Mass. Primary Republican US Senate Candidates Pro-gun?


NES Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Kevin Scott and Ken Chase are the primary US Senate Republican candidates seeking to run against Kennedy in Mass. Any pro-gun rights information about these candidates - worthy of our support, or non-support, would be greatly appreciated.

On Kevin Scott's website in the "On The Issues" section he states "Like most activists, Kevin is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment". The rest is mostly about strongly prosecuting gun crime. There's no position statement on Ken Chase's website. There's no info or rating on either on GOAL's list.

Kevin Scott website:

Ken Chase website:
Please remember that they could push for a ban on all semi-autos but leave bolt actions alone and still say they are "Pro Second". I would be very skeptical of any politician in MA who says has "Pro Second" without him actually being quoted saying that MA gun laws are retarded. Even then, they could be downright lying, which is par for the course in this state.

ETA: but like Jelly said, anyone is better than him.
Kevin Scott voted for John Kerry for president... or so Ken Chase said at the convention, and it wasn't contested...

Don't know re: 2A, but Ken Chase is a much stronger candidate just from a personality candidate. He was pretty kick a$$ about immigration reform and terrorism.
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