Fatal Shooting in Worcester by Westborough LTC holder UPDATE: Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter! 4-7 Year Sentence with 77 Days Credit.


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I too have gotten more cautious in my old age, as the road ragers have gotten more crazed and plentiful. These are not the personal offenses to die for in my book.
I looked at a T-shirt online the other day that said, "Don't f*** With Old People, Life in Prison Doesn't Sound so Bad Anymore".
[rockon] [rofl]
OK. So I am having a little trouble following what seems to be the consensus logic here. I have had an argument with someone. I am back in the car. They then break my car window. I have a firearm in the car but I should wait to see what happens next first? Did I get this right?
Thats the Massatwoshits way, the assailant might change his mind and turn his life around.
... and still no name or other details given for the dead guy. 🤔
Yeah, something seems to be "up" here.

Let us remember that in this case, the (now dead) guy broke the side window on Mr. Peckham's vehicle. We still don't know what he used to break the window or what his intentions were once the window was broken. This was a little bit more involved than just the (now dead) guy giving Mr. Peckham the finger.

I don’t know all the facts but from the little I do know, I can almost guarantee that the “victim” f***ed around and found out. I can also almost guarantee that dead guy is a felon and piece of shit.
Don't be so sure. He might be "connected" somehow. Maybe there are witnesses of him "about to find out", and people don't want his reputation tarnished.

Yep. There is no other reason I can think of to keep his identity a secret this long. Clearly, the cops are trying to preserve the illusion that this was not a case of self-defense for Mr. Peckham. If it comes out that the dead guy was "well-known" to the police for violence behavior, that weakens the murder case. 🤔
Or, ... (see below)...

What if he IS a policeman?
Was also wondering this.

I don't get it, why intentionally antagonize an already bad situation? Unless the goal is to raise it to a level of physical conflict.
Let it go, the other guy just isn't important to me, I don't care what he thinks or wants, because he wants to get a rise out of me, but he's a zero on my scale of important to me.
I think maybe someone "road raged at me" today. There is a T stop sign in town. Usually, cars pull up, ones on the right have right blinker on, and turn right. They generally stay to the right side. Ones on the left side approaching the stop will usually put on left blinker, and stay to the left, so the right on red people can get through, since it is harder to turn left. Anyway, I was coming up, and the car also coming up in front of me had on his right blinker, so I was pulling forward to sit on the left and wait my turn. All of a sudden he starts moving left. I think he is one of those guys who pretends they are driving a long tractor trailer or box truck. Anyhow, I give a quick toot to let him know I was there. He then puts down his window, gives the finger, and keeps going to the left, eventually forcing me to cross the center line a bit just to avoid him running into me. Fortunately, it wasn't busy at the intersection. Meanwhile, he is yelling something out the window, so I just sort of waved and we both went our separate ways. You just never know who you'll come across that is having a bad day.
copied the url for this, scroll down, and there's your post. beat me to it. I thought it was an obscure reference, but I underestimated the NES brain trust.
You underestimated the NES brain trust to be in command of inane facts and useless information? You’ve dishonored your forebears… [rofl]
OK. So I am having a little trouble following what seems to be the consensus logic here. I have had an argument with someone. I am back in the car. They then break my car window. I have a firearm in the car but I should wait to see what happens next first? Did I get this right?
Just thought this could use repeating.

What is the thought on "duty to retreat" or whatever, when you are trapped in a car (or a room, or a closet, or a phone booth, or whatever)?
Just thought this could use repeating.

What is the thought on "duty to retreat" or whatever, when you are trapped in a car (or a room, or a closet, or a phone booth, or whatever)?
Duty to retreat is retarded. Even so, when you're trapped in a car/physical space, it's not an option.

If it was me, I'd try to defuse and give the aggressive animal more time. If my kids were in the car and someone started trying to break their way in, they'd be getting hit by 4000 pounds or 147 grains. I'd happily risk spending time in jail than risk my kids spending time in the hospital (or worse).
Not according to my buddy the BP Detective. They can tell if you adjusted your seat.
I love hearing shit Iike this.
Computer can only record what it has sensors for and on most cars seat position doesn't have sensors.
But sometimes you just need to smile and laugh inside when people pontificate
Duty to retreat is retarded. Even so, when you're trapped in a car/physical space, it's not an option.

