Now here's a big one...

derek said:
Aren't Tiger sharks pretty aggressive?

Yes, they can be. In FL (on the gulf coast) there are 3 types that are primarily to blame for the shark attacks - Bull, Tiger and Great White. We have Tiger and Great Whites up here - not sure about Bull tho.

I certainly wouldn't want to run in to him while swimming....
Black tips

Black and white tips are the problem in Florida. Great whites aren't really a problem. I surf all over the states and Hawaii. While surfing in Hawaii I saw a Tiger Shark. It still hunts me. Tigers are a big problem there. The other day I was teaching someone how to surf, and they said how can you tell if there are sharks in the water? I said stick your figer in, and then lick it, if it's salty then theirs sharks there. Most sharks will take a bit, and then leave. Tigers are like pit bulls they latch, shake there heads, rip, tear, and come back for more.
To bad you can't bring a gun surfing.
Lynne said:
Moderator said:
I pulled a striper from the canal a lil bit bigger then that

Is that one of those "fish stories" ? [lol] Oh no, wait, those are the ones that got away....nevermind. :D

No, I realy did it was in the Blizzard of '78..... I actually couln't pull it on my '20 footer, so I rode it to shore.
Re: Black tips

Ham Slam said:
Black and white tips are the problem in Florida. Great whites aren't really a problem. I surf all over the states and Hawaii. While surfing in Hawaii I saw a Tiger Shark. It still hunts me. Tigers are a big problem there. The other day I was teaching someone how to surf, and they said how can you tell if there are sharks in the water? I said stick your figer in, and then lick it, if it's salty then theirs sharks there. Most sharks will take a bit, and then leave. Tigers are like pit bulls they latch, shake there heads, rip, tear, and come back for more.
To bad you can't bring a gun surfing.

The only reason there's any problem with black tip and white tip reef sharks off Florida is because there are so many of them; if anybody bumps into a shark, it's almost certainly a reef shark. Otherwise, they really aren't a problem. I've been diving around them dozens of times, and have some photos of all three of us (my wife and daughter also dive) in the middle of a feeding group of about 40 reef sharks. No problems as long as you don't do something stupid. (one of the basic reasons people get into trouble of any sort)

Oh I know

Surfers spend more time in the water than divers, water skiers, windsurfer combined. That's why most shark bits are on surfers. The problem with sharks is that they are stigmatized, just like guns. Like you said they are pretty friendly, unless you do something stupid. Like wear a silver chain, or swim around with a bag of chum strapped to your leg. Tiger sharks however don't really care they are the one species that will bite your ass just to eat it.
Re: Black tips

Ham Slam said:
Black and white tips are the problem in Florida. Great whites aren't really a problem. .

Huh...I was watching the Discovery channel a couple nights ago (it's shark week again) and they were talking about the first two victims in the gulf that happened a short while ago. One of the shark experts said the 3 main ones responsible for the attacks were the tiger, bull and great white. I was surprised when he said great whites because they usually are found more in the cooler temp waters.

Re: Black tips

In general Tiger, Bull, and great white sharks are the three species that are most likely to attack.
Re: Black tips

Ham Slam said:
In general Tiger, Bull, and great white sharks are the three species that are most likely to attack.

That show was on again last night (I didn't catch the whole thing the first time it showed) and one forensic/shark guy said that it was most likely the bull shark that got the 14 year old girl and the young guy that was fishing in the water. Evidently the bull shark is the "pit bull" of the three. Once he starts to bite something, he don't want to let go and will chase the "prey", which is what witnesses said this shark did. That and the teeth marks he was able to find points in the bulls direction.

Talk about an attitude problem. I sincerely hope I never make the acquaintence of a bull shark. :D
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