MA. Pro GUN Legislation!

Doesn't stand a chance in Hell, I mean Massachusetts (same thing).
Eh, MA will do just fine in Hell... In fact, I think its part of it already... [wink]

I hope you are wrong too...

Maybe its so short and simple that we can sneak it through without the rubber-stampers noticing... [laugh]
It's won't pass unless it's 1000 page bill worth billions and billions.

The libs won't know how to react to such a short, to the point bill.

Not a chance in hell.

Truly sad.
I like it, but like others have said, Nanny.MA.Gov will try it's hardest to soundly squash this.
I like it, but like others have said, Nanny.MA.Gov will try it's hardest to soundly squash this.

Yep, I can just hear the arguments:


Yup, the concern for life will be high. (Political life that is.)
IANAL, but I doubt this would ever pass in any Nanny State-- MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, etc. MA already has a Castle Law for killing an intruder in your house, so I doubt they would feel the need to go further. This is similar in language to the "Stand Your Ground" laws that Free States like Texas, Tennessee, etc. have passed.

No chance in MA.
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill
And I got as far as Capitol Hill
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law
How I hope and pray that they will
But today I am still just a bill
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill
And I got as far as Capitol Hill
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law
How I hope and pray that they will
But today I am still just a bill

I sent a copy of it and some corresponence to Sue Tucker, my Senator. Not expecting much back though. I'll let you'se know how it goes, if it goes.
Chances are they won't even bring it up for a vote.They will just sit on it untill the session is over.It's done all the time.This makes too much sense,therefore kapoot.
Speaking of Hell....

What the hell? I though MA had the Castle doctrine in place. Besides line 9 and 10, how does this differ from castle doctrine???
Speaking of Hell....

What the hell? I though MA had the Castle doctrine in place. Besides line 9 and 10, how does this differ from castle doctrine???

This makes provisions for defense outside the home. It also means that "reasonible fear of grave bodily injury or death" isn't just a defense in court but precludes charges in the first place. On top of that, it prevents the assailant's kin from filing a lawsuit because you maimed/killed their "disadvantaged" family member.

This is like 1000 steps up from the current castle doctrine that MA has. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current castle doctrine we have is something like:

In any criminal proceeding involving the use of deadly force, it shall be a defense that the accused was within their own dwelling and had reasonible fear of great bodily injury or death from their assailant

Stress the words criminal proceeding (not a civil lawsuit), "it shall be a defense" (not a presumption of innocence), and within a dwelling (not just any place you have a right to be).
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Not if the chief of police assoc. has anything to say about it!! Hell they don't even want the castle doctrine bill to pass, go figure!! And you wonder why the gun owners in this state are so pessimistic?? Just take a look at the AG and her ilk!! God help us all!!!
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