NSFW- This (dead) robber took his job a little too casually

Store owner kept shooting the robber when he was down.

Is the robber in trouble?

Reminds me of when the pharmacist shot the robber coup de gras style.


I meant to say is the store owner in trouble.

I vote good. Guy had a gun still.
Good shoot.

Funny first comment "I count 7 shots". I originally counted 14
Imagine the amount of $$ this one clerk saved the US taxpayer in wefare for this looser and ALL of the wasted $$ in welfare for his potential offspring.

Good shoot.

Funny first comment "I count 7 shots". I originally counted 14
Imagine the amount of $$ this one clerk saved the US taxpayer in wefare for this looser and ALL of the wasted $$ in welfare for his potential offspring.

So, should we all pitch in and buy him a new box of ammo?
I mean, I think its the least we should do.
That is a very good point and I had not thought of that.

Not only did he have the gun, he was "cradling it" beyond view. He might not have been badly shot and spun around to return fire.

Now, given the video - was that even remotely likely? No. But in the moment, with some dude trying to rob your store at gun-point, you don't get the luxury of watching it unfold on a screen with a 60BPM heart rate. At 160BPM in the moment, you do what will save your life first.
During a rather serious discussion about use of deadly force (in an LE training class), my instructor reiterated that you shoot center mass to stop the threat.

"How many shots is too many? When the entrance wound, the exit wound, and the hole in the floor all line up, that's probably one too many."
Justified or not can hinge on a single phrase in post-incident interrogation. This is why you need an attorney present. Another is the attorney (if competent) will not allow an interview until enough time for you to calm down and think straight has returned, and your loggorhea is under control.
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