George Zimmerman's Gun Up For Auction


Its day in Court.

UNITED GUN GROUP AUCTIONS is selling it now, but I can't find their Web Site.

Hopefully some News Outfit in the UK or Australia will have the info later.

No USA "News Organization" will tell.
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And they're STILL showing that frikkin "Baby Picture" !!

That's the thing that always pissed me off the most.


There are still people that think Trayvon was eight years old and five feet tall.
Out of my entire post, that is what you picked up? lol my point is no one should be defending this sh*t stain Zimmerman whether you think he's innocent or not. He was acquitted, legally he's in the clear, no one is debating that. Still, the guy is a tool, has no respect whatsoever, is arguably a sociopath, and is a prime example of the social decay we all complain about. He can't just shut his mouth and move on like a normal person would.

Yup, the only thing. The rest are your feelings and who am I to tell you how you feel? I was just clarifying that if I am being assaulted and in fear for my life, at that moment, I don't care what [STRIKE=undefined]you[/STRIKE] my assailant did yesterday.

So "lol" all you want.
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Yup, the only thing. The rest are your feelings and who am I to tell you how you feel? I was just clarifying that if I am being assaulted and in fear for my life, at that moment, I don't care what [STRIKE=undefined]you[/STRIKE] my assailant did yesterday.

So "lol" all you want.

Considering many of the eye witness testimonies were unreliable given the lack of visibility, parts of the case become equally unclear. To me, past does add certain weight on the respective legal side whether we want to admit it or not. If one side can paint the other in a positive or negative light, the jury takes that into account, so yes it matters.

I'm not disputing the fact that he should have been acquitted. You need to prove a murder case beyond a reasonable doubt. For this case, there is a reasonable doubt in my book, case closed. So yes, lol at your observation.
Considering many of the eye witness testimonies were unreliable given the lack of visibility, parts of the case become equally unclear. To me, past does add certain weight on the respective legal side whether we want to admit it or not. If one side can paint the other in a positive or negative light, the jury takes that into account, so yes it matters.

I'm not disputing the fact that he should have been acquitted. You need to prove a murder case beyond a reasonable doubt. For this case, there is a reasonable doubt in my book, case closed. So yes, lol at your observation.

Again, your feelings. I am or was, cause I am dropping this, discussing the act of self defense and preservation of life. Also reasonable doubt does not benefit the prosecution.

That trial was a hot button issue here on NES from a gun owners stand point. The author of the book "Law of Self Defense" was live tweeting the trial, posting here, and is a well known and respected lawyer and instructor on the issue.

I purchased it for all my family that carries and it is well worth the read.

The Law of Self Defense 3rd Edition is Now Available!

The indispensable guide for the armed citizen just got even better.

You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill. Read this book so you’re hard to convict.

The #1 guide for understanding your state’s requirements when using force to protect yourself.

An easy to understand, entertaining and informative read that thoroughly covers the law in all 50 states.

Clearly explains not just the statutes but how the courts apply them

Corrects the myths that get people in trouble

Received 5-star Amazon rating and praise from many self defense legends

Includes interesting, if sometimes heart-wrenching, true-life examples

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To me, past does add certain weight on the respective legal side whether we want to admit it or not. If one side can paint the other in a positive or negative light, the jury takes that into account, so yes it matters.

How much, if any, of the past can be introduced varies vastly based on state law.

In many jurisdictions, it doesn't matter how much of a dirtbag the other party is in a self defense case - if the person asserting self defense cannot prove (s)he knew of it at the time of the incident, it is ruled as irrelevant and thus inadmissable since the party could not have used it as part of his/her decision when defending.

The commiewealth has finally recognized, however, that such information, even if not known to the defender, can provide insight into what likely happened, even if the defender did not know of the information at the time of the incident (see Commonwealth v. Adjutant, 2005).

But, the knife has sliced in the other direction for even a longer time, and the MA courts have allowed information about a defendant such as their nicknames and vanity plate since well before Adjutant (see Commonewalth vs. Gabbidon, 1986). So be careful about cultivating nicknames such as "killer" or "kingpin".

Maybe... maybe not..., the first site he tried, disavowed the auction, saying it wants “no part in the listing on our website or in any of the publicity it is receiving.”

United Gun Group, however, said that as “long as Mr. Zimmerman (or any other UGG member) is obeying the letter of the law, his personal firearm sale will be permitted on our network.”

I've never heard of UGG before, and the site is unreachable (makes me wonder if they're experiencing some sort of denial of service attack).
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I've never heard of UGG before, and the site is unreachable (makes me wonder if they're experiencing some sort of denial of service attack).

Or they're just swamped by the publicity. Wouldn't be the first time news has caused a website to be hugged to death.

I'm kinda disappointed by GunBroker.
Or they're just swamped by the publicity. Wouldn't be the first time news has caused a website to be hugged to death.

True, that hadn't occurred to me.

I just know there are plenty of butthurt SJW/Anon types that would relish the thought of ****ing with the auction.
True, that hadn't occurred to me.

I just know there are plenty of butthurt SJW/Anon types that would relish the thought of ****ing with the auction.

Serious online auctions require bidders to place a deposit prior to bidding via Credit Card or Bank Transfer.

$5K sounds about right for this.

Write the contract correctly, and anyone that bids just to piss is going to lose 5K or more.
And they're STILL showing that frikkin "Baby Picture" !!

That's the thing that always pissed me off the most.


There are still people that think Trayvon was eight years old and five feet tall.
And there are still people doing their damnedest to make him out to be a violent black thug. Your attempt (and others) to frame him as an aggressive black youth is pure dog whistle, based on zero facts.

The fact is that Trayvon Martin had no record. No convictions. No arrests. No run-ins with the law. Literally the only item on his record was a school suspension for possession of a baggy with traces of pot in it. He was an unarmed high school student walking home when trouble came looking for him.

