How do we move forward...

The "danger" of organizing a million man march is: what if noone shows up? Or 5,000 people show up and we told the press to expect 1million. THAT would hurt us (in public relations) more than doing nothing, and despite best intentions, not everyone that says "In" is really goinmg to fly or drive to Washington at the appointed time.

But then again, the Ostrich defense is not working real well for us, either.
Everyone, Dr. Ron Paul!

The questions now being asked are: Where to go from here and who's to blame for the downfall of the Republican Party?

Too bad the concern for the future of the Republican Party had not been seriously addressed in the year 2000 when the Republicans gained control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency.
All isn't completely lost. Yet. The Senate race is still not completed (runoffs, recounts, etc.). One Senate seat that is a runoff, and where the Demonrats are really piling on the cash is Georgia. If the rats take this seat, they could be well on their way to a filibuster-proof Senate. If they can be staved off, we stand a chance of stopping the Messiah. Anyone can contribute to the cause at:
We could start where it all began the first time:

The Green Dragon Tavern
Opened in 1657 in the historic Blackstone section of Boston, this tavern was the meeting place for the Sons of Liberty as they discussed and planned political revolution.

What about putting forth GOP candidates from within this board? The GOP is Mass admits there is just no interest from people to become candidates.

Anybody is eligible to become a candidate. Start small with just a few local races and build to state house seats. If you are worried about doing a bad job, just look at what this state has done. You really can do no worse! Go for it!
that will take to long

So we give up on it?

Granted anyone can run, but - it would be more than helpful to get someone who is at least halfways intelligent, is able to debate without saying "WTF" and has major league brass ones. This state doesn't make it easy for anyone who's conservative in any way, shape or form.
Here are a couple of relevant reads to this thread.

This one is sort of long - but interesting because of the author's experience with the collapse of communism in Russia:

The Five Stages of Collapse:

I found this section one of the more interesting:
There is nothing particularly deep or magical about the five stages I chose, except that they seem convenient. They correspond to the commonly distinguished aspects of everyday reality. Each stage of collapse also corresponds to a certain set of beliefs in the status quo, that is about to go by the wayside.

It is always an impressive thing to observe when reality shifts. One moment, a certain idea is seen as preposterous, and the next moment it's being treated as conventional wisdom. There seems to be a psychological mechanism involved, where nobody wants to be seen as the last fool to finally get the picture. Everybody starts pretending that they've thought that way all along, or at least for a little while, for fear of appearing foolish. It is always awkward to ask people what caused them to suddenly change their minds, because with the fear of looking foolish comes a certain loss of dignity.

The most compelling example of lots of minds suddenly going "snap" is, to my mind, the sudden demise of the USSR. It happened with Boris Yeltsin standing atop a tank, and being asked the question: "But what will become of the Soviet Union?" And his answer, pronounced with maximum gravitas was: "Henceforth I shall only refer to it as the FORMER Soviet Union." And that was that. After that, whoever still believed in the Soviet Union appeared as not just foolish, but actually crazy. For a while, there were a lot of crazy old people parading around with portraits of Lenin and Stalin. Their minds were too old to go "snap".

Here in the US, we are yet to experience any of the really major, earth-shattering realizations, the ones that look preposterous immediately before and completely obvious immediately after they occur. We have had minor tremors, mostly relating to financial assumptions. Is real estate a good investment. Will private retirement allow you to retire? Will the government bail us all out? All the major realizations are yet to come, or, as my die-hard Yuppie friends keep telling me, "Nothing's happened yet."

But by the time something does happen, it will have been too late for us to start planning for it happening. It doesn't seem all that worthwhile for us to sit around waiting for the happy event of everybody else feeling foolish all at the same time. Arrogant though that may seem, we may be better off accepting their foolishness before they do, and keeping a safe distance ahead of the prevailing opinion.

Because if we do that, we may yet succeed in finding ways to cope. We may learn to dodge financial collapse by learning to live without needing much money. We may create alternative living arrangements and informal production and distribution networks for all the necessities before commercial collapse occurs. We may organize into self-governing communities that can provide for their own security during political collapse. And all of these steps put together may put us in a position to safeguard society and culture.

Or we can just wait until everyone starts agreeing with us, because we wouldn't want them to look foolish.

It is interesting - because I can see that happening already. A year ago there were a few people on this forum talking about Ron Paul - and a lot more people poo-poo'ing what he had to say (or worse). It does seem to me that a lot of the disbelief has gone away. And I am not trying to put Ron Paul up as our savior - just using this as an example of where we had been warned, but refused to hear it.

The point the author makes in the above quote is something we should all bear in mind. We need to educate ourselves as to what liberty truly means. By educating ourselves - we can educate others. If we are successful at this - there may come a point where (like the author details) - there will be a "reality shift" and the liberty that we have been proponents of - and others were skeptics of - becomes reality. We MUST do this - because the other "reality" that could take hold - is dictatorship.

The economic collapse is an opportunity - an opportunity to gain back what has systematically been stripped from us - our liberty. But it will not happen thru ignorance. And it will not happen by simply defending our gun rights - the gun is only there to defend our rights - not the other way around.

