Her name was Ashli Babbitt

I feel very sad for Ashly. I think she got caught up in the moment and forgot where she was. I think the security (?) people did what they had to do - there wasn't opportunity to determine intent or whether they were armed. This is a very hard lesson on considering the consequences of your actions. Prayers to Ashly's family and to the person that has to live with shooting her.
Don't believe me? Try hopping the fence to the White House and see how far you get.
If you're an armed man, all the way inside by the looks of it, including overpowering a female Secret Service agent before being taken into custody, as opposed to being shot. No idea what they would do to an unarmed woman.


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Your about a half a deck short Ace.....your source UK Daily Mail !

eff the UK Daily Mail & BTW, eff You
Yo, da truth is da truth as BLM says. Kind of like BLM, you can’t handle it. My guess she was dynamite in the sack but not so much in real life. Like I said - pretty impressive rap sheet for someone so young.
Rest in peace, young lady. This could have been de-escalated by rubber bullets, pepper spray, a taser, or just another law enforcement agent pulling her down from the back. Instead, unilateral aggression was shown, and a single shot was fired and fatally wounded her. Definitely a case of enforcing brutality and something we need to address as a nation.

I don’t understand the lack of empathy. A young woman died, some people here should show some more compassion.
Bondsman 333 = Race Baiter. Don't fall for it.
I’m used to it. The other day on Facebook I was called a ‘race baiter’ for using the term “black monday,” when NFL coaches/staff get fired after shitty seasons. This guy PM’d me and we got into it. Long story short we ended up resolving our differences which is the first time that’s ever happened to me on Faceplant.

This guy on the other hand is definitely a race baiter. And he’s also a huge troll.
Yo, da truth is da truth as BLM says. Kind of like BLM, you can’t handle it. My guess she was dynamite in the sack but not so much in real life. Like I said - pretty impressive rap sheet for someone so young.

Ever take a life Ace ? "Dynamite in the sack" very impressive guess and well thought out argument
I’ve heard from a number of folks here that bondsman333 is really Michael A. Cohen - the writer for the Boston Globe. Take it for what it’s worth.

I don't think so. Google the name and there's pages and pages of personal info he posts about himself on reddit.
It does make sense when you think about it. If you read past Knuckledragging posts they are rabid TDS yet dismissive regarding any fraud.

Maybe COMM2A is part of the swamp? Would anyone be surprised at this point? I doubt it...

GOAL doesn't show on the Amazon Smile list. NRA doesn't get my money until they straighten up their act.

Any good, Pro 2A charities that are?
GOAL doesn't show on the Amazon Smile list. NRA doesn't get my money until they straighten up their act.

Any good, Pro 2A charities that are?
Sometimes I sit there thinking I'm not sure how effective my donations to the NRA, GOA, and GOAL really are. Who do they lobby with that money, Liberals, Socialists, and RINOS.
The left has been using the mentally susceptible (if not unstable) as pawns all year, why stop now at one of the most critical points?
Yes, I do. I believe that Trump, Cruz, Hawley and others bear an overwhelming amount of responsibility for yesterday's events and the death of that woman. 65-70 million Americans think they got played/ripped off in November exactly because Trump and company have been telling them exactly that. If this along with Trump's address to yesterdays mob doesn't connect a direct line to yesterday's violence, I don't know what does.

We are now officially the world's most powerful f***ing banana republic.
You’ve turned into such a stooge. The liberal DemoCRAP machine is not trusted because of numerous examples. The Covid voting change, voter harvesting at nursing homes etc, etc. Why do you think the average a Trump voter has been hoodwinked. God dambed elitist of you.
I guess I will be that guy, but too yearly and we don’t know much. Don’t fall for, vet and other labels. Not jumping to conclusions why she was there doing what she was doing. We might never really know. Rip regardless...
She was probably just a Trump supporter but given her service history it is possible she was a white hat spook looking for evidence. If so it is then possible the shooter knew and this was a spy vs spy thing in the middle of the bigger chaos. Report is Trump team got about a dozen laptops including Pelosi's.
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