how many round do you pack when conceal carry? [NOT GAY]

P14 with light load mags. 12 rounds in each, + one in the chamber for the one in the gun. The mags are as new and I like to leave a little room at the top. adding it up, it's 37 rounds with a full box in the center console.

This is just my opinion, take it or leave it:

In most cases, once you start shooting, any crowd is going to turn and run. If Reginold had had a gun and shot the first guy who tried to pull him out of the truck. That situation would have ended differently. If he'd just kept rolling and ran some people over, it would have turned out differently. The world changed that day for LA. The day before, people would have laughed at the Roof Koreans. That day, the Koreans didn't seem so silly.

I 'sometimes' carry a spare mag. Not very often. If you are in a situation where you need multiple mags, in my opinion, the situation is so far gone, the extra bullets really aren't going to matter. That would be a determined group that's going to get you no matter what. They probably have weapons as well.

In a SHTF situation, the absolute best thing you can do is be a shadow. Draw as little attention to yourself as possible and be unnoticed. I'd pay attention to what the homeless are wearing and get something that you could pass off as homeless while you walk home. Grab a shopping cart and push it, talk to yourself, whatever. If you are in a car, don't stop for anything, clear intersections and move through them. If you get a flat, guess what, a new wheel is less than $500 unless you drive an exotic and you can probably afford the $1k rims. edit: (wife walked in and started talking) Drive on the rim until you get home. I have chased vehicles for MILES on rims in the desert. If you dgaf, the vehicle will absolutely move for quite a while on a rim.
If they pop the airline off the trailer he was not going anywhere. One of the thing's the Old timers taught to go into Hunt's point in NY, Bailing wire and duck tape the glad hands to the trailer,
These days I've been carrying a Glock 32. Full mag, one in the pipe, and a spare mag in the back pocket. So 27 rounds total. Overkill? Maybe. Would hate to find out it wasn't though.
To those who keep a box of ammo in the car - why?
I really don’t get this either. If shit hits the fan to the point where you need to use a pistol, and manage to go through 2 clips, I feel it’s fairly unlikely there will be a chance to run back to your car, grab the box of ammo, open it up, remove your clip, load it back up, bullet by bullet, place it back into your gun, cock it, aim, and fire.

I feel like a lot of people that have chimed in have these fantasies of an old fashion western shootout. In reality, the person shooting at you either has just one clip or more than one. If they only have one, what would really be the benefit of carrying more than one yourself, since you’d quickly have the high ground after they run dry. If they have more than one, they obviously came heavily prepared, and it seems unlikely all the clips in the world would really get you out of that situation safely. I get the idea of “better safe than sorry” but where does one draw the line? Why not carry two pistols in case the first one fails? Or a shotgun in case you don’t have time to aim? Or a pocket full of a grenades in case there’s an entire room you need to take out?
Is there any specific reason to NOT keep a box of ammo in the car?

One scenario might be knocking over a bank or even a gas station, expending a few rounds and leaving. Rule number one is, the gun is always "fully" loaded. So at the first opportunity, you take the time to replace the expended rounds. Perhaps you aren't going straight home to the missus and your girlfriend doesn't carry the same caliber. If you don't have extra in the car, you're packing light.

That's gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with gay).

But seriously, even if there's no reason TO keep some in the car, what reason could there be to NOT keep it there? (assuming it's secured against access by anyone not permitted to use it, of course)
But seriously, even if there's no reason TO keep some in the car, what reason could there be to NOT keep it there? (assuming it's secured against access by anyone not permitted to use it, of course)
There really isn’t a valid reason not to, just like there isn’t a valid reason not to carry 60+ rounds on you, or two pistols, or a loaded shotgun, or a pocket full of grenades; better safe than sorry. But again, where do we draw the line between what rationally makes sense and what we do because it gives us some false sense of security or plays into the cowboy fantasy?
I keep a G17 with 2 extra mags AND a box of ammo in my truck, Laugh at me all you want. My thought process is if some event happens and I’m on my own far away from my home and truck is not working and it’s a major chaotic scene. Who knows how long I’d be on my own for and how long I’d need to get home by walking? Fantasy? Probably but does it matter one bit if I keep shit in my truck permanently? It’s an extra gun and does me no good locked away in my safe. That’s my explanation and I’m happy to deal with people laughing at it or thinking I’m being ridiculous.
I really don’t get this either. If shit hits the fan to the point where you need to use a pistol, and manage to go through 2 clips, I feel it’s fairly unlikely there will be a chance to run back to your car, grab the box of ammo, open it up, remove your clip, load it back up, bullet by bullet, place it back into your gun, cock it, aim, and fire.

I feel like a lot of people that have chimed in have these fantasies of an old fashion western shootout. In reality, the person shooting at you either has just one clip or more than one. If they only have one, what would really be the benefit of carrying more than one yourself, since you’d quickly have the high ground after they run dry. If they have more than one, they obviously came heavily prepared, and it seems unlikely all the clips in the world would really get you out of that situation safely. I get the idea of “better safe than sorry” but where does one draw the line? Why not carry two pistols in case the first one fails? Or a shotgun in case you don’t have time to aim? Or a pocket full of a grenades in case there’s an entire room you need to take out?
Howz many bullitz du your clipz hold?
I keep a G17 with 2 extra mags AND a box of ammo in my truck, Laugh at me all you want. My thought process is if some event happens and I’m on my own far away from my home and truck is not working and it’s a major chaotic scene. Who knows how long I’d be on my own for and how long I’d need to get home by walking? Fantasy? Probably but does it matter one bit if I keep shit in my truck permanently? It’s an extra gun and does me no good locked away in my safe. That’s my explanation and I’m happy to deal with people laughing at it or thinking I’m being ridiculous.
I don’t think anyone is laughing. I’m just trying to understand what you envision happening. So the government falls, Canada loses their mind and invades us, zombies rise from the dead and start roaming the land. Is the extra 50+ bullets you have now been keeping on you for years going to actually do anything, and if so, how? Why just limit yourself to some extra rounds, why not keep some grenades in there too? In what possible situation would you need a box of ammo to defend your life, but not a shotgun, and then why not carry one of those too?
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There really isn’t a valid reason not to, just like there isn’t a valid reason not to carry 60+ rounds on you, or two pistols, or a loaded shotgun, or a pocket full of grenades; better safe than sorry. But again, where do we draw the line between what rationally makes sense and what we do because it gives us some false sense of security or plays into the cowboy fantasy?