It also appears that the collapse of the Republican party in the last election is presenting opportunities. Ron Paul supporters were very active in running for local office - and there were some "Ron Paul" candidates running for senate and house seats across the country. Expecting victory for them in national offices may been premature - I don't think too many of them were successful. BUT - from what I have picked up in my travels across the internet - that is not true in more local offices. People inspired by Ron Paul HAVE been gaining office in local elections.

Here is a thread with some confirmation of that:

Gaining local offices is the first stepping stone to getting national level candidates into office. This MIGHT be the start of something. In order to make it real - we should all be on the lookout for opportunities locally - or to support candidates locally who have a liberty agenda. MA might actually be a good place for this - as one of the people said in the above thread - local GOP had nobody to run - so it was very easy for a "Ron Paul" rebublican to get backing.
Just like the experiment in Russia, I think we just have to wait for this system to collapse of it's own weight. That will certainly happen. I just have no idea whether that will be 5 years, 50 or 500. I'm betting on 50.

What arises out of our ashes may be great. Again.

(No offense Yelena - I meant the political system there. Most of the Russian people I've met (many) have been great folks) [smile]
Just like the experiment in Russia, I think we just have to wait for this system to collapse of it's own weight. That will certainly happen. I just have no idea whether that will be 5 years, 50 or 500. I'm betting on 50.

What arises out of our ashes may be great. Again.

(No offense Yelena - I meant the political system there. Most of the Russian people I've met (many) have been great folks) [smile]

Based on what I am seeing - I am thinking somewhere between 5 and 50 is likely. It really depends on what you want to see coming out of this - the main danger I see is we descend into some form of dictatorship, which props the economy to keep the regime in place but the country descends into third world status for the people. This has happened over and over again.
With regard to change and the beliefs of groups, particularly in times of stress, Eric Hoffer's book "The True Believer" is one of the best books I have read, and high on my list of best non-fiction books in general.

I will have to pick up a copy of that book - after spending years of reading history I have come to same conclusion that the author seems to be asserting:

The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements is a social psychology book by Eric Hoffer published in 1951 which discusses the psychological causes of fanaticism. The book evaluates and sometimes disparages Communists, Fascists, Nationalists, and early Christians. Part of Hoffer's thesis is that movements are interchangeable and that fanatics will often flip from one movement to another. Furthermore, Hoffer argues the motivations for mass movements are interchangeable: religious, nationalist and class-based movements tend to behave in the same way and use the same tactics, even when their stated goals or values are diametrically opposed.

There have been twenty-three editions of The True Believer published between 1951 and 2002.

Look at the history of Europe - they went from religious rule, to rule by kings, to rule by dictators in many instances - to rule by socialism. This is exactly what the founding fathers warned us about - falling into "European" patterns of behavior.

There is always going to be a certain component of people within any society that want to be led - that want to be sheep. The genius of the original idea behind this country was to remove the mechanisms by which those people manipulate those who would lead them into power. That idea was strong enough that it has taken quite a while to completely kill it - but the people who yearn to be led are getting damn close to having themselves fully absorbed into the matrix, it is going to take something big to break it.

Along the lines of the book you posted - I have attached a pdf of a book from a former Communist party operative - who started off as a Catholic - and then became a Communist. In the book he talks about how he found there was a very high percentage of Communists - who had started out as Catholics.


  • MGD1028.pdf
    181.5 KB · Views: 2
If we're marching on the State House, count me in.

If you want candidates...well, give me a bit to see if I'm moving back to Michigan or not (in which case, short-term is get our GOPs organized where I am, long-term is take back Lansing) but I've always thought about it. Maybe now's the time to do it. I may not be a lawyer or a poli-sci major or an important businesswoman but my parents raised me to love my country and believe in the Constitution--the way it was written, not the way it was reinterpreted. I can help someone run, or I can run. The first step is take back the small stuff, and we can all help do that, even in MA. You wouldn't believe how many people are here who think like us but who think they might as well not bother. I was stunned on election night how many people I knew WEREN'T voting for Barack. They're out there, we just have to make a big enough noise for them to hear.
If you want candidates...well, give me a bit to see if I'm moving back to Michigan or not (in which case, short-term is get our GOPs organized where I am, long-term is take back Lansing) but I've always thought about it. Maybe now's the time to do it. I may not be a lawyer or a poli-sci major or an important businesswoman but my parents raised me to love my country and believe in the Constitution--the way it was written, not the way it was reinterpreted.

Are you Sarah Palin? [wink]

Anyway, this thread is starting to sound like a recruitment drive for Massachusetts Libertarian candidates for statewide office, circa the late 90s.

A movement needs a leader. A national movement needs a big one.
Along the lines of the book you posted - I have attached a pdf of a book from a former Communist party operative - who started off as a Catholic - and then became a Communist. In the book he talks about how he found there was a very high percentage of Communists - who had started out as Catholics.

Neat. Thanks for the PDF.

[edit to add: this is post #223!]
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