GOAL Letter to AG

No, the AG is free to ignore any letters of inquiry on any subject. They are not accountable to anyone for their actions or inactions. . . .

Actually, there are certain inquirers to whom the Attorney General is required by the Massachusetts Constitution to respond with an Opinion of the Attorney General, but GOAL isn't one of them.

I don't know what happened to GOAL after the move, but they have been rather quiet most of the year.

We really need someone to step up for gun owners in the legislation area. Even a quick check-in would be nice.
I don't know what happened to GOAL after the move, but they have been rather quiet most of the year.

We really need someone to step up for gun owners in the legislation area. Even a quick check-in would be nice.

Seriously. Don't they have an employe, intern, or volunteer who knows how to use the Internet?

Psssst....the majority of the people who donate to your organization are RIGHT HERE. And we're waiting.
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