HBO's "Gun Fight"

You know, it would be nice if they showed one of the stories that Kevlar posts where someone actually uses a gun for self defense... not the string of like 20 bad stories they just showed.
Bwaaaahhhaaaa, im sure those fine upstanding gentlemen just could't show their licenses because they were too busy sweeping everyone in the room including themselves. If the reporter or the cameraman knew anything they would have realized they almost got shot 50 times with all the gangsta showmanship going on.

Oh, jeez. They're pulling out the gunshow loophole now. Done with hbo. Was thinking of cancelling anyway, this seals it. I'll be sure to tell them why.
Yeah, I'm done with this bullshit excuse of a documentary. They're not even feigning objectivity anymore, it's been full on bias for about 30 min now and I can't take it.
Yeah, they gave the NRA some lip service for about 10 minutes, and then there were a few people who didn't do a whole lot to make us look rational, then there was 30 minutes of hoplophobia and fear mongering (with a couple homie Gs sprinkled in for good measure), and then I finally shut it off when they had a former NRA lawyer talk about how they eat their own (on Rachel Maddow's radio show no less). I should have just done something more meaningful and thought-provoking with my night, like tea bag noobs on XBox Live.
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Yup, we're all just a bunch of Timothy McVeighs because of that evil 2nd amendment. General Gage would have been proud of this fine 'documentary'.

Now, where did that last hour and a half of my life go?
What needs to be said is that consequences are not relevant.

The empiricism, whether a death count or some other measure, fails to recognize that freedom has costs. Liberty necessarily implies a price in safety and a required acceptance of certain risks. The anti-gun arguments never address this. The talk of a middle ground, suitable regulation, sensible control and the like all begin with the implicit assumption that freedom legitimately can be sacrificed in order to achieve safety or some other desired social outcome.

This thinking is the leverage that allows democracy to undermine liberty. Every social problem is a candidate for a government imposed solution. Every government solution ultimately is backed by force with funding taken by force. This is the tradeoff, and this is the discussion that we should be having. Liberty or incremental tyranny? That is the choice.

Instead we get endless offerings like this documentary. Some poor fellow had something bad happen to him and therefore all of us must be willing to sacrifice a little freedom in return. That's the argument, and it must be rejected at its source.
Aside: I was around when some of the local footage was shot. The HBO crew filmed at Richard Feldman's Office in Rindge, Pelletier's Sports Shop in Jaffrey, and Monadnock Rod and Gun Club in Peterborough/Jaffrey.

I witnessed members of the Rindge P.D. shooting at the Monadnock Range along with Richard Feldman and a couple of Club Members. It was a small HBO crew of three ...director, sound, and camera/video.

I was there to witness the Club's treatment, and avoided their camera as best that I could. Had I been in charge of the Range at that time, I wouldn't have allowed it. No good comes from these instances. I may upload or link some pictures that I took that day into this post.

Related back story links are below:

Old NES link #1: Stocking up on firearms

Old NES link #2: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist

Some background. RE: Richard Feldman in the Gun Fight HBO Documentary

Perhaps I'll post some "behind the scenes" images from that day. I felt that it was important to document the event so took a number of pictures that day.

Feldman's latest incarnation: Wanting to promote "unity" in the local community, Feldman and Lamoureux have started a Website (link) to encourage more voter participation. It seems that taxpayers are too stingy a lot in Rindge, and the pair would like to engender some more support for their agenda through the Internet it appears. Call me a cynic, but I do believe that I detect a "progressive" scent emanating from this venture. So the next time that the Town Warrant comes up for vote, I expect that Mr. Feldman hopes that unity comes in the form of higher tax payouts in-the-future. Sheesh.

Director Barbara Kopple's interview with The Atlantic
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A friend told us over the weekend about the "gun nuts" who kept guns in every room of the house. It was funny to see the show tonight and find out the people being discussed were "gangstas".
alright i watched the doc on dvr with most of my roommates. worst decision ever. I got the typical well if all guns were bannned execpt for the military and police we wouldnt have any of the violence drivel. I tried reasoning with them about how we'll end up hurting each other in some other shape or form, that didnt really sink into them.

Also at the start when they had the middle age white guy saying that the vtech shooter who had no criminal background could walk into a gunshop and purchase a firearm legally was absurded. I made sure i replayed that and said well i guess people are not innocent until proven guilty anymore. there was a couple other things that i commented on but for the most part i didnt go all hell bent corrected everything that was wrong with the video.

