George Zimmerman's Gun Up For Auction

Obviously reasonable doubt doesn't benefit the prosecution. In this case, it benefits Zimmerman, which is why I said his acquittal isn't controversial.

p.s. Book seems cool, thanks for sharing.

Was he ever charged or convicted of a crime? A few fishy texts and alleged "lean" usage has nothing to do with him getting shot. Prior history involves his encounters with the law such as arrests, charges, and convictions. Who cares what he did in privacy on his own? The only real knock I see is the suspensions for fighting which still involved no charges. Compared to Zimmerman's past, they're even at best.

I went to detention for arguing with my teacher once. Heck, if I remember, I may have even gotten in trouble for fighting a bully in middle school. Is that relevant to a case that may involve me getting shot by someone? No, but Zimmerman's record before the shooting included resisting an officer with violence and a judge granting his ex-girlfriend a restraining order, which are much more relevant in painting the portrait of a violent character than drinking some "lean". Add in his recent run ins with the law and talk about piece of shit.

In the end of the day, the guy is dead and Zimmerman is free, its done. Its just funny seeing some people paint this dude as an angel minding his own business before everything went down. He is innocent in the eyes of the law but guilty of looking for trouble, not listening to the dispatcher, and sniffing his nose where a threat clearly existed. Isn't the first rule of self defense firearm training to avoid hazardous situations at all cost, not to get out of your car and run towards them when no direct threat to you or those around you exists? When possible, preservation of life, even scum life, should trump trying to act like the town superman. Monitor the kid from your car until the police arrives and none of this would have ever happened.
He's a juvenile, we don't know his criminal record.

His drug use was probably why he was shot.

Chronic use of DXM will cause paranoia, psychotic breaks, dissociation and violent outbursts.

Given his brain and liver damage, we know he was a heavy user. What he did that night was pretty textbook given the drug he was abusing.
One could argue this could be purchased with a C&R FFL. It seems to fit the definition of Curio.

To be recognized as C&R items, 478.11 specifies that firearms must fall within one of the following categories:

Firearms which were manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas of such firearms;

Firearms which are certified by the curator of a municipal, State, or Federal museum which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest; and

Any other firearms which derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event.
One could argue this could be purchased with a C&R FFL. It seems to fit the definition of Curio.

For stuff less than 50 years old to qualify as C&R, don't you need to get an opinion letter from ATF qualifying it as such, first?
Why? Because his mother is a foreigner? Will he also remove my children because I married a Peruvian?

We shall see.

I'm just getting bored of the Zimmerman apologists and the Trayvon apologists. None of us here or in the media or in BLM or in the White House was there. Both persons are not lily white in regards to their behavior - we're not talking about a devout Quaker with no criminal past being accosted by a convicted rapist who was let out on parole. One person involved here liked his purple DRANK and the other one is a habitual shit-starter.

This sounds to me like just one, massive crap storm that belongs in the "WTF is wrong with Florida?" thread.
...I'm just getting bored of the Zimmerman apologists and the Trayvon apologists. None of us here or in the media or in BLM or in the White House was there. Both persons are not lily white in regards to their behavior - we're not talking about a devout Quaker with no criminal past being accosted by a convicted rapist who was let out on parole. One person involved here liked his purple DRANK and the other one is a habitual shit-starter...

Really? Have you listened to Massad Ayoob's interview of George Zimmerman?

093 The Aftermath: George Zimmerman Speaks
Audio February 20, 2016
We shall see.

I'm just getting bored of the Zimmerman apologists and the Trayvon apologists. None of us here or in the media or in BLM or in the White House was there. Both persons are not lily white in regards to their behavior - we're not talking about a devout Quaker with no criminal past being accosted by a convicted rapist who was let out on parole. One person involved here liked his purple DRANK and the other one is a habitual shit-starter.

This sounds to me like just one, massive crap storm that belongs in the "WTF is wrong with Florida?" thread.

agree. Too bad they didn't both die. Trayvon was a junior thug in training who was unlikely to grow up to be anything of value and Zimmerman is probably the biggest douchebag going. **** them both.
We shall see.

I'm just getting bored of the Zimmerman apologists and the Trayvon apologists. None of us here or in the media or in BLM or in the White House was there. Both persons are not lily white in regards to their behavior - we're not talking about a devout Quaker with no criminal past being accosted by a convicted rapist who was let out on parole. One person involved here liked his purple DRANK and the other one is a habitual shit-starter.

When it comes to the case at hand, legally speaking, only a retard would think that zimmerman was guilty. The only thing he's guilty of is being a ****ing idiot, and on that count, I can agree that he is terminally stupid.

What pisses me off about the trayvon fappers is all they can do is cry about how "he was a young kid that got shot, and someone should go to JAYLE FOR DAT!!! bweaaaah!" (the child fetish in this country is straight up retarded) while ignoring the fact that zimmerman was legally in the clear- and that, guess what, sometimes the system will let scumbags/idiots get off; because on balance those same self defense laws will protect the rights of the majority- decent citizens- while letting scumbags go here and there- and that's the cost of living in a free society. The alternative is a ****ed up legal system that would have too much loaded bias against the defender.

agree. Too bad they didn't both die. Trayvon was a junior thug in training who was unlikely to grow up to be anything of value and Zimmerman is probably the biggest douchebag going. **** them both.

