Justice Kavanaugh

Depends IMHO.....if they succomb to the anita hill shenanigans they're going to pay a price with voters......the base doesnt forget....the question is.....do they care more about the people who would NEVER vote for them or do they care about the people who WILL and DID vote for them?

It comes back to all of this^. The Left does not care about anything but themselves and their agenda at any cost. Make no mistake they are using this to take their #metoo to an even more nebulous concept: accusation with no specific time and date against an unknown number of attackers AKA: you can kill the accused’s future with no specifics as to when and where something allegedly happened.

After all the antics in the hearings, no mention or questioning in the hearings, knowing Feinstein and Washington Post knew of this allegation back in July, no mention of this in the written follow-up 1300 questions to Kavanaugh, the 35 that have passed, and the glowing reviews of 65 women along with not even a hint of any accusation by his 18 current or former female clerks - her accusation is BS.

Make no mistake the Dems are going to have an 11:59th hour trick up their sleeve to delay their questioning. McConnel should’ve walked into the hearing when all the antics were going on and called them back into session and had the vote then and there.
Democrats make Russians look like amateurs in political conniving,

They have a vast network of scum in the highest places , find out any shred of a negative story, twist it, pin it on the target

Put them under the cloud of “investigation “ and ruin their reputation or worse.

Such a shame they lost their corrupt eff bee eye leadership guys.

They were looking to put Kavanaugh “under investigation “ and kill the nomination.

Dirty bastards.

Typical since they're all adherents of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Sadly I believe this nomination is toast. We live in an age where any accusation of a male being sexually interested in any female anytime in their lifetime is an accusation that can be made at any time and will totally destroy the accused. No evidence is needed, just the accusation. For those that have been divorced, they can relate that they get treated similarly by the judicial system in any and all proceedings forever and a day.

It certainly doesn't look good. As I mentioned in the Trump thread, the R's are now in a damned if they do and damned if they don't situation wrt the upcoming mid-term elections.
Time to nominate Bill Clinton and Hillary to a judgeship, so they can be grilled before the committee.


Ya think?! Who exactly will grill them?? The spineless, gutless, swamp creatures on the R side who can't even stand by and defend their own people and/or principals?
Kavanaughs mother (A judge) presided over the accuser's parent's forclosure in 1996.
Cavanaugh was floated as a futre SC pick in 2012. Same year the accuser came out to her therapist.

Very interesting to say the least.

The accuser is a supposed "...far-left activist that spent the weekend cleaning out her social media accounts." No surprise here.

It turns out the woman who sent the letter to Democrat lawmakers – Christine Blasey – is a far-left activist.
Independent journalist Mike Cernovich says Christine Blasey is a far-left activist who spent all weekend deleting her social media accounts.

Liberal Hack Lied: Kavanaugh Witness Speaks Out, Says Alleged Attack Is "Absolutely Nuts"
BREAKING NEWS: Christine Ford’s PARENTS Were Defendants in a 1996 Foreclosure Case, Guess Whose Mom Was The Judge?
12 hours ago Matt Couch


Breaking News tonight from one of America First Media’s best Deep Researchers Larry Beech.


Christine Ford’s Parents Paula K Blasey and Ralph G Blasey were the Defendants in a foreclosure case in Maryland in 1996. Guess who the Judge was America? None other than Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, Martha G Kavanaugh. You literally cannot make this up.

The list of coincidences continues, we’re sure this is just another one of those instances. We’ll let you decide as we keep bringing you the truth America!


Mom and Dad's Revenge???????
Sadly I believe this nomination is toast. We live in an age where any accusation of a male being sexually interested in any female anytime in their lifetime is an accusation that can be made at any time and will totally destroy the accused. No evidence is needed, just the accusation. For those that have been divorced, they can relate that they get treated similarly by the judicial system in any and all proceedings forever and a day.

Typical since they're all adherents of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

It certainly doesn't look good. As I mentioned in the Trump thread, the R's are now in a damned if they do and damned if they don't situation wrt the upcoming mid-term elections.

It will be interesting. Both sides stand to gain and both sides stand to lose. If they stop Kavanaugh Trump will probably name the woman on the list who is a whole lot more anti-abortion than Kavanaugh and after Dems blow their load on this one and look awful in the process, good luck stopping her. Personally I could give a shit less about the abortion argument and hope she's as 2A friendly as Kavanaugh, but Dems will have a hard time stopping the next one. The list is long. I don't see dems winning back the Senate and whether they're successful with their base in stopping Kavanaugh, they look awful to everyone else. Also, if they defeat Kavanaugh it might cut into their anger/momentum if people think they won the war.

Also, I think a lot of this is up to Kavanaugh. If he's willing to endure this then he may still get the votes after they drag him through the mud a little. When you read the woman's account there's a ton of detail that's very fuzzy and even without attacking her too forcefully people will come to understand that she wasn't raped and it's quite possible it's something that has grown in her mind over time. People's perceptions of things can amplify/change over time.

