HERE WE GO - Biden gun control

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unfortunately for the sake of your argument, sieveboy, i don't need a 118 yr old case to make my points for me.
why don't we just keep posting youtube videos of douchebags "schooling police officers on gun laws" to make us look better? i can tell there's no room for counter argument on this forum.
i didnt make the analogy, genius

And I don't recall saying you did. You said to them to explain their analogy, I just did it, against the argument you gave. Saying that car must be registered and person must prove they are able to drive it. But since you actually are not interested in discussion, as I can see from from most of the responses you are giving to people, there is no point.
hate to break it to you all, my fellow gun lovers.. but not every gun control legislation puts YOU at odds with the gov.

such as - full background checks at gunshows.

Please explain how I can get a gun legally from a gun show without a background check.

And don't tell me by purchasing from a non dealer because I can do that legally anywhere else. Claiming that it is easier to find private sellers at a gun show is a strawman given the state of communications today.

I can't help but feel like there has to be give and take on the sides of the argument

You're allowed to feel however you'd like to feel. However, your feelings should not interfere with our (yes our, they're yours too) rights.

You have a classic case of "can't see the forest from the trees" You're trying to think of ways to "end" the back-and-fourth arguments. We're telling you there should be NO argument. Just shouldn't. "Shall Not Be Infringed" is law of the land until it's changed.

We've had enough of the federal government ignoring laws/constitutional amendments that they don't prefer. That goes for 'em all, not just the 2nd (well, maybe not the 3rd. We don't seem to have a problem defending the 3rd....)
I tell you right now I'm posting what I'm posting because I'm afraid of folks ignorant to firearms making laws concerning my firearms.

Pot meet kettle...

What makes you so qualified, "fellow gun owner", to influence new gun restrictions(all common sense, of course)?

Myself being an equally concerned gun owner, when I disagree with you... Is it because I am not as smart or informed as you?

Your base concern is that guns needs registration because of how efficiently "Killy" they are. Following that logic, I would need registration on most things I can buy at a hardware store or when I buy fireworks... don't believe me, ask a certain Boston college student who slipped through the preverbal "fireworks show loophole"

Either way, you're still an asshat troll
@ the original OP: I like Biden. Uncle Joe is bound to take center stage and unleash some cosmic foot in mouth declaration that will be good for a chuckle. The more he talks, the better it is for the pro 2A cause.
@ Kingy: Your premise is faulty from the get-go. You assume we must give up things lest .gov does the drafting and takes more than we want. But the initial assumption is faulty: consider recent circumstances. Obama came looking for the world (e.g. AWB). He got nothing. Why? Because the pro 2A crowd drew a hard line and finally said NO to compromise (i.e. in this case, compromise actually means American citizens giving up yet more of their God-given Constitutional rights).

If you waffle in principle on standing firm on your convictions then all that is left is compromise. And the ugly secret that you should know is the liberals in .gov will never stop until we are completely disarmed - NO compromise will appease them short of this. Their objective is to get there through small, incremental steps of "reasonable compromise", which really means we give up our rights, then more rights, then more. The end result will be a tyrannical government controlling a disarmed populace that thought that compromise would work.
@ wallhack and shamrockjr, I fully appreciate the line in the sand stance. It is working, so far.

- - - Updated - - -

Wheeeeee, I matter!

On a serious note, you came onto a firearm-centric forum and started saying we should propose laws to further restrict the sale and possession of firearms, what did you think was going to happen?

What did I think was going to happen when posting a counter argument on a forum full of seemingly educated, adult individuals?

Guess I'll never do that again. Pretty sure one guy said I drive a Yaris. I'm sure he got so much pussy in high school.
I can't help but feel like there has to be give and take on the sides of the argument.

That is an understandable perspective. "Middle ground", "compromise", "give and take" is the clarion call of the current two party establishment and the media that supports it. Middle-of-the-roadism only leads to an abandonment of all sound principles.

