and giving all its money to leftist political causes sound like the AG is doing this to protect us? Do you really think the NY AG cares at all about the NRA's members?

I want to see reform in the NRA, too. This is not it. The only people who should be prompting reform of the NRA are its members.

This is nothing more than a direct attack on one of the biggest tools we have against anti-2A politicians. If they didn't see the NRA as a threat, they wouldn't talk about it so much. This is political gangsterism and they are using every weapon they can against Constitutional rights. They will not stop here. They have gone after banking institutions of 2A orgs, they have blamed us for school shootings, they will continue to find any way they can to fight dirty to take our rights away. Don't buy the hype. The AG is not just going to "help" the NRA by going after leadership that may have abused funds; she is trying to destroy the NRA entirely. Her goal is that it will cease to exist. If you think she's just here to clear out bad leadership, this is like she's saying "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Don't open the door for a vampire.

THIS and big Thank You!!! [bow] [bow] [bow]
This should close this unhelpful public debate.
I read (somewhere else, not here) that she wants to do exactly that... i.e., have the NRA dissolved and any money left confiscated and distributed to leftist organizations.

Is that insanity true or false? Or just speculation? [thinking]

Just speculation until we have a source, in writing.

Yes, they are calling for dissolution (this is all over many news articles specifically stated as "dissolve" or "dissolution"). They would also prohibit the board from sitting on any other NY charity boards permanently, and the AG will be able to redistribute the funds. It's not speculation.

They who? Where does it say this?
2 Things can be true at once.

The AG and her action can be complete and utter BS.

And the NRA can have forgotten it's core mission and WLP can be a scumbag.

The NRA is not entitled to anyone's money or support, it is something they must earn and continue to earn. There is a reason big activists like Dana Loesch and Colion Noir have walked away from them.




From the article inkdesigner posted:
...Dell’Aquila donated $100,000 to the organization thinking it would go towards promoting shooting and hunting, gun safety, wildlife conservation and the right to gun ownership in the US.

[His lawsuit] then recounts how he discovered that far from going towards these core objectives, his money was allegedly contributing towards the luxury habits of LaPierre and other top NRA executives.

He has a website that explains what he wants to do to Make The NRA Great Again: Retire LaPierre
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