New to NES

I like it! You've got a camp here?
My Dad's got a small house, and I own all the land around him.
That land was a good portion of my life savings, I'm going to have to sell my house in the Flat Land in order to build my own
Too bad he has a R.O.W., I'd charge him a toll, of course then he would charge me a toll for using his house.

Welcome, just so you know this is probably the last time that we will be polite to you. From here on out you're replies will be filled with sarcasm, pointing out grammar mistakes, and telling you that New Hampshire is on its way to becoming Massachusetts. Except for me I can't spell for shit.
Don’t you mean grammatical mistakes? [laugh]
My Dad's got a small house, and I own all the land around him.
That land was a good portion of my life savings, I'm going to have to sell my house in the Flat Land in order to build my own
Too bad he has a R.O.W., I'd charge him a toll, of course then he would charge me a toll for using his house.

View attachment 371462

Might not be a bad idea to buy it as a second home and keep your primary as a rental. What area (generally) do you own?
Jeezus, an actual welcome? Has no one offered to throw his keys on the roof? Bang his ‘significant other’?? Also, take note, we don’t assume sexual preferences around here! Where have our manners gone?!?

I grew up in Lebanon, been stuck in the DPRM for the past 15 years. Wasn’t in to or aware of the gun laws before moving in my very early 20’s. We make do, we bitch, we scalp each other. Be sure to ask what Pre-Healy means and enjoy the show ;)

Welcome! Cheers!

Edit- have assumed gender while not assuming preference. Left an upper decker for myself (wife) as penance.
Jeezus, an actual welcome? Has no one offered to throw his keys on the roof? Bang his ‘significant other’?? Also, take note, we don’t assume sexual preferences around here! Where have our manners gone?!?

I grew up in Lebanon, been stuck in the DPRM for the past 15 years. Wasn’t in to or aware of the gun laws before moving in my very early 20’s. We make do, we bitch, we scalp each other. Be sure to ask what Pre-Healy means and enjoy the show ;)

Welcome! Cheers!

Edit- have assumed gender while not assuming preference. Left an upper decker for myself (wife) as penance.

Thanks! Keep doors unlocked around here.... old lady leaving on Sunday, so have at it..... I'll post a woman needed thread eventually here until then I'll be mag dumping some warm beer cans i left out in the field.

Pre-Healy, I've been seeing this.... I'll be patient until someone lets it slip....

Feedback for transactions. Selling or purchasing anything through NES means you as well as the other party can post feedback, positive, negative, or whatever the hell the third one is, regarding said transaction. Higher green numbers means someone is reputable as a seller and or buyer of goods. It’s akin to an ebay rating.
Thanks for including my piddly 8.
Feedback for transactions. Selling or purchasing anything through NES means you as well as the other party can post feedback, positive, negative, or whatever the hell the third one is, regarding said transaction. Higher green numbers means someone is reputable as a seller and or buyer of goods. It’s akin to an ebay rating.
Thanks for including my piddly 8.
Thanks.... just representing....
Do we have many NH members here?
Of course. You can spot us, because we're the ones who never start a thread asking, "Is it legal to...?"

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
I hereby state my solemn intent to move to New Hampshire with the Free State Project.
Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals’ rights to life, liberty, and property.

You and I are freeloaders. Look at the signatures on the left. The green member bar indicates people who are morally superior to us.
Not just morally, but in every other way as well.
That represents Feb 23, 2013.... (223) one of first times our country came together for the 2A. Or maybe it's just a wylde name!
Can you help out the slow kids on the forum? What happened on that date? Google wasn't any help.
Do we have many NH members here?

I grew up in your neck of the woods during the 60s and 70s. I live in central NH ... for now. Heading out to the Ozarks in about a year to live where my wife and I own land (way cheaper than NH).

Welcome aboard!
Of course. You can spot us, because we're the ones who never start a thread asking, "Is it legal to...?"

I hereby state my solemn intent to move to New Hampshire with the Free State Project.
Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals’ rights to life, liberty, and property.

Not just morally, but in every other way as well.
I signed that years ago, and made the move "in liberty"
Cmon guys, cant you smell a rat? OP, by any chance do you have an upper you want to sell us? [rofl]
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