The other side doesn't want you to compromise, they want you to be compromised. There is really nothing left to give. We've been "giving" for decades and have yet to get anything in return.
What did I think was going to happen when posting a counter argument on a forum full of seemingly educated, adult individuals?

Guess I'll never do that again.

You have zero understanding of the laws of this land or the history behind many of them, yet you continue to try to argue your side on the hollow basis that without compromise there's no progress, and without progress there's no satisfaction. And you wonder why nobody is seeing things your way.
You have zero understanding of the laws of this land or the history behind many of them, yet you continue to try to argue your side on the hollow basis that without compromise there's no progress, and without progress there's no satisfaction. And you wonder why nobody is seeing things your way.

prove to me I have 0 understanding? then prove to me you do.

how about you stop posting so personally? you mad or something?
i feel offended and less safe knowing that a.) i had to jump through hoops to become a gun owner and b.) goofballs can buy whatever they want @ gun shows.

Total BS - Gun show is a mobile gun store and you have to pass the exact same requirement.

Please inform yourself and stop listening to the banners' mantra

Universal background checks will do little to nothing to stop the transfer of guns to undesirables - the same idiots that transfer now will still do it.
why don't we just keep posting youtube videos of douchebags "schooling police officers on gun laws" to make us look better? i can tell there's no room for counter argument on this forum.

No, the deal is that there's just no room for trolls here. Hell you're not even arguing with anyone, just trolling.

Thanks for playing. Now go back to lurking under your bridge.

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I hope biden does as well of a job tomorrow as he did in the baseball steroid hearings

here's where my statist streak comes out...

i think steroids should be mandatory in major league sports. if congress wants to get involved in something stupid like this then i want to see dudes punching through each others' heads when i turn on the bruins, and i want to see baseballs that can smash through walls when i watch the sox.

prove to me I have 0 understanding? then prove to me you do.

Too easy:

unfortunately for the sake of your argument, sieveboy, i don't need a 118 yr old case to make my points for me.

how about you stop posting so personally? you mad or something?

Man enough to post your personal opinions but too thin skinned to hear them get trashed? Maybe the internet's not for you.
Here's some more wood for the fire - your .45acp or 50 bmg isn't going to stop the gov from impeding your rights if they so choose.

OK, I'll bite.

You are right. His .45 won't stop the gov from impeding on our rights. Not by itself it won't. Now let's add in the millions of legal gun owners into the equation as well as a portion of military and law enforcement that would not side with the gov and what do we get?

You end up with the exact reason the 2nd ammendment was written; the power to fight back against a government hell bent of taking away our rights.

Give an inch now and they'll be able to take a mile when it really matters.

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Boy i missed alot here in the last two hours,

Kingy from what i can see its not that you dont appreciate the second amendment its that you like me at first did not know how far the rabbit hole gose with gun controle,

Most of the laws they are trying to push now do nothing or overlap laws that exists already, and the others just ban or restrict things that are not even relivent to the crimes they say will be stoped by there new laws,

Basically the laws on the books are vast, there are so many now that even the police cant get them straight and innocent people pay dearly for it, non of the laws proposed target the people who are actualy commiting the crimes,

So why do we as a groop argue agenst a simple new law, because it should not exsist for starters, but mostly because this is not the first time they have lied and passed a simple new law that in turn into them passing another along with it and another, so on and so on

We draw a line now, nothing that was in the bill would have stoped what happened and we need to stand now even if the laws are not that big of a deal to live with, it is onlythe start for them
i can tell there's no room for counter argument on this forum.

Oh please. You came in and poked the hornet's nest. This thread is hopping...everyone is responding to you. That is the very spirit of room for disagreement. Debate. Discussion. Behold, you are in the midst of it.

But that wasn't what you wanted. You want agreement. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps your delivery or your ideas are the problem when everyone disagrees with you? Nah, much easier to blame everyone else for being close minded.
i didnt make the analogy, genius
Please answer this one. With AIDS killing many more people than guns (check CDC) Why do we relax the sodomy laws. But Evil bent on doing evil we punish the law abiding?
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