Just some things i noticed the one guy who was for campus carry had maybe a 3 minute part. the guy who got shot and is now working with the brady campaign got almost a full half hour of face time. Biased much? Also every gunshot victim was a minority and every gun owner was a fat white guy. once again biased much?

The one thing that set me off the most was the vtech victim going into the gunshow and trying to show how the gun show loophole is horrible. i had a huge argument over this and the fact that mayor bloombergs bullshit quest to do illegal purchases. I actually argued that hey if you want stricted gun control how about prosecuting the guy that video taped himself doing an illegal act, all my roommate could say was well no he's just trying to show how easy it is. Ok so he found a shady dealer who was willing that still doesnt make his part of the crime any less illegal.
I just wathced the encore. Well, I got through an hour before changing the channel.

Extremely biased to say the least. I was screaming at my t.v when that idiot doctor was saying that you can buy AP and incindiary .50 caliber rounds at gun shows. BTW the gun show where Goddard was buying the AK was at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, about 20 minutes from where I live.
I just wathced the encore. Well, I got through an hour before changing the channel.

Extremely biased to say the least. I was screaming at my t.v when that idiot doctor was saying that you can buy AP and incindiary .50 caliber rounds at gun shows. BTW the gun show where Goddard was buying the AK was at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, about 20 minutes from where I live.

Yeah I loved that part. "With this 50 cal sniper rifle I can shoot people from a mile and a half away". Nobody is safe [thinking]
I'm about half way through and I'm pissed off. I shouldn't have watched it before work. What a load of crap.
I was so irritated by this mockumentary that I couldn't get to sleep afterwards, and my wife had to listen to me rant for a while.

As folks have pointed out, this was not a balanced look at firearms and 2A. It was 90% "guns are evil" and a 10% mixture of "crazy looking gun people" and occasionally intelligent-sounding commentary on 2A. I want my 90 minutes back.

The two things this movie is advocating: 1) closing the "gun show loophole", 2) clamping down on straw purchases. Apparently Bloomberg wrote the script.

So I say go right ahead motherf*ckers. Pass legislation that all private transfers get a NICS check. Give us the NICS phone number and website, we'll do it. And give the ATF more money for investigation of straw purchases. You know what difference it will make in gun violence? NOT ONE TINY SHIT'S WORTH. And you know why? Besides the ATF is kinda too busy right now running guns to Mexico, and how does one really stop a determined straw purchaser? You could put an ATF agent in every gun shop in America and it would still happen. Plus, there's that inconvenient truth [wink] that there are millions of firearms in illegal circulation right now, and there are no laws one can pass to fix that.

You know what I think? Most advocates of more gun control don't really want to solve the underlying problems that lead to violence. They don't want to end the drug war and remove the drug economy that feeds gangs. They don't want to fuel the capitalist engine that could retake Philly, Detroit, etc. They don't want people living in crime-infested areas to have the right to protect themselves (could anything be more racist than that?) They don't want to address the types of government abuse of power that inspire militias to form. They don't even really care about all of the innocent people that get shot. They just don't like guns. It's a philosophical thing. You wouldn't understand.
I didn't watch it, I have enough heart trouble already, but somebody should have takent the guy to a 1000 yard range and say "have at it, see how easy it is"

Exactly! I didn't realize that all I had to do was buy one of those .50 cal sniper rigs, and I could instantly start picking targets off at a mile and a half![laugh][rolleyes]

I have been following this thread to see what the outcome would be, but in my heart, I already knew just from the brief synopsis...[rolleyes] glad I don't subscribe to HBO so I didn't have to witness that.
You know what I think? Most advocates of more gun control don't really want to solve the underlying problems that lead to violence. They don't want to end the drug war and remove the drug economy that feeds gangs. They don't want to fuel the capitalist engine that could retake Philly, Detroit, etc. They don't want people living in crime-infested areas to have the right to protect themselves (could anything be more racist than that?) They don't want to address the types of government abuse of power that inspire militias to form. They don't even really care about all of the innocent people that get shot. They just don't like guns. It's a philosophical thing. You wouldn't understand.

