George Zimmerman's Gun Up For Auction

PF9 for $5K- will be interesting to see what knucklehead pony's up for that. Guess I'm not that kind of history buff.
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Too bad its not MA compliant.. i may bid the 5k on the opening just for the screen shot.

Im sure some dick will drive it up and back out..
Paypal for George's Zim Zam?

Yeah, that will go over well!

I think he will get his 5k at least.
I love it. I'm going to buy it and put it in a tractor-trailer and bring it to every shopping center in America.

(And charge a mere $5.00 to look at it.)
Paypal for George's Zim Zam?

Yeah, that will go over well!

I think he will get his 5k at least.

Ya George is being a dick by accepting paypal. We all use "discrete paypal" for a reason and there will be nothing discrete about this listing.
Ya George is being a dick by accepting paypal. We all use "discrete paypal" for a reason and there will be nothing discrete about this listing.

Actually, not all of us use PayPal at all. If I have to hide my purchase by lying about the product I am purchasing, then **** Paypal, I do not use their service and haven't in the last 10 plus years.

zero interest in this pistol at all. I see it as an overpriced pistol and nothing's no more nothing more. Surprised and glad it as returned though, with the ammunition.
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This should be interesting.
I wonder what the demographics are who would buy this.


PS: Starting bid is $5000

People who collect guns of historical note, like Hitler's guns, Old West guns, 1 of 1000 guns, etc. People with money and vast collections who won't shoot the guns.

If I was Fat George, and thank Christ I'm not, I would donate the gun to a museum or the NRA or the historical society of Florida or the county he lived in. Whether he likes it or not, his use of that gun caused quite the stir.
This guy can't make worse decisions.

This X1,000. I've stated on here several times that George needs to just stop everything he is doing and move out into the middle of nowhere so that he can drop out of sight. He is going to wind up getting killed because he can't seem to help himself.
Wow, I totally want this. Too bad it isn't legal in MA.


It is legal you just need to be adept at getting it here. That said i feel the cloud of sarcasm in this thread... :)

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This X1,000. I've stated on here several times that George needs to just stop everything he is doing and move out into the middle of nowhere so that he can drop out of sight. He is going to wind up getting killed because he can't seem to help himself.

"The action is the juice" except unlike Mr Cheritto, zim puts himself at risk over meaningless crap.
Funny, Hillary is giving a $1,500 a plate speech at the Trevon foundation, nothing like a little political profit for a killing[smile]
Wow a wanabe thug who bit off to much and met his match, has his own foundation will there be watermelon arizona served at this fundraiser diner.

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Well, riot-weather is back so you can prepare yourself for more inflammatory news reporting that will draw people into fits of anger about race. Commies like to destabilize nations while they are subverting them.
Throw in some targets and I might be interested...

Well, riot-weather is back so you can prepare yourself for more inflammatory news reporting that will draw people into fits of anger about race. Commies like to destabilize nations while they are subverting them.

Not sure riots will happen, those who fund them are giving their money to Hillary to fight Trump. Takes big money to fund a riot or rent a mob..
I know zero about PM-9's. Is that a factory or Hogue grip?

It's just another shitty PF9 with a hogue handall on the grip. (one of those rubber inner tube like things that I usually cut off of used guns and throw away) [laugh]

ETA: none of this matters apparently, the listing is gone. [rofl] So much for that.

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