Longmeadow MA Alert - CCW - AWB Bans proposed + Gun Registration!

The stupid is strong with Reyes, has no clue what she's talking about but she's going to spout it anyways...
Poster Mom for Bloomberg's Mad Mom's

The stupid is strong with Reyes, has no clue what she's talking about but she's going to spout it anyways...

You can smell the arrogance on her. Belittling the NRA is the last thing she should be doing after the pimp slap the citizens gave Article 29.
People are sure going to thank the guy who brought these items to a vote - phone calls 24/7 from pay phones expressing their appreciation should do nicely
Grant, keeps on lying. Lockdown drills happen when criminals escape jails, lockdowns happen when a bomb goes off, and when bombs go off.
I hate to use stereotypes, but holy cow do the sheep stacking up at the green mic look like sheep. They might as well carry a sign that says "I want to be a victim"
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