This is exactly the behavior of the people leading the charge on gun control. But for every one of those people, there are two deluded or indifferent people who simply accept that "gun control is about reducing violence". So as frustrating as it is to keep arguing the point, it has to be done.
Extremely biased to say the least. I was screaming at my t.v when that idiot doctor was saying that you can buy AP and incindiary .50 caliber rounds at gun shows. BTW the gun show where

Well, on its face, he's not wrong. .50 BMG APIT is perfectly legal in the US to buy and own. Frankly, however, who cares... it's my right to be able to buy that if I want to.

This is exactly the behavior of the people leading the charge on gun control. But for every one of those people, there are two deluded or indifferent people who simply accept that "gun control is about reducing violence". So as frustrating as it is to keep arguing the point, it has to be done.

The indifferent people are a lot simpler than that. "I don't know anything about guns so anything that (important sounding people here) say about them is fine by me." That's the biggest danger of indifference, it's not even "guns are scary" or "guns cause violence" in reality it's usually "I don't understand guns". People ignore and reject things which are alien to them by default, just about. If this wasn't the case, then NES wouldn't be filled with "new shooter miracles" on a regular basis. I've lost track of the number of people who have told me they educated someone, took them shooting, and the student experienced some sort of awakening. It doesn't mean they've gone 100% pro RKBA, but a lot of times their view has gone from pure apathy for them to at least understand RKBA, and cause them to question things they hear instead of accepting them at face value.

I'll give you a fun hypothetical. Say some guy set up a bungee jump tower somewhere in the northeast. Some tragic accident happens where some 20 year old kid dies because of a freak equipment failure. The bray/hue/cry for banning bungee jumping starts. The noise from the people opposed to the ban, well, the silence would be deafening. Nobody would give a s**t. You wouldn't see this outpouring of people saying "no, don't ban it, you authoritarian commie nanny state douchebags. I could care less about the activity, but banning it is f**king stupid because when people do it, it does not affect me. " (This argument applies to guns as well, considering a lot of other things are statistically far more likely to kill you than another human with a firearm. )

Gun control is only "successful" politically at all because the mindset of individual freedom is suppressed to a large degree. People accept this bulls**t nostrum of "well, some people are stupid with their freedom so the government has to pass laws.... " and basically anytime someone says that, they need to be punched in the face, at least verbally. It's a disease....

The indifferent people are a lot simpler than that. "I don't know anything about guns so anything that (important sounding people here) say about them is fine by me."

Well, ok. That's certainly true at one level, but I might say it differently.

The drumbeat of gun violence reporting in the media has made people think they know something about guns. Even the stuff I hear from wanna-be firearms owners in my classes is staggering. (Correcting this misinformation is the main reason I reach.) We joke about this all the time here. Everything is either a Glock or an AK-47! Guns are only designed to kill people! Everyone can get fully automatic assault weapons with huge "clips" and carry them concealed, etc. The list of inaccurate things people think they know goes on and on.

I think the "indifference" you're referring is actually a lack of diligence/motivation to get at the facts behind an issue. There's no motivation to check whether the reporting is right. But IMO it's not a "I don't know anything about guns." It's a "I know enough about guns to know that they have no place in society."

I have yet to meet an apathetic person this issue of firearms and 2A. Accidentally or willfully ignorant sure, but not apathetic. Guns fit into the same bucket as religion and politics.
Though I have to say it did show some of the correct side instead of all anti rhetoric it was BORING. Very slow like watching paint dry. The crap with the mock class with armed students was crap. Even if they where unable to "get" the bad guy they had the CHOICE and the option to attempt it.

The anti firearm people will not change they are small minded and have relegated there mind to believe that a tool is responsible for the evil actions of man. Washington DC is a GREAT example of gun control being a joke. I used to live in PG county ( Brandywine MD ) for many years ( the 80's this was the time when DC was the "Murder capital of the USA" guns where illegal to OWN in DC. Thus proving the point a criminal by definition does not care what the rules/ laws are. Basically Washington DC became a great place for criminals as they new all the law abiding citizens had no means of defense.

Of course this did not apply in NE DC where the wealthy lived and had large metal fences around there homes with guard shacks and ARMED guards. All the while in SE DC you could stand in front of the white house and hear the gunfire in SE all night. Even with this example in our nations capital there are still people saying more laws will protect people?

For those not form the DC metro area DC is divided into 4 areas NE NW SE SW SE poor section slums and such very high crime NE rich area opulent homes very low crime.
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