"Fast And Furious/Gunwalker" mega-thread... was: ATF director expected to resign...

Unless President Obama relents to this bipartisan call for transparency and an end to the cover-up, our fight will move to the courts where we will prevail in getting the documents that the Justice Department and President Obama’s flawed assertion of executive privilege have denied the American people.

And that will only take about a decade.
Got into an argument with a friends father about this last night. He say's no guns ever walked into Mexico. Period. None crossed the border. Said he read an article that said so. Told him to go find the hearings and watch them, and not speak about it again until he had a clue. My head still hurts from that one.
Got into an argument with a friends father about this last night. He say's no guns ever walked into Mexico. Period. None crossed the border. Said he read an article that said so. Told him to go find the hearings and watch them, and not speak about it again until he had a clue. My head still hurts from that one.

My democrat grandmother told me that this wasnt proven and this whole thing is about race. . .

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Got into an argument with a friends father about this last night. He say's no guns ever walked into Mexico. Period. None crossed the border. Said he read an article that said so. Told him to go find the hearings and watch them, and not speak about it again until he had a clue. My head still hurts from that one.

My democrat grandmother told me that this wasnt proven and this whole thing is about race. . .

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2

Wow.....just wow. [thinking]
My democrat grandmother told me that this wasnt proven and this whole thing is about race. . .

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2

Oh, he said they went after Holder for contempt because hes black too. Said Obama knew nothing, executive privilege in this case was warranted, and congress has no right to subpoena the documents.

He also put on something on MSNBC with Al Sharpton as host. I said I cant stand him because hes all he does is play the race card. I was told IM a bigot for saying that. [rolleyes]
Oh, he said they went after Holder for contempt because hes black too. Said Obama knew nothing, executive privilege in this case was warranted, and congress has no right to subpoena the documents.

He also put on something on MSNBC with Al Sharpton as host. I said I cant stand him because hes all he does is play the race card. I was told IM a bigot for saying that. [rolleyes]

Tell him that guilt is one of the most boring and predictable types of propaganda out there, and only a moron would fall for it.
Oh, he said they went after Holder for contempt because hes black too. Said Obama knew nothing, executive privilege in this case was warranted, and congress has no right to subpoena the documents.

He also put on something on MSNBC with Al Sharpton as host. I said I cant stand him because hes all he does is play the race card. I was told IM a bigot for saying that. [rolleyes]

Your friend's father :=
Tell him that guilt is one of the most boring and predictable types of propaganda out there, and only a moron would fall for it.

"White guilt" is what got the Big O elected in the first place. There are too many morons out there.
Ya know what's sad (hope I'm not outing myself) but I had no idea Holder was black until all this horseshit. I thought that if anything he may have been of middle Eastern decent or something along those lines. Never saw any of his earlier speeches until after F&F came to light. [hmmm]
Ya know what's sad (hope I'm not outing myself) but I had no idea Holder was black until all this horseshit. I thought that if anything he may have been of middle Eastern decent or something along those lines. Never saw any of his earlier speeches until after F&F came to light. [hmmm]

No, I always thought he was latin/sicilian or something, and I'm Italian. Who cares what color his skin is, he's a POS and deserves worse than tar and feather.
*sigh* so basically after the whole thing, we're right back where we started, the Kenyan that would be King, has proven so far, that he can do what he damn well pleases. [sad2]

Congress basically just got castrated if nothing comes of the contempt charge.
*sigh* so basically after the whole thing, we're right back where we started, the Kenyan that would be King, has proven so far, that he can do what he damn well pleases. [sad2]

Congress basically just got castrated if nothing comes of the contempt charge.

Lol. Division of power disappearing before my eyes this week. I think it's going to be a bottle of vodka weekend.
Justice Department shields Holder from prosecution after contempt vote

Done deal. Nothing is going to happen. Move along. There's nothing to see here.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-court-case-to-extract-furious/#ixzz1zDKb7we4

Criminal prosecution of Holder was not the goal of this move.

The civil contempt motion was what they were after. It allows them to go to court to try to force the Administration to release the documents they're seeking.
Criminal prosecution of Holder was not the goal of this move.

The civil contempt motion was what they were after. It allows them to go to court to try to force the Administration to release the documents they're seeking.

Perhaps, but a nice jail cell shared with Bubba woud be a sweet thought.

However all the criminals from Shitcago have to stick together!
I heard a very interesting interview with Jason Chaffetz on Fox today in which he refused to discount the possibility of having the House Sergeant of Arms arrest A.G. Holder on the spot and lead him away in shackles.

Such a nice mental picture...

Doubt it will happen, but a nice bit of gamesmanship from Rep. Chaffetz nonetheless.
The question is though, depending on how this whole thing plays out, can he pardon himself?

He can do a Richard Nixon, Resign the office and then be pardoned by the Vice President, who is then now the President. Gerald Ford did this for Richard Nixon.

True, but nothing in the Constitution says a president can't pardon