Good news for Remington Arms

ILION — After a nearly $6-million-dollar renovation and hiring 100 new employees, Remington Arms has completed the expansion officials announced the company would perform last year.

Good news for the area that I live in. See link below:

Unfortunately, these aren't exactly new jobs in the firearms business. The article states that the jobs are simply a replacement for the workers from the now-closed Marlin factory in CT. Somewhat like S&W's new hires to make up for closing Thompson/Center in NH.

Though considering I am starting to look at Marlin 1894s in pistol calibers, I hope they get things up and running soon!
Granted they are not new jobs. But, we're just happy to know that the factory will still be around. Since Dupont sold out there have been many rumors of shutdowns etc. As the article points out there have been many ups & downs lately. As I said we're glad it's still here.
I grew up near Ilion. Due to the oppressive tax rates and corrupt local officals pretty much all good jobs have been driven out of central New York State. Utica had a population of about 90,000 when I was a kid and now it is somewhere around 50,000. All the big companies are long gone. Anyone who can walk has moved out of state.

Please note in the article they credit "incentives" from New York State to encourage expansion at the plant. So the gov't is playing favorities with private enterprise again. They'll never learn. Drop or eliminate the taxes ACROSS THE BOARD and jobs will return.

Until then, Starnesville from Atlas Shrugged.
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