Justice Kavanaugh

You and George! You guys are killing me here! I will ask Anna to squeeze you in her busy schedule, but it would have to be sometimes in the winter the earliest. She will be busy in the fall educating our liberals on different types of mushrooms. By then all liberals will graduate from the Introductory Course by PhDD.Stormy.

View: https://youtu.be/hcEeQtMxcgk

As a Justice he likely wouldn;t be able to, but man - I wish he would sue her for slander and libel when this is all said and done. It's so blatantly obvious this is politically motivated.

Where do you think you are? This is a freedom loving country! She will be talking to us from the public television, The Olympus of Progressives, while your own taxes will barely pay their electric bills for few days. She will become The Ultimate Adviser, progressive hero, way ahead of the time in which something like this will not surprise a single normal soul.

When communists in Europe were telling elected officials publicly that they will chop their heads, the elected officials believed in the power of their democracy, and it's ability to protect their elected posts. They have forgotten that democracy goes and stays with the people and their willingness to fight for what is right. All of these officials were executed, imprisoned, or exiled in 6 months!

How many extreme response can there be? Pick one:

"It wasn't even him, then! LOL"

"She asked for it!"

"No means no!"
Abject desperation makes people do unbelievable things.

It's like intentional pass interference. Yeah, the penalty is going to be horrendous, but if you keep them from catching the ball in the end zone, it's worth the penalty. Fortunately, sometimes the catch is still made...
Well, what do you know? The internet never forgets and never forgives.

Supposedly from Kavenaugh's accuser's (now scrubbed) yearbook:

These people are only a few years younger than my generation and a good percentage of those upper class private school girls were sexually active by age 16. The typical 18 year old girl from that social class would be a lot more sexually experienced than the typical 18 year old boy.

The same girls become born-again virgins around age 26 and man-hating witches by 40.
Actually it does quite often forget. :confused:

SCOTUS nomination of kavanaugh live

But that’s OK yours was more stylish.


At 20 pages now, this thread is getting a bit difficult to keep up with, so it's not surprising some people skipped parts in the middle.

Anyways, this is the most absurd shit I've seen in a long time.
My bet is that she will blow off Grassley's deadline for response of tomorrow........then she will show up in person on monday and expect to pull some stunt

She won't put herself in front of any sort of public inquisition, but I'm sure we haven't heard the last of her.
She doesn't show up. Call the vote.

According to Senator Grassley, they won't even wait for her to show up or not: she has until 10 am tomorrow to notify them if she intends to show up. If she doesn't notify them by 10 am tomorrow, hearings will start Monday. And that's how it should be. Enough with the games.

Funny how everything lately is from an anonymous source with 'anonymous', classified, paper that no one sees. Feinstein still refuses to share the 'letter' with the republicans. I won't be surprised if there is no there there and this is just a made up story. Similar to the "white house source" talking about Trump's incompetency. Tammy Bruce said last night on Hannity something very smart: They (D's) probably thought that they are going to bring up something from the past and Kavanaugh will immediately drop his nomination fearing they have something on him. I strongly believe that's what happened. They probably told her "don't worry, you won't have to testify or anything, just say something happened" and it boomeranged.
Apparently, this farce is in play again as Ford's attorney says she is willing to testify but only under her conditions. Naturally, she still is not able to testify on Monday. This appears to be another lame attempt to have the confirmation vote held a week from tomorrow to ensure that Kavanaugh is not confirmed prior to Oct. 1st.

According to an email sent by Ford's lawyers and obtained by The New York Times, she would appear as long as senators provide “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."

“As you are aware, she has been receiving death threats, which have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and she and her family have been forced out of their home,” the email continues. “She wishes to testify, provided that we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.”

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford opens door to testifying next week
According to Senator Grassley, they won't even wait for her to show up or not: she has until 10 am tomorrow to notify them if she intends to show up. If she doesn't notify them by 10 am tomorrow, hearings will start Monday. And that's how it should be. Enough with the games.
If she doesn't respond by Friday at 10, there will be no hearings on Monday. The only other witness would be Kavanaugh, and they won't put him out there, there's no upside to that.
it's all about distracting the public and destroying a man in the process while also trying to "defeat Trump" this fall.
New Peter Strozk/Page texts came out
Trump declassified FISA warrant on Carter Page. orders all of the redaction removed
"Anonymous" accusation is made against SCOTUS nominee
BOOM! What is everyone talking about? AN unsubstantiated allegation of "sexual misconduct" 35 years ago without a date or location and no evidence or anyone who can confirm it.
Apparently, this farce is in play again as Ford's attorney says she is willing to testify but only under her conditions. Naturally, she still is not able to testify on Monday. This appears to be another lame attempt to have the confirmation vote held a week from tomorrow to ensure that Kavanaugh is not confirmed prior to Oct. 1st.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford opens door to testifying next week

understand this is more of a delay tactic. but what is the significance of October 1?
it's all about distracting the public and destroying a man in the process while also trying to "defeat Trump" this fall.
New Peter Strozk/Page texts came out
Trump declassified FISA warrant on Carter Page. orders all of the redaction removed
"Anonymous" accusation is made against SCOTUS nominee
BOOM! What is everyone talking about? AN unsubstantiated allegation of "sexual misconduct" 35 years ago without a date or location and no evidence or anyone who can confirm it.
"She wishes to testify, provided that we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."
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