Feinstein "Assault" weapon ban had only 40 yeah votes, hence it's demise.

The threat to gun rights is at risk until Obama is gone and with the Dem's in charge of any branch of gov't. So it might be a good win in this battle, the war is still on going. And as others have said, the dem's in some states are going full bore. We need to take them out in the next election.
Better write up at hotair.com
Feinstein: Reid excluded the assault-weapons ban from Senate gun bill « Hot Air

Do we need to ask? Reid can be accused of many things, but he’s not clueless when it comes to the politics of guns. Reid wants to pass a bipartisan bill to expand background checks, and he’s more than willing to sacrifice Feinstein’s effort to get it, especially since Reid was never enthusiastic about the renewed AWB in the first place.

This way, he gets two wins. First, using Feinstein’s proposal as the extreme of the effort, the background-check legislation looks more reasonable, even where it may not be. Second, by allowing Democrats in red states to vote against the AWB in a separate floor action, he protects them from attacks in the 2014 election. It’s a win-win for Reid.

I often feel like this was part of the plan all along - go for the extremes so when you vote for something in the middle everyone breathes a sigh of relief and smiles.
Honestly, I'd rather have the bill get to the floor and fail in a roll call vote so that every one of the Democratic senators who support it would have their position afixed to it come the 2014 election. But that's exactly why Reid wont let it come to a floor vote - he knows if it comes to a floor vote, his party will get handed a major pink slip come November 2014.
It's not done yet. It will come up on the floor as an Amendment.

I'm not even sure it will. I know Feinstein will push for it but where it is DOA, Reid might not allow it. For the past 7 years, he will not allow his Sen's in red states to vote on things that will lose them an election. So he doesn't want a vote on that or many of the other things.

The thing to watch is the background checks. He said he won't allow a vote on a Dem only supported bill. But if he can get R's to be stupid and support a "Bi-partisan" bill, he'll push that. R's need to say no to all of it.
Reid shoots down Feinstein gun-ban bill

Honestly, I'd rather have the bill get to the floor and fail in a roll call vote so that every one of the Democratic senators who support it would have their position afixed to it come the 2014 election. But that's exactly why Reid wont let it come to a floor vote - he knows if it comes to a floor vote, his party will get handed a major pink slip come November 2014.

This. They dont have the balls to vote on it. Its DOA in the house anyway. Beyond background checks, nothing federally is going to pass.

Anti gun states are the ones to worry about
I'm not even sure it will. I know Feinstein will push for it but where it is DOA, Reid might not allow it. For the past 7 years, he will not allow his Sen's in red states to vote on things that will lose them an election. So he doesn't want a vote on that or many of the other things.

The thing to watch is the background checks. He said he won't allow a vote on a Dem only supported bill. But if he can get R's to be stupid and support a "Bi-partisan" bill, he'll push that. R's need to say no to all of it.

Remind your senators of their history. The Labor Union Party of Early 20th century German established manditory documention checks and recorders of all firearms transactions that formed the basis of the "gun registry" which the party's leadership used to round up all Jewish gun owners 19 years later. For mandatory background checks to be effective, they will have to be recorded and as soon as the government is allowed to record names and firearms involved in all firearms transfers, they have created a registry which can be abused by future leaderships. At issue is not whether we trust our current government with that information, but whether we trust everyone yet elected with it as well.
These things are never dead....as long as there are people who think like her, who despise liberty and freedom and think the government is the end all and be all, and until a lot of people get a major wake up call we will be dealing with legislative battles like this for years to come.
I guess feinstein has failed, again!

"The leader" decided not to move forward because its political suicide. It was on 04 and is now.
Now, Diane don't go home angry, just go home.

Still not over though:::
"Many Democrats think the ban on large-capacity magazines has a better chance of getting 60 votes than the assault weapons ban."

Looks like universal background checks as well...
Hasta La Vista Assault Weapons Ban
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Honestly, I'd rather have the bill get to the floor and fail in a roll call vote so that every one of the Democratic senators who support it would have their position afixed to it come the 2014 election. But that's exactly why Reid wont let it come to a floor vote - he knows if it comes to a floor vote, his party will get handed a major pink slip come November 2014.

No pink slips will be issied ... he who controls the diebold machines wins the election. [thinking]
Pure Politics.

Reid protects other Dems by not forcing them to vote on the ban even though they want it since it will never pass the house anyway and will be used as a campagn tool to pick of expecially moderate Dems.

Then, he gets a watered down b ackground check bill passed that the "majority" of Americans "want" according to "polling" and that gets used as a campagn tool to beat up Republicans that vote against it.
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