Harvard Annual Meeting 2/21?

Well, I'm not elegible to vote, I think, since I just joined a couple of weeks ago. But I'm a little confused - the current BOD has made Harvard into the club that I wanted to join, so why do we need change? This kind of sounds like Barack O'bomber's rhetoric - change for the sake of change.

Someone please enlighten me - I really don't understand what the current BOD has done that they need to be replaced.
Well, there are some position papers in this month's newsletter (I downloaded it from the NSC forum), but I'm not really convinced. Seems like there's some concern that the club is charging police departments for range time (other than the three depts that serve the towns the club is located in, and not full price). I mean, it's nice to offer it free, but there ARE operating expenses that must be met, too. TANSTAAFL.
I also drive past several closer clubs because Harvard is the club that fit me best. I have no desire to see that changed. I'll be there. What time does the meeting start? And Eddy, if you need a sponser, let me know. I think you can put your paper work in tonight, even if you can't actually join.
dwarven1 - I just joined the club a couple of weeks ago too. I didn't realize that we would not be eligible to vote tonight. Is there a cut off date I didn't know about?
What time does the meeting start? And Eddy, if you need a sponser, let me know. I think you can put your paper work in tonight, even if you can't actually join.

We really need to start an NES table at dinner tonight...

The evening begins with a roast beef dinner at 5:30 and business meeting at 7 pm. The roast beef dinner is free...a membership benefit.

No gate cards or stickers will be given out at the meeting. This year, it would be less complicated if you sent your dues in by mail. However, you may pay your dues between 5:30 and 7 and verify your NRA status. No membership work will be done during the business meeting.

In order to vote, your dues must be paid for the past year (2007). The 2008 dues aren’t technically due until the meeting so you can vote even if you haven’t paid for 08.
Well, there are some position papers in this month's newsletter (I downloaded it from the NSC forum), but I'm not really convinced. Seems like there's some concern that the club is charging police departments for range time (other than the three depts that serve the towns the club is located in, and not full price). I mean, it's nice to offer it free, but there ARE operating expenses that must be met, too. TANSTAAFL.

Could you post here what you downloaded from HSC? I cannot register on the HSC web site.
I am going to try to go, depends on how work goes today.

As others said, no new memberships tonight. That is on regular club meetings only, 2nd Thursday of the month.

I would be happy to sponsor any NES members.

Drwarven, did someone tell you can't vote?
When I joined in November 2004 I paid prorated dues and was able to vote at the February 2005 meeting. At that meeting I then paid my full year dues. I think if you have a membership card with 2007 sticker/combo you would be able to vote.
I hope everyone attends. It is an important meeting and your vote/opinions count. A club is only as strong as its members.
I'll be there for sure. I'm "sick" and leaving work now. I'm on the board at hsc. So, if you can, please introduce yourselves to me. I know some of you but cant place some of your online nicknames with real people.


Rick Johnson
BOD - Harvard S.C.
Telemark, it's up there now.

Darius, I see that Dman sent it to you already; thanks, Dman!

Ned, I just "ass-u-me"d that I couldn't as I only cut the check on Feb 6th for full dues. Got my card last weekend, so I assumed that I only paid 2008 dues. I could be wrong; it wouldn't be the first time! (just ask my wife!). (looking back at what I posted, it says that you have to have paid 2007 dues. I guess if you paid the prorated dues you can vote, but I don't think I did. I imagine that they'll tell me at the meeting tonight.)

Rick, don't know about everyone else, but I'll be stopping at home to grab my NES name badge. Oh... guess I should change my avatar back to the dwarf one for the day, since that's the avatar on my badge.
Telemark, it's up there now.

Darius, I see that Dman sent it to you already; thanks, Dman!

Ned, I just "ass-u-me"d that I couldn't as I only cut the check on Feb 6th for full dues. Got my card last weekend, so I assumed that I only paid 2008 dues. I could be wrong; it wouldn't be the first time! (just ask my wife!). (looking back at what I posted, it says that you have to have paid 2007 dues. I guess if you paid the prorated dues you can vote, but I don't think I did. I imagine that they'll tell me at the meeting tonight.)

Rick, don't know about everyone else, but I'll be stopping at home to grab my NES name badge. Oh... guess I should change my avatar back to the dwarf one for the day, since that's the avatar on my badge.

I just made up a new NES badge since I can't find my old one... Should be there for the dinner, but not sure at the moment. 100% certain the wife and I will be there to vote at 7pm.
HSC is certainly not cheap. But given the facilities it has, it isn't out of line. Just to compare a couple clubs:

Riverside is $150 +$50 initiation, and they don't have action shooting pits, a 200 or 300 yard range, or class III ranges. They do have better shotgun ranges.

Woburn is $125 + $100 initiation. Woburn has a better 200 yard range (with butts), better shotgun, but no action, no class III, doesn't allow practical shooting, etc.
When you consider that you can work off $75 a year it is not that expensive. The first year is the rough one, but after that you are set. Working the hours is easy, you can help out at the annual open house which to me wasn't what i would call 'WORK'.
Riverside is $150 +$50 initiation, and they don't have action shooting pits, a 200 or 300 yard range, or class III ranges. They do have better shotgun ranges.
They also don't have anything shorter than 50', and you can't practice your draw.

OTOH, they DO have awesome archery ranges, including a 26 point roving range AND a 20 yard indoor archery range. Which is accessed through the BAR (AKA the smoke chamber).
Yeah, I know - it's a big hit. I figure if I can bring my wife to shoot on the indoor range, though (she's VERY allergic to cigarette smoke!), it's worth every penny.
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