Glad I'm a gun owner - might have beat a home invasion

After giving this some thought, this is what I've come up with;

you should have, without letting them say a word, wisked them off to a back bedroom saying "hurry up, the guys'll be here any second! you can change in here." (here's the clincher) say " just so we're clear, we're raffling off two blow-jobs!
Obviously j/k, but keep your eys peeled, these creatins may be dumb enough to come back.
ETA my wife didn't think this was funny either.[sad2] [laugh]
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Hindsight is 20/20 and it is fun to contemplate, with the luxury of time, what BCEagleAce might have done better. But, when all he had was seconds to react, mistakes will be made. The bottom line is he did what he needed to do to achieve his primary objective which was to protect his girsl from a perceived threat at that instant. Good job Ace. I am glad to be reading this at NES and not in the Globe under more tragic circumstances.
Hindsight is 20/20 and it is fun to contemplate, with the luxury of time, what BCEagleAce might have done better. But, when all he had was seconds to react, mistakes will be made. The bottom line is he did what he needed to do to achieve his primary objective which was to protect his girsl from a perceived threat at that instant. Good job Ace. I am glad to be reading this at NES and not in the Globe under more tragic circumstances.

All of this discussion is very helpful though.

One of the things they say that anybody who has to react under stress can do to try and make their performance better is to imagine what you would do in that stressful situation and go over it in your head - over and over again.

This helps prepare you mentally for that time when you actually encounter that stressful event.
at the time I saw the gun as a HUGE deterent to them trying shananigans, and as it turned out it worked.

I was home with my 2 beautiful baby girls. If the risk was having to explain myself to a LEO vs. actually needing the gun to protect the two most important things in the world to me, I still feel good about it the choice.

Having kept it concealed and just turning them away the next time around is what I learned from all this... yes, 20/20 in hindsight!

Good job on sniffing out a possible bad scene.

You may not have done what others would have, but it's very easy to say in hindsight what you "should" have done.

Given that you already answered the door, you identified a possible threat, isolated your baby girls and went for your means of defense.

Showing your gun or not showing it, you didn't get robbed or killed. Your girls are safe.

Now that they know you have guns will they be more likely or less likely to come back? You'll never know.

What you will know is how you can better react next time.

Personally I would prefer to carry open. It's my opinion that most home invasion-ists want the easiest place to rob, not the hardest. I let them know that I'm prepared for them and use that as a deterrant. They can go find a house with an Obama sign out front for an easier target.
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