If it was me, I'd try to defuse and give the aggressive animal more time. If my kids were in the car and someone started trying to break their way in, they'd be getting hit by 4000 pounds or 147 grains. I'd happily risk spending time in jail than risk my kids spending time in the hospital (or worse).
Duty to retreat is predicated on ability to do so safely. If you, or one in your care, can't safely retreat then that aspect of avoidance is off the prosecutorial table.
Duty to retreat is predicated on ability to do so safely. If you, or one in your care, can't safely retreat then that aspect of avoidance is off the prosecutorial table.
what about "don't wanna"

edit: my lawyer felt a pain in his ass and texted me to say "add 'just kidding' to whatever you just said or wrote"

just kidding
Or he was having a bad day because his crackhead GF just OD'd and she was receiving the welfare checks and had the EBD card. He was just hangry.
Wild how this kerfluffle could have been avoided by grabbing a Snickers™ at the very Honey Farms that this incident took place 🤔
the way this works is the police decide to charge and the DA accepts a recommendation or changes it, right?
Yes basically. The PD would file a criminal complaint which the DA can then add or dismiss the charges.
An indictment would follow where a grand jury determines if there’s sufficient evidence to bring the charges to trial.
I love hearing shit Iike this.
Computer can only record what it has sensors for and on most cars seat position doesn't have sensors.
But sometimes you just need to smile and laugh inside when people pontificate
That is not at all true. Both my vehicles, and many others, record the seat position of different drivers. Push a button and the seat automatically adjusts to a preset position.
In the incident he told me about, a couple claimed that wife was driving when they ran over a pedestrian.
Black box revealed that they pushed the button after running the lady over. She was 5'4" - He was 6'2". No way she was driving.
Yes, any new vehicle will record not only your seat position, but the size of the occupants. It is an NHTSA rule and has been since 2014. See the list of required data your car records in this Consumer Reports article.
The data must include:

  • The forward and lateral crash force.
  • The crash event duration.
  • Indicated vehicle speed.
  • Accelerator position.
  • Engine rpm.
  • Brake application and antilock brake activation.
  • Steering wheel angle.
  • Stability control engagement.
  • Vehicle roll angle, in case of a rollover.
  • Number of times the vehicle has been started.
  • Driver and front-passenger safety belt engagement, and pretensioner or force limiter engagement.
  • Air bag deployment, speed, and faults for all air bags.
  • Front seat positions.
  • Occupant size

But you are right, sometimes you have to laugh. Just because someone is unaware of a fact, they convince themselves it is not a fact.
Have some sort of recording to evidence what you can and cannot do, maybe also have a call out to 911 already
Setup for a felony prosecution under MA law if audio surreptitiously recorded. Also protects vendors from under TV consumer advocate stings.
Sounds like the thin blue line isn't a friend of self-defense
Worcester PD is under federal investigation for systematic civil rights violations. The whole department, not one particular unit. This is rare and a big deal. Not saying this impacts the pursuit of this case, but not saying it doesn’t.
Wasn't it ex-AG Marsha Coakley who famously said: "We don't recommend self-help" (Meaning "We don't recommend self-defense")? 🤔
no idea. massachusetts is a nightmare. no f-ing way would I want to live in populated areas of it during the upcoming deepening recession/hard times. this is a good reminder that police aren't necessarily your friends and see themselves as on the team of prosecutors/the gov
Murder rates are up vs 2015 now but they were declining from 1993 through 2015. If you asked people about murder rates, mass shootings, etc people always believed they were at record highs but they were not even close. Just like hurricanes, etc media is more available and they’re an echo chamber of hype.

There used to be a meteorologist on Boston 5, rosenthal. His brother was an executive or middle manger at John Hancock. He lost it one night, his brother got tainted by that and I believe does radio weather for Worcester stations.

I bought the doorbell and some random furnishings from that house (there was an auction). After a while it was just too creepy and I gave it all away.

One past NES member lived just a few doors away. When I told him about it he was fascinated. He'd had no idea. All happened long before he moved there.
Worcester PD is under federal investigation for systematic civil rights violations. The whole department, not one particular unit. This is rare and a big deal. Not saying this impacts the pursuit of this case, but not saying it doesn’t.
my wife didn't grow up in new england and she knows to never stop near worcester, not even for gas.

i don't have a punisher skull with the thin blue line on my f150, but i'm pretty sure the "civil rights violations" are massatwoshits politicians out of touch of reality and upset at what it means for police to do their job in a diverse, inclusive city
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