Justice Kavanaugh

Safety is just one of the items printed on the back of the victim card. It's meaningless except that everyone is supposed to bow their head and nod whenever it's uttered and a victim card is on the table.
and let's not forget the recent releases from Project Veritas and the promise of more to come. Nothing to see here. BK may have touched a girl when they were teenagers at a party that no one can prove occurred or if BK was there.
and let's not forget the recent releases from Project Veritas and the promise of more to come. Nothing to see here. BK may have touched a girl when they were teenagers at a party that no one can prove occurred or if BK was there.
Seriously, who hasn't groped (not raped) a girl at 17? This is character assassination and delay tactics , plain and simple. These Dems are dumb!!
understand this is more of a delay tactic. but what is the significance of October 1?

It's not that big of a deal, but the significance is that it's better to be confirmed by Oct. 1st, which is the start of the new year for SCOTUS. A newly appointed judge after that date does not typically vote on any cases where oral arguments already took place, so in effect, it's still a 4-4 court until the ninth judge is seated

If the Dems are successful in delaying it until after the elections, that is also a risk wrt the Senate Rs maintaining their majority after the November elections

If no one has been confirmed by October 1, which is beginning to look more and more likely, then the Court will convene with just eight justices, and more importantly, with the conservative and liberal “blocs” on the Court deadlocked with four justices each. Yes, a subsequently confirmed justice can ascend to the bench the moment she or he is cleared by the Senate. But the new justice will typically not vote on cases in which oral arguments were heard in their absence. So the longer the ninth justice is missing, the more it affects the Court’s work.

Why the Clock Is Ticking on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Nomination
Just another delay tactic. They're doing whatever they can. Don;t take no crap Grassley. It's Monday under Oath or not at all.

She's had all week to think this over and hell they even offered to go out there so she doesn't have to get off her ass.

It's all about delay and torpedoing the nomination. If Repubs fall for it they're fools.
If she doesn't respond by Friday at 10, there will be no hearings on Monday. The only other witness would be Kavanaugh, and they won't put him out there, there's no upside to that.

I meant (Grassley meant :) ) hearing before the vote.
It's not that big of a deal, but the significance is that it's better to be confirmed by Oct. 1st, which is the start of the new year for SCOTUS. A newly appointed judge after that date does not typically vote on any cases where oral arguments already took place, so in effect, it's still a 4-4 court until the ninth judge is seated

If the Dems are successful in delaying it until after the elections, that is also a risk wrt the Senate Rs maintaining their majority after the November elections

Why the Clock Is Ticking on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Nomination
thank you for explaining it.
There is no way she's going under oath.
She'd be shredded and looking at perjury charges.
After this is over both she and Feinswine need to be looking at some serious repercussions.
Enough of this shit already .
Now you just f*cking it up for women who really have been assaulted.

The Left could give two shits for women that have been assaulted as noted by the following:

1) Has Senator Booker been called out for writing 2 stories about fondling women as a teenager? No! He shouldn't even be allowed to vote on Kavanaugh. If Booker were a Republican, the Left would be outraged and calling for him to resign immediately.

2) Has Representative Keith Ellison been called out wrt domestic violence with his girlfriend even though a witness saw it and an alleged video showed it? No!
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Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbooks describe wild sex parties, blackouts, erotic male dancers

Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks, which are filled with references to drunken promiscuous parties where the attendees were not able to remember what happened, have been scrubbed from the Internet.

The Cult of the First Amendment blog was able to save copies of the yearbooks before they disappeared.

Christine Blasey Ford claims that Judge Brett Kavanaugh “physically and sexually assaulted” her during a party in the early 80’s when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, although two other people Ford claims were present when the assault happened have denied that it ever happened.

Ford’s yearbooks, which cover her sophomore, junior and senior years, the exact time frame when she claims the assault happened, portray a debauched environment of constant binge drinking and partying.

Bombshell: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Salacious High School Yearbooks Scrubbed

She was a drunken whore who was known for passing out at parties.
How much longer will it take for American men to realize there is no longer a place for them in the Democratic Party?

This whacko could be my MIL, not in appearance so much as in attitude. They have been drinking the feminist poison so long they have lost their minds.

'No accident' Brett Kavanaugh's female law clerks 'looked like models', Yale professor told students

"There is no allegation that the female students who worked for Kavanaugh were chosen because of their physical appearance or that they were not qualified."

They're pulling out all the stops now whether it's relevant or not. Like Limbaugh said, the media are scouring the earth to find another accuser or two before Monday.

"Chua allegedly told the students that it was “no accident” that Kavanaugh’s female clerks “looked like models”. Student reacted with surprise, and quickly pointed out that Chua’s own daughter was due to clerk for Kavanaugh."

My God, these people are disgusting.
More from the same article:

"Chua has cancelled her classes at Yale this semester and, according to her office, has been hospitalised and is not taking calls. Rubenfeld sent an email to the Yale Law School community that said his wife had been ill and in hospital and had a long period of recuperation ahead of her. [Yeah...mental illness for sure.]

The Guardian has learned that Rubenfeld (Chua's husband) is currently the subject of an internal investigation at Yale. The investigation is focused on Rubenfeld’s conduct, particularly with female law students. Students have also raised related concerns to Yale authorities about Chua’s powerful influence in the clerkships process."

So Chua's own husband has actually been doing the thing Chua implies Kavanaugh might have done though no-one has made an accusation. What's more, she inserted herself in the clerkship process as some sort of toxic Tiger Mom, projecting her own attitudes onto Kavanaugh.

F'ing unbelievable.
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Sorry, but I couldn't resist.

To your point .... add some more points from the Heartiste:

CH Maxim #1980s-ish: FRA Giveaways

When plain jane women misremember the details of an alleged sexual assault against them from decades ago, they will tend to fill in the perp blank with an hsmv chad lacrossist, because this satisfies their desire to be desired by high value men, aka “I’m so hot I made an alpha man lose control”.





A significant number of rape accusations are fabricated (or, charitably, “misremembered”). The number varies anywhere from 40-60%. FBI and DOJ and State level court case stats paint a startling picture of female mendacity. An even higher number of sexual assault accusations are false. Women sometimes lie, deal with it. And the way a healthy society deals with it is by making the punishment equal for accused and false accuser alike. The rate of FRAs would dry up overnight.

It’s a perfectly just solution. If a rape conviction can land a man in jail for a decade and ruin his reputation for life, then the false rape accuser should suffer the equivalent punishment. Only in Clown World is this sensible position deemed misogynist hate speech.
More and more woman will continue to turn up one at a time until the goal is met.
Same story different day.
The sick part about this is the deep state goes along with this shit
every time and refuses to call BS. The average person is fed
up with this crap. Anyone with an active brain cell or two
can see right though the Saul Alinsky playbook.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

I know a few people who are still buying into all this shit.

Having a conversation about the Saul Alinsky playbook or Frankfurt School shennanigans just two or three years ago would have gotten most of the NES crowd whining about tinfoil hats.

What's happened in the interim is that the lunacy has just gotten so obvious and blatant that people simply cannot deny it any longer.

I'm pretty sure though that if a miracle happened and the lefties rolled their shit back to say 2010 levels of insanity - a good many people would just go back to sticking their heads up their ass.
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