No More 2nd Amendment Stories from Mike...

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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...if CBS keeps it's word, that is....

2. Mike Wallace Mocks Charlton Heston

Mike Wallace could be barred by his own network from covering gun-related stories on CBS News.

The "60 Minutes" showboat correspondent appeared at a birthday party for columnist Art Buchwald -- a party that was also a fundraiser for the Brady Center, a prominent advocate of gun control laws.

At the event Wallace showed a 47-second video of a past "60 Minutes" segment that, by Wallace's own admission, cast former NRA President Charlton Heston in a less-than-favorable light.

In introducing the video, Wallace called Heston the "self-righteous enemy of the Sarah and Jim Brady bunch," according to a CBS News blog on its PublicEye site.

After the video, he mocked Heston's widely seen comments that the government would take away his gun only from his "cold, dead hands."

Linda Mason, senior vice president for standards and special projects at CBS News at the time, said that if a CBS correspondent becomes identifiable with one side of a controversial issue, the correspondent would no longer be allowed to cover that issue.

When asked if Wallace's appearance in this case made him "identifiable" on this issue, Mason said that if Wallace "suggests a story that we feel is a potential conflict, we'll look at it and if we see a conflict, we'll turn it down."

So, it certainly appears that Wallace made reference to the gun debate in a way that made him identifiable with one side of this issue.

If CBS is as good as its word, we won't be seeing Wallace doing any more stories involving Second Amendment issues. Perhaps his long overdue retirement would be the next step.
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