Unlike his victim, Zimmerman had shown before, and has shown even further since, that he is an angry man unable to control himself. He is clearly not a trustworthy person and I do not believe his story. He was the instigator of the incident that lead to the shooting. At multiple points leading up to the final confrontation, he could have done what anyone that carries knows is best to do: disengage, de-escalate, and let the police do their job. He did the opposite.

He is not someone the pro-gun community should point to in praise. He should be a cautionary tale.

And there are still people doing their damnedest to make him out to be a violent black thug. Your attempt (and others) to frame him as an aggressive black youth is pure dog whistle, based on zero facts.

The fact is that Trayvon Martin had no record. No convictions. No arrests. No run-ins with the law.

There's a reason for no records : Trayvon was a Juvenile.

Have you seen Philip Chism's records ? No. Also a juvenile. Sealed.

Or, you can tell me Philip Chism was a wonderful lad; never, ever had any issues before Tennessee mysteriously shuffled him off to Mass. Poor Philip just must have ingested a bad ice cube one day.

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This X1,000. I've stated on here several times that George needs to just stop everything he is doing and move out into the middle of nowhere so that he can drop out of sight. He is going to wind up getting killed because he can't seem to help himself.
Would probably be good news to most of us, given that every time he's in the news he tends to make all of us look more and more Charlie Bronson and/or Elmer Fudd....But he's probably dumb like a fox, though, and a few years from now he'll be raking in about $3 mil a year or more hosting a Jerry Springer/Morton Downey Jr. style "talk" show on cable or with his own YouTube channel feed...
The fact is that Trayvon Martin had no record. No convictions. No arrests. No run-ins with the law. Literally the only item on his record was a school suspension for possession of a baggy with traces of pot in it. He was an unarmed high school student walking home when trouble came looking for him.


Multiple suspensions for fights and other violence, stolen property in his possessions, text messages selling guns, and brain and liver damage from chronic abuse of Lean (DXM), which is what the watermelon iced tea and skittles were for.

He was a piece of shit, by all accounts.
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Sometimes I wonder how it all would have played out if Zimmerman had no gun, and Trayvon succeeded in beating him to death.

"Your Honor, George Zimmerman was following my client, so obviously, rather than running home, Trayvon had every right to backtrack and beat him to death"
Again, your feelings. I am or was, cause I am dropping this, discussing the act of self defense and preservation of life. Also reasonable doubt does not benefit the prosecution.

That trial was a hot button issue here on NES from a gun owners stand point. The author of the book "Law of Self Defense" was live tweeting the trial, posting here, and is a well known and respected lawyer and instructor on the issue.

I purchased it for all my family that carries and it is well worth the read.

Obviously reasonable doubt doesn't benefit the prosecution. In this case, it benefits Zimmerman, which is why I said his acquittal isn't controversial.

p.s. Book seems cool, thanks for sharing.


Multiple suspensions for fights and other violence, stolen property in his possessions, text messages selling guns, and brain and liver damage from chronic abuse of Lean (DXM), which is what the watermelon iced tea and skittles were for.

He was a piece of shit, by all accounts.

Was he ever charged or convicted of a crime? A few fishy texts and alleged "lean" usage has nothing to do with him getting shot. Prior history involves his encounters with the law such as arrests, charges, and convictions. Who cares what he did in privacy on his own? The only real knock I see is the suspensions for fighting which still involved no charges. Compared to Zimmerman's past, they're even at best.

I went to detention for arguing with my teacher once. Heck, if I remember, I may have even gotten in trouble for fighting a bully in middle school. Is that relevant to a case that may involve me getting shot by someone? No, but Zimmerman's record before the shooting included resisting an officer with violence and a judge granting his ex-girlfriend a restraining order, which are much more relevant in painting the portrait of a violent character than drinking some "lean". Add in his recent run ins with the law and talk about piece of shit.

In the end of the day, the guy is dead and Zimmerman is free, its done. Its just funny seeing some people paint this dude as an angel minding his own business before everything went down. He is innocent in the eyes of the law but guilty of looking for trouble, not listening to the dispatcher, and sniffing his nose where a threat clearly existed. Isn't the first rule of self defense firearm training to avoid hazardous situations at all cost, not to get out of your car and run towards them when no direct threat to you or those around you exists? When possible, preservation of life, even scum life, should trump trying to act like the town superman. Monitor the kid from your car until the police arrives and none of this would have ever happened.
Current bid $180,085.00 by diddu muffin..

Aka "didn't do nothing" rymes..

Seriously though i doubt thats a real bid.....because its not going to sell for that much.
Sometimes I wonder how it all would have played out if Zimmerman had no gun, and Trayvon succeeded in beating him to death.

"Your Honor, George Zimmerman was following my client, so obviously, rather than running home, Trayvon had every right to backtrack and beat him to death"

It would be a byline on page 26, if at all. How much do you hear about the weekly killings in the gun-free zone known as Chicago?
Even if we give him a 100% pass on "little trayvon" (and all the BS surrounding it) he's still proven himself to be 110% retarded in the aftermath. You don't get in trouble with the cops/ROs/etc as many times as he has without being part of the problem. No way, not possible. He's a professional shitmagnet, and a moron. A smart person dodges a bullet like that in life, they pretty much disappear and fade off into the woodwork and are never heard from again. Shitmagnets though keep using matches to check the gas level in their cars, though.

He's like "that friend" of yours that is always bitching about their lot in life, wah wah wah, woe is me, etc. Eventually after some time passes you begin to realize that he is a major contributing factor to the problems he faces. Zimmermann is one of those kinds of people.

he is the white Hispanic non athletic poor version of OJ.
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