No Chinese Silencers

If there were ways to transmit STDs online, I'm pretty sure figured it out.... [laugh] like after the "glock switch" thing who thinks they could order stuff on there and not have the feds up their ass sideways in about 10 seconds?

People are rather uninformed if they think that "secret compartments", "secret drawers", etc. will elude a search warrant served by competent professionals. When us computer weenies are taking a few days off for advanced Python training, the cops are going to seminars on topics like how to spot hides; how to maximize the chances of get an admissible confession; etc.
When us computer weenies are taking a few days off for advanced Python training

from leo_tools import secret_compartment_finder, authority
from society import Subject

prohibited_items = ['chinese silencer', 'unregistered ar-15', 'milling equipment']
homeowner = Subject(authority.get_subject_info())

items_found = []
compartment = secret_compartment_finder.find()

with compartment.contents() as c:
    for item in c:
        if item in prohibited_items:

if len(items_found) > 0:
from leo_tools import secret_compartment_finder, authority
from society import Subject

prohibited_items = ['chinese silencer', 'unregistered ar-15', 'milling equipment']
homeowner = Subject(authority.get_subject_info())

items_found = []
compartment = secret_compartment_finder.find()

with compartment.contents() as c:
    for item in c:
        if item in prohibited_items:

if len(items_found) > 0:

"Agents then executed a federal search warrant and found at least a dozen "large airsoft style weapons that had the appearance of real weapons" in his garage."

Airsoft style weapons that had the appearance of real weapons? So they weren't airsoft guns either? Maybe they were BB guns, or maybe they were chunks of painted wood?
prohibited_items = ['chinese silencer', 'unregistered ar-15', 'milling equipment, 'dissident literature'','unapproved beliefs']
Jesus H now we have python geeks on NES
Who live in a world where lambda has nothing to do with sexual orientation or identification.
Python, as a computer language, is the work of the devil
Art thou a perlite?

And yes, it is named after the Blue Norwegian Parrot people.
This man should have buttoned his lip.

He sure did lots of talking to the police.

Of course, everything he said can and will be used against him.
Jesus H now we have python geeks on NES

Now ???

We always had Python geeks here.

I haven't had cause to do any coding in Python - will this get me ranked as a "python geek" ?
I’m sure they will bring other charges, however the one they arrested him on, I thought the courts had ruled if you’re a felon you don’t have register you firearm under the 5th. Haynes v. United States

Sartwell was arrested and charged in U.S. District Court with unlawful possession of a firearm not registered to him under the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

I’m not a lawyer nor I have ever played on on TV
Art thou a perlite?
A little, but more of a FORTRANaza, Pascalite, Smalltalker, and JS'er. WRT Python, I've got a CS BS degree that included language design, and Python contradicts several key good computer language design practices. All that said, I still use it when it's the best solution for the problem at hand, though I have to keep a couple of votive candles going and exorcise the computer when I'm done.
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People are rather uninformed if they think that "secret compartments", "secret drawers", etc. will elude a search warrant served by competent professionals. When us computer weenies are taking a few days off for advanced Python training, the cops are going to seminars on topics like how to spot hides; how to maximize the chances of get an admissible confession; etc.

Can ordinary folks take those seminars? I'm always losing stuff and I don't even MEAN to. It would come in handy to be able to find it again.
Stories like this make me thankful for the tough gun laws we have here in Massachusetts, think of how much worse this could have been without them.
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