Dunno, maybe that's all wishful thinking.
Lol whats to prevent them from coming up with another fake victim or fake incident every time someone gets nominated? What's the bar at, now? In order to be a male judge eligible for SCOTUS you have to have not said hi to a woman in your life? Is that what's next?

Lol whats to prevent them from coming up with another fake victim or fake incident every time someone gets nominated? What's the bar at, now? In order to be a male judge eligible for SCOTUS you have to have not said hi to a woman in your life? Is that what's next?

Only if you are a Conservative. Harvey Weinstein probably has a better shot at getting on SCOTUS right now knowing that Dems and some Repubs would look the other way on his conduct.
Isn’t it telling that stormy Daniels lasted in the news cycle for months, while the libtard media have dropped the original white knight bob Woodward?

A new fraud every week.
If we have to find a person that has never done anything wrong, ever in their life, this is going to take a long time.

Sounds like, MAYBE the guy was drunk at a party and MAYBE got touchy with another drunken party goer. Not exactly the crime of the century.

If we can't find a CONSERVATIVE that has never sinned, how in HELL do they ever expect to find a LIBERAL when President Trump's successor goes to nominate one around 2025 or 2026. Although hopefully the nation will not backslide after his second term.
Here we go again with the FBI. A former FBI agent administered the polygraph test indicating that the accuser is/was telling the truth. JFC, you just can't make this shit up!

Who the f**k believes present of former FBI agents anymore?

After she retained the services of Debra Katz, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney, she took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent. According to the results shared with The Washington Post, the test concluded that Ford was being honest.

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?
After decades of being cowed by the politically correct mafia they're scared to take any position that could be spun as racist, or sexist, or disrespectful of someone claiming to be a victim of some kind. It doesn't matter if it's reasonable to take the position based on the facts available, they'll get the media and the activists jumping down their throat regardless. It's still inexcusable for them to kowtow to it, but they're spineless cowards anyway so what can you expect?

In other words they do not represent us. They are surviving in their forts.
So why is it that this woman accusing Kavanaugh didn't speak up or send letters to DiFi when he was nominated for the Appeals Court in 2006? Did she not care then? If she didn't care about it then, why does she care now?

I smell a lie and I can tell because they did the same deplorable tactic with Clarence Thomas.
Lol whats to prevent them from coming up with another fake victim or fake incident every time someone gets nominated? What's the bar at, now? In order to be a male judge eligible for SCOTUS you have to have not said hi to a woman in your life? Is that what's next?

The bar now is men are not allowed because of toxic masculinity, wage gap, and privilege.

Men, especially White ones, in 2018 are the Jews in Germany in the 1930s.
I think this did happen to this woman, but it was 2 different boys at a completely different party. Then she remembered one time, maybe that same summer, that she went to small party w/ Kavanaugh. So that's why she can remember who was exactly at the party but can't remember where or exactly when. Partial truths. Then mash them together and there u go.

Yes, the battle is on! Let's see how our Repubicans will do.

Shortly after the New Yorker published a report detailing the allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Chuck Grassley released a letter signed by 65 women who said they went to high school with Kavanaugh, and that in the 35 years they’ve known him he has “behaved honorably and treated women with respect.” Now, the former classmates of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, are circulating their own letter of support, HuffPost reports.
I think this did happen to this woman, but it was 2 different boys at a completely different party. Then she remembered one time, maybe that same summer, that she went to small party w/ Kavanaugh. So that's why she can remember who was exactly at the party but can't remember where or exactly when. Partial truths. Then mash them together and there u go.

That's exactly right. Memory works this way. It's very easy to get people to "remember" being somewhere they have only seen on TV and lots of similar scenarios. A "memory" of anything that took place, what, 35 years ago, should be looked at with great skepticism.

The Democrats are well into a "the ends justify the means" mentality now btw. When your enemies are Nazis, no lie is unjustified.
Kavanaugh has been exposed to the edges of the swamp his whole life. Watching his facial expressions during the hearings he looks horrified at the abyss that is staring back. I really hope he gets confirmed. Seeing how corrupt the whole process is should illustrate the need for a strong 2A.

It's a non-sequitur that will be lapped up by the media

Holton-Arms is an all-girl prep schools about 15 miles south of Georgetown prep

It is this statement that they are trying to connect with Kavanaugh

"Dr. Blasey Ford's experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves."

So..."we heard stories about other people doing things, thus Kavanaugh is a rapist by association"...it's absurd
I just received an email inviting me to sign the change.org petition to Bork Kavanaugh's nomination. Even though it's a joke to us they are deadly serious about it and may even succeed. 81,000 signatures so far.

The petition's originator is Natasha Goldman of Brunswick, Maine. I'm not 100% certain but I think it's very likely this is the Natasha Goldman in question.


I sometimes wonder how the good conservative Jewish folk who post here in support of 2A survive the hostility their politics must attract. You are certainly a minority within a minority.
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