For me, 2 extra mags on the opposite side helps distribute the weight. It's a comfort thing, not a firepower issue.

I honestly see no reason that a box of ammo in the car could possibly be construed as cowboyism.
10 or 11. Depending on which gun I’m carrying. If you have to fire that many shots after 10 or 11 you’ll be on the 6 o clock news looking for a lawyer who’s 2a friendly. Especially in MA. If things start getting a little more hairy... then I’ll carry an extra mag.
Host of the channel also states in hundreds of shootout vids he has examined, he has never seen a CCW holder use a reloaded gun in a gun fight.


Muzzle up or muzzle forward...

This segemt seems to totally miss the point on reloading 'in your workspace'. I'm not an operator but my understanding is...this is not for 'speed'. First it keeps your head up, you should be looking past your gun at the threat and using your peripheral vision to help guide your hand with the new magazine. I can understand the range safety aspect, but doesn't this fall into train as you fight?
I don’t think anyone is laughing. I’m just trying to understand what you envision happening. So the government falls, Canada loses their mind and invades us, zombies rise from the dead and start roaming the land. Is the extra 50+ bullets you have now been keeping on you for years going to actually do anything, and if so, how? Why just limit yourself to some extra rounds, why not keep some grenades in there too? In what possible situation would you need a box of ammo to defend your life, but not a shotgun, and then why not carry one of those too?
Honestly it’s a valid question if it’s being asked and not just laughed at, which you say your not so I will give you my personal take on it, let me say I truly don’t believe that shit will go apocalyptic maybe chaotic ie a Baltimore situation on a larger scale possibly, especially the way things are now. Mind you my lock box in my truck with my gun and ammo have been there for several years now so it’s not me overreacting now. My thoughts are IF something did happen, as ridiculous as it sounds- an EMP or said Baltimore situation in a larger scale and I break down or get stuck 50 plus miles from home and I had to walk for a few days down a highway and find a place to crash for a night to rest during said walk why wouldn’t I want to be armed? I’m not saying I’m going to fight crime but wtf if it ever happened I’d be pretty pissed off at myself with all my guns in my safe at home. Yes I do carry but honestly not all the time and that’s something I should do all the time but truly sometimes I don’t when I’m driving far and im in my sweats or shorts ect.. the answer is to always carry I get it but when I don’t I feel better knowing I at least have protection if shit went sideways and I had to get home on foot. It’s weird I understand but it’s my deal.
If they pop the airline off the trailer he was not going anywhere. One of the thing's the Old timers taught to go into Hunt's point in NY, Bailing wire and duck tape the glad hands to the trailer,

Lol do you really think the shitheads that attacked that guy knew how air brakes work?

Drug cartel, sure, cretins stealing TV sets that want to beat on a guy just because of his skin color? not likely
One quote I've never heard: "I wish I had less ammo on me"...
I don't have any strong feelings on this discussion either way, I figure everyone should do what they're comfortable with and there's no reason to try to change anyone's mind. But, I am curious, have you ever heard a non-LEO, after a justified shooting, say "I'm glad I had that extra mag"?
I don't have any strong feelings on this discussion either way, I figure everyone should do what they're comfortable with and there's no reason to try to change anyone's mind. But, I am curious, have you ever heard a non-LEO, after a justified shooting, say "I'm glad I had that extra mag"?
Nope. Never. But if I'm going to err, it's going to be on the side of more... not less.

Another thing to consider, and it does happen occasional at the range is 'magazine failure'. (Magazines are the weakest link in a semi-auto pistol)
A spare mag is also a spare feeding device if primary fails... regardless of ammo count.
There really isn’t a valid reason not to, just like there isn’t a valid reason not to carry 60+ rounds on you, or two pistols, or a loaded shotgun, or a pocket full of grenades; better safe than sorry. But again, where do we draw the line between what rationally makes sense and what we do because it gives us some false sense of security or plays into the cowboy fantasy?

If you want to go full retard on that thought process 90% of us here could probably rationalize not carrying a gun at
all, based on risk profiles, etc. Everyone's perception of risk is different, etc. Are these perceptions realistic? Probably
not, in most cases. Everyone is going to have their own slightly different worldview about something.

I know people that roll with an AR, a plate carrier with 6 mags in it, and at least a medical blowout kit at all times in their car
as well as carrying a handgun. I know people who keep a gun in the bathroom when they take a shower. Determining whether their reasoning is "valid or not" is simply not my place. The less we give a shit about things that don't actually affect us, the better off we all are. [laugh]

Actually I can think of a great reason to bring an extra box of ammo in the car. You go to the range and you accidentally
blasted off your carry ammo. Having that one box held in reserve isn't terrible.

Think about it like having a legit piss jug with a cap in the trunk of your car. It may sit there for years unused but that one moment when you need a piss jug, it sure beats pissing into a used coffee cup or something like that.

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