Include the shitbag DA/prosecutor, etc, too. I wish all those shitmagnets in the whole thing collided simultaneously and turned into dust, or a sinkhole opened up and swallowed them all. America (and especially gun owners) would have been a lot better off without that fiasco.


You don't think that Zimmerman would be rather biased in regards to anything that he did and that perhaps he should keep his flap shut rather than doing interviews?

agree. Too bad they didn't both die. Trayvon was a junior thug in training who was unlikely to grow up to be anything of value and Zimmerman is probably the biggest douchebag going. **** them both.

Zimmerman acted within his legal right in Florida and Trayvon probably would've either ended up being a revolving door criminal or maybe a normal, well adjusted person. I'm not so willing to sit here and deal out death and judgement. Both of these people are the kinds of people I seek to avoid in my life. I wonder how this would've worked out up here though since self-defense shootings are very rare.

When it comes to the case at hand, legally speaking, only a retard would think that zimmerman was guilty. The only thing he's guilty of is being a ****ing idiot, and on that count, I can agree that he is terminally stupid.

What pisses me off about the trayvon fappers is all they can do is cry about how "he was a young kid that got shot, and someone should go to JAYLE FOR DAT!!! bweaaaah!" (the child fetish in this country is straight up retarded) while ignoring the fact that zimmerman was legally in the clear- and that, guess what, sometimes the system will let scumbags/idiots get off; because on balance those same self defense laws will protect the rights of the majority- decent citizens- while letting scumbags go here and there- and that's the cost of living in a free society. The alternative is a ****ed up legal system that would have too much loaded bias against the defender.

Include the shitbag DA/prosecutor, etc, too. I wish all those shitmagnets in the whole thing collided simultaneously and turned into dust, or a sinkhole opened up and swallowed them all. America (and especially gun owners) would have been a lot better off without that fiasco.


There's no question Zimmerman acted within his legal right and if this didn't get hyped up by the two sides, it would never would have made it to court or beyond a Grand Jury or Information Charging. Nope, the President had to get involved, the Governor of Florida appointed a special prosecutor and it became a media circus that's led to crap across the country, from cities being torched to dumbasses wandering out onto the highway in Providence.

I am curious how this would've played out in say New Bedford. Probably wouldn't have made front page news considering New Bedford is not a gated community.
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The firearm is fully functional as the attempts by the Department of Justice on behalf of B. Hussein Obama to render the firearm inoperable were thwarted by my phenomenal Defense Attorney.

There's an interesting tidbit. Politicians gonna politic.
Zimmerman acted within his legal right in Florida and Trayvon probably would've either ended up being a revolving door criminal or maybe a normal, well adjusted person. I'm not so willing to sit here and deal out death and judgement. Both of these people are the kinds of people I seek to avoid in my life. I wonder how this would've worked out up here though since self-defense shootings are very rare.

Yes, he did act legally. That doesn't mean he's not an ******* who went out of his way looking for trouble and found it. To each their own but I don't follow black kids around my neighborhood and harass them. Trayvon clearly wasn't a stellar kid, but there's no evidence at all that he was doing anything wrong that particular night. He was also acting within his rights. None of us were there so no one really knows how the fight started. I can tell you though if some twat was following me around and wouldn't stop, there's a decent chance of a confrontation happening. Sooner or later most people are going to stop and be like "dude what the **** do you want, leave me alone". I could totally see myself knocking out some douchebag like Z. Whether or not T's blackness is what made Z suspicious or not is pure speculation and not worth discussing.

T could have turned out to be an ok guy, sure you're right. Doubtful given his parents, his backpack full of stolen shit, all his wannabe thug crap on social media. Who knows though, some little ******* kids outgrow that stuff.
You don't think that Zimmerman would be rather biased in regards to anything that he did and that perhaps he should keep his flap shut rather than doing interviews?
Under normal circumstances, a defender needs to STFU for 3 years+a day to make sure there will not be a civil suit (in which case anything he says will be twisted and used out of context against him).

Florida has tort protections for persons found to have acted in self defense by the courts, so it may be acceptable for Zimmerman to speak prior to the civil statute of limitations.
George Zimmerman will now make $100,000 more than anticipated for the sale of the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin -- because he got a much bigger offer for the 9 mm weapon.
Zimmerman had reached a deal with a Florida bar owner to sell it Friday for $150k -- but at the last minute Zimmerman pulled the plug when he found out someone else was offering $250k.
Sources connected to Zimmerman tell us a female bidder contacted his attorney Thursday to make a deposit. Zimmerman initially didn't take the offer seriously, but we're told her funds were verified before the auction ended.
We're told it's now a done deal at the $250k price tag. Still unclear if the purchaser will remain anonymous.
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