Justice Kavanaugh

Sept. 20 Judiciary Committee vote (will be party line approval no doubt) then full Senate before month's end according to reports. Unless Di-Fi succeeds in her effort to bork him with the latest

"Dianne Feinstein Refers a Kavanaugh Matter to Federal Investigators" "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities."
Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. (From NYT)
Isn’t sexual misconduct in high school normal
Could it be more blatant that they’re throwing spaghetti at the wall in hopes something will stick? It’s embarrassing.
Sept. 20 Judiciary Committee vote (will be party line approval no doubt) then full Senate before month's end according to reports. Unless Di-Fi succeeds in her effort to bork him with the latest

"Dianne Feinstein Refers a Kavanaugh Matter to Federal Investigators" "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities."
Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. (From NYT)

Another anonymous source has earth shattering information? Someone get CNN on the horn.
Sept. 20 Judiciary Committee vote (will be party line approval no doubt) then full Senate before month's end according to reports. Unless Di-Fi succeeds in her effort to bork him with the latest

"Dianne Feinstein Refers a Kavanaugh Matter to Federal Investigators" "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities."
Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. (From NYT)

So, someone, somewhere, who wants to remain anonymous, doesn't want to press the matter further, said that 41+ years ago, Jr. Kavanaugh did something that today someone might consider sexual misconduct.

I know you can indict a ham sandwhich, but come on.

The statute of limitations has expired, the only evidence is going to be "he said/ she said", and by the standards of the late 60's/ early 70's, it probably was accepted behavior.

In the words of a very senior member of Feinstein's own party... "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
...Boy the leftists are getting desperate.

Difi throws confirmation hearing equivalent of a Hail Mary Pass.

If not #metoo accusation, it would have been #racist or #whitesupremist (wait, they already tried that with Zina Bash).

Liberals will stop at nothing to inflict their Worldview on others. It's not enough to have their own belief system, they NEED to force it on others to justify it in their own minds.
His "accuser" should have checked before she wrote that letter. He went to an all male high school... LOL. FAKE NEWS. He went to Georgetown Preparatory School. And blatantly obvious too.

boy the leftists are getting desperate.

Yeah, but her given name was George...
Yeah, but her given name was George...

LOL. I see what you did there. :)

In all seriousness though, it's pretty disgusting that people will just throw up bull shit like that to slander someone. Additionally it's even more amazing that a sitting US Senator would actually believe it without having any of her Chinese spy aids actually verify the accuser even went to high school with the honorable Judge.

Now the fact that she's pandering this BS just makes her look like an even bigger fool. She turned the letter over to the FBI and even the Trump hating FBI laughed it out of the office after 5 minutes. 5th hand information from someone who claimed she was harassed while in high school with the Judge... at a non co-ed preparatory school..... LOL.

You can't make this stuff up.
LOL. I see what you did there. :)

In all seriousness though, it's pretty disgusting that people will just throw up bull shit like that to slander someone. Additionally it's even more amazing that a sitting US Senator would actually believe it without having any of her Chinese spy aids actually verify the accuser even went to high school with the honorable Judge.

Now the fact that she's pandering this BS just makes her look like an even bigger fool. She turned the letter over to the FBI and even the Trump hating FBI laughed it out of the office after 5 minutes. 5th hand information from someone who claimed she was harassed while in high school with the Judge... at a non co-ed preparatory school..... LOL.

You can't make this stuff up.
Just pandering to the angry libs.
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh 'categorically' denies claim about alleged behavior in high school

“I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time,” Kavanaugh, 53, said in a statement Friday.

The woman also claimed Kavanaugh was joined at the time by a friend who turned up music to conceal her protests. But that unnamed classmate reportedly told the New Yorker, “I have no recollection of that.”

Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee on Friday received a letter from 65 women who said they knew Kavanaugh from high school and vouched for him as a “good person.” The letter was addressed to Feinstein and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
“We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983,” the letter, obtained by Fox News, reads. “For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the committee at this time.”

Unbelievable shit by the Dems. Good in him for throwing out a CAT5 hurricane denial.
She felt her life was in Danger, says CNN! And Ronan Farrow is now on the case, traveling to CA to get the lady to fess up.

"Both men were drunk, she said, and Kavanaugh attempted to remove her clothes.
At one point, Kavanaugh was on top of her laughing as the other male in the room periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh held his hand over her mouth at one point, and she said she felt her life was inadvertently in danger.
She said she was able to leave the room and go into a hallway bathroom. After Kavanaugh and the other male began talking to others in the house, she went home.
There is no indication the woman reported the incident to law enforcement at the time, but she said she has received medical treatment regarding the alleged assault."
She felt her life was in Danger, says CNN! And Ronan Farrow is now on the case, traveling to CA to get the lady to fess up.

"Both men were drunk, she said, and Kavanaugh attempted to remove her clothes.
At one point, Kavanaugh was on top of her laughing as the other male in the room periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh held his hand over her mouth at one point, and she said she felt her life was inadvertently in danger.
She said she was able to leave the room and go into a hallway bathroom. After Kavanaugh and the other male began talking to others in the house, she went home.
There is no indication the woman reported the incident to law enforcement at the time, but she said she has received medical treatment regarding the alleged assault."
She sees a shrink
She felt her life was in Danger, says CNN! And Ronan Farrow is now on the case, traveling to CA to get the lady to fess up.

"Both men were drunk, she said, and Kavanaugh attempted to remove her clothes.
At one point, Kavanaugh was on top of her laughing as the other male in the room periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh held his hand over her mouth at one point, and she said she felt her life was inadvertently in danger.
She said she was able to leave the room and go into a hallway bathroom. After Kavanaugh and the other male began talking to others in the house, she went home.
There is no indication the woman reported the incident to law enforcement at the time, but she said she has received medical treatment regarding the alleged assault."

I think she's lying but even if it did happen exactly as she described, absolutely nothing happened. A few moments of inept drunken teenage wrestling with basically no sexual contact.

Women...equal to men in every way unless it suits them not to be and then they're as helpless as a three year old.
I think she's lying but even if it did happen exactly as she described, absolutely nothing happened. A few moments of inept drunken teenage wrestling with basically no sexual contact.

Women...equal to men in every way unless it suits them not to be and then they're as helpless as a three year old.

The wife and I picked up a kitten about 7 months ago. He's gotten a lot bigger now - but he's still not full grown. He thinks he's tough. We've got an older cat - she's about 12. He likes to jump on her and wrestle her to the ground. She's pretty placid so she doesn't fight back like she should - she just growls and bitches about it. As long as he's dominant and getting his way - he's very aggressive and confident and acts like he's king shit.

But when he gets out of control and I get my hands on him and hold his paws down and show him who's REALLY the boss - he cries like a little bitch, like I'm torturing him to death or something.

My kitten's behavior reminds me of the way I see a lot of women acting lately.
It's so pathetic that the Dems are willing to through out a fake #metoo just to stir discord into a process that is a complete inevitability. They are going scorched-earth and it is not going to work out well for them.
It's so pathetic that the Dems are willing to through out a fake #metoo just to stir discord into a process that is a complete inevitability. They are going scorched-earth and it is not going to work out well for them.

Never interrupt your enemy when they're in the process of making a mistake.
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