Guide to gun rights in your Massachusetts town

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New guy here. I did a search and didn't find anything on Holyoke, so I thought I should post here. Holyoke should be a green city as they only give unrestricted Class A permits. As it was told to me by their permit officer, they feel if you are trusted to have a permit then you are trusted to have an unrestricted permit. The chief does not want anyone getting jammed up if anything happens and the permit is not ALP.
Anyone have recent experience with Kingston? I'll be renewing this summer. I noticed it's listed as red but I could find no mention of it in a post. I had no trouble getting my ALP LTC first time around. We do, however, have a new chief. He was the chief in Stow prior to coming here.
I got my class A ALP with out any problems in Westport about a month ago. I did have a letter from the deputy chief in Fall River but Westport shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
I would say Oxford is definitely green. I had a LTC/ALP from another town that expired a while ago. I went in to re-apply and had my license 8 weeks later no questions asked.
Fitchburg can be listed as GREEN too. Both myself and a friend got a Class A ALP last year and had no trouble at all. I know at least 4 people that have Class A ALP issued in Fitchburg. The officer that handles the applications is very accomodating and very helpful. He even suggested delaying when he issued it by a few weeks because my birthday was coming up and saved me a year.
Fitchburg can be listed as GREEN too. Both myself and a friend got a Class A ALP last year and had no trouble at all. I know at least 4 people that have Class A ALP issued in Fitchburg. The officer that handles the applications is very accomodating and very helpful. He even suggested delaying when he issued it by a few weeks because my birthday was coming up and saved me a year.

I'll second that, although some might say it is yellow green, because
they require two reference letters for first time applicants. But aside from
that, there are no flaming hoops... and they only issue unrestricted
licenses. I had no problems at all getting mine.

I don't even see Woburn on the list of towns and I work there.

Note that the 351 communities are the official municipal names, not including "villages" or other sections of towns. The Secretary of State's office has prepared a web page listing the Unincorporated and Unofficial Names of Massachusetts Communities. Also see the List of Town Numbers and Names and Towns Index Map, useful when downloading data distributed by town or as a general reference.

All this was here:
Community Boundaries (Towns) - October 2002
Arlington is definitely green

I don't live in the great state of MA anymore (I am in FL), but I used to live in Arlington and it is most certainly green. Lt. Moran is likely one of the coolest detectives you will ever meet. His most penetrating question was "did you have to wait long?"

Arlington is definitely green. My wife and I (we both got LTC-A) had similar experiences with Lt. Moran last year and I've had a discussion with the Chief, who takes the eminently sane position that you're either fit to have a LTC or you're not, so they either issue an LTC-A (which is what happens the vast majority of the time -- the cover sheet on the application packet says the APD policy is generally to issue) or they don't issue anything. And the only thing they require beyond what the law requires is that you sign that you've read the AG's interpretation of MA deadly force law (a copy of which is in the application packet).

Though I sometimes wonder if the general populace (which politically gets more Cantabrigian by the day) realized Arlington is essentially a shall-issue Town. I would expect torches and pitchforks and that's why I take care not to mention it in general conversation.
Though I sometimes wonder if the general populace (which politically gets more Cantabrigian by the day) realized Arlington is essentially a shall-issue Town. I would expect torches and pitchforks and that's why I take care not to mention it in general conversation.

I doubt the average moonbat even knows what it takes to get an
LTC-A in mass... they probably don't have the faintest clue... I wouldn't
worry about it. Generally speaking whatever they know about guns
is usually false anyways... they probably believe that granting ANY
gun license is bad. I doubt they know the difference between the
various licenses, restrictions, etc.

Note that the 351 communities are the official municipal names, not including "villages" or other sections of towns. The Secretary of State's office has prepared a web page listing the Unincorporated and Unofficial Names of Massachusetts Communities. Also see the List of Town Numbers and Names and Towns Index Map, useful when downloading data distributed by town or as a general reference.

All this was here:
Community Boundaries (Towns) - October 2002

No realy relevant here, since Woburn was first incorporated as a town in 1642 and as a city in 1889 and is on all the lists.


"NONE" is "ALP"

That is the preferred (by Chief Ron Glidden) LTC for issuance.

"NONE" is "ALP"

That is the preferred (by Chief Ron Glidden) LTC for issuance.

I don't understand what you meant by this LenS. Are you saying the Chief Glidden preferes "NONE"?

I have a LTC from Chief Glidden and after Restrictions it says "FOR ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES"
I don't understand what you meant by this LenS. Are you saying the Chief Glidden preferes "NONE"?

I have a LTC from Chief Glidden and after Restrictions it says "FOR ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES"

Recent LTCs are now saying: "Restrictions: None" as opposed to the "Restrictions: All Lawful Purposes" that it was about a year ago. They changed the wording of it, but they still mean the same thing.
Recent LTCs are now saying: "Restrictions: None" as opposed to the "Restrictions: All Lawful Purposes" that it was about a year ago. They changed the wording of it, but they still mean the same thing.

I understand that they mean the same thing. I just wondered if he preferes it one way, why I would have it the other. Not that it really matters, I was just curious. My permit is 1-1/2 years old.

I appologize for going off topic for something as trivial so...back to the subject at hand.

I rather enjoy this thread. Everytime I see another green town my day is a little better.
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The distinction between "None" and "All lawful purposes" is useful when referring to the old licenses that had "Reason for issuance" instead of "Restrictions".

On the old licenses the right terminology was probably "All lawful purposes." On the new licenses that have a restrictions section instead of "Reason for issuance" "None" is probably the preferable terminology.
I realize ALP and None mean the same thing. I was just trying to be funny. I think adweisbe got it exactly right. When I applied all I put for a reason was All Lawful Purposes. No essay or detailed reason required. Long wait but I wasn't about to complain.
Thanks for the welcome guys, got my permit back on Monday, ALP No Restrictions. It took six weeks, and I have to say the liscencing guy in Abington is a good guy. This makes two unrestricted A permits in my household from Abington 1 a renewal, 1 a renewal upgrade.

Just a little note these guys followed the letter of the law, with no extra bs to do.

My buddy is going for his in Easton, they want letters and all kinds of other crap.
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Thanks for the welcome guys, got my permit back on Monday, ALP No Restrictions. It took six weeks, and I have to say the liscencing guy in Abington is a good guy. This makes two unrestricted A permits in my household from Abington 1 a renewal, 1 a renewal upgrade.

Just a little note these guys followed the letter of the law, with no extra bs to do.

Congrats! Thanks for the info on Abington. I have a few friends that have been waiting to hear about this town. This contradicts what I have heard in the past-FOR THE GOOD!

Please advise

I just got a courtesy call from Groveland's armorer, telling me that the CLEO has a policy of not granting ALP to first time applicants (my wife and I applied together, both first timers). We both have spotless records and are around thirty years old, so this policy strikes me as arbitrary and condescending. Especially since I'm sure the twenty-two year old we had our safety training with will get an ALP over the bridge in Haverhill without a problem; but I digress.

I need a practical solution to obtain an ALP. The sargaent gave me the option of either granting a restricted LTCA, or denying my application, enabling us to pursue this further in court. But I am wondering if there are other options - meeting with the armorer to inquire more about the policy, to see if there are any exceptions; meeting with the chief to plead our case? I don't know if either of these are useful options, or would be seen as troublemaking. I also wonder if this is just the unwritten policy? I.e., if a first time applicant really wants or needs an ALP, then he or she (or both) will go through the trouble of taking the chief to court, and then it will be granted?

And so, as my title suggests, PLEASE ADVISE. Thank you all in advance.

My advice is to talk to a lawyer with firearms experience. Scrivener and Cross-x are both such. A discussion with one of them would be worth the time and $$ if you don't want to wait 6 years until you can renew with an All Lawful Purposes.
Dammit Gabe - I thought they had changed that back. [rolleyes] Supposedly, the chief had changed it to that way a few years ago. When I asked one of the local PD about it that I know, he said that the chief put it back to the way it was and not to worry about it. It seems either he was wrong or it was changed back yet again. Like the damn bodies are piling up in Groveland! [angry]

If you guys can swing it, I would suggest talking with a lawyer familar with the gun laws. Email Cross-X.

I'm really sorry about that hun - if I had known, I would have warned you. [sad]
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