More Open Carry Fun

All you statists complaining about this guy. Baiting a response by committing no crime is not grounds for disowning this guy as a gun owner. If you don't agree with him, hold your tongue.
Sounds simple enough.
All you statists complaining about this guy. Baiting a response by committing no crime is not grounds for disowning this guy as a gun owner. If you don't agree with him, hold your tongue.
Sounds simple enough.

Or use my 1st amendment right to free speech?
All you statists complaining about this guy. Baiting a response by committing no crime is not grounds for disowning this guy as a gun owner. If you don't agree with him, hold your tongue.
Sounds simple enough.

That statist crap is getting old.
Some of the people here have been fighting for your rights since before you where born.
And just because the guy happens to own guns doesn't mean he can do no wrong.
To me that's no better than the fawning legions who blindly follow people like Odumass because of the D after his name on the ballot.
If you don't think that there are asshats who own guns, get out to the range more often.
What the guy has a right to do and what's smart are 2 different issues.
Don't try to tell me it's one in the same.
Yeah, well, about that... You don't have the right to free speach here. It's a private website, and the admin and mods lay down the rules.

So are you saying because I oppose such actions from these videos that the Admins and or MODS should silence me?

Seems to me that you advocating the same treatment that you are so opposed too.
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The only thing wrong with this is that they are at the low ready.

Thats called brandishing. Imagine if I showed up at a Chili's with my pistol at low ready and asked for a table.

Ridiculous losers. And I'm very supportive of OC.

Again, I differentate between what is their right and whether it serves their intended purporse.

Should they allowed to OC. Yes. Provided they are safe and stop brandishing.

Does it serve their purpose? Well, I guess it depends what their purpose is. If its to frighten people and feel powerful, yes.

When I've OC'd, my intent was to make a political statement, primarily that we "gun nuts" are normal people with families and kids and jobs and mortgages. I OC'd on the state house lawn in CT with my 3 and 5 year old daughters in tow. I was polite and courteous to an extreme. I had some great discussions with the Capitol police, who were also polite and courteous.

One even jokingly said, I hope you only loaded 10 into that 15 round magazine. I joked back, you need RAS to look at it. He clearly could not care less.

So I'm blathering on. But in short, idiots like the couple above do more harm than good. Do they have a natural human right to do so? Yes. But that doesn't mean it helps our cause, which is to try to sway those in the middle over to our side.


Would you consider walking around in public with a handgun at low ready to be brandishing? Or any worse than holding a rifle at low ready?

Valid point. Let's agree on some things first.

Fat guy isn't low ready. He is slung. Weapon is in front, but there is no "ready" to his position.

Other guy... Well, he's still low retard. He's posing for the picture, but yes he is in low ready position, but a really poor example of one.

Having a pistol in one's hand, however, is different than low ready. You can have a pistol in your hand and not be low ready.

I do agree (with what I *think* you're point is) that someone having their hand on the grip appears "more threatening" than not having their hand on the grip.

Having ones hand on the grip isn't the same as brandishing (that's at least my argument... Brandishing requires threatening movement).

To counter... If the rifle didn't have a sling, would holding it be brandishing?

Would you consider walking around in public with a handgun at low ready to be brandishing? Or any worse than holding a rifle at low ready?

It's legal to OC rifles wherever these tools live, and I'm cool with that. If it were legal in MA, I would have no problem with that either. I think the counter point here is that those two guys are dooshy for doing it. Legal or not, it's still gayer than dick flavored bubble gum.
That doesn't change his rights, but it sure doesn't help our cause.

Who do you speak of when you say "our"?

It certainly isn't me. People really need to stop confusing their 'cause' with other people's 'causes'. Your cause is not my cause and it isn't a lot of other peoples cause either. So say it how it is.

"That doesn't change his rights, but it sure doesn't help my cause."

Though when you say it like that it sounds pretty selfish I suppose.
(ignoring the entire video except the very end) how is that not entrapment? Guy tries to leave and go home, he is told to stop and turn around. Tries to walk another way and speak to an Officer, told to walk away. Faces back in the direction he has to go home, again trying to speak to a public servant....annnd then he's arrested. Undoubtedly they arrested him for "tresspassing" as that's the only conceivable charge the JBTs could have fabricated if they did not deem arrest was appropriate after the initial contact. That ending had my blood boiling. I hope this guy has a fat lawsuit coming his way
Actually, trespassing was the only real charge there, when he walked into the parking lot you could hear the cop say "they don't want you here," the displaying of a fire arm in a threatening manner??? I seriously question that, by unloading his rifle and magazine on the ground, the cops made the the guy reload his magazine and the rifle in front of them, I tried to figure out if he pulled the charging handle but i couldn't tell with all the shite going on in the video. maybe thats how they got that charge on him.
Trespass is not in itself criminal.

For it to be criminal, the property needs to be posted, or you need to have been told to leave by the person controlling the property, either the owner or the person who rents from the owner. A police officer can not lawfully tell you to get off private property unless he is acting under the direction of the person who controls the property.
Trespass is not in itself criminal.

For it to be criminal, the property needs to be posted, or you need to have been told to leave by the person controlling the property, either the owner or the person who rents from the owner. A police officer can not lawfully tell you to get off private property unless he is acting under the direction of the person who controls the property.

Agree. Property owners could have called the PD (that's what I've been assuming since the PD said "they don't want you hear"). Objection... Assumes fact not in evidence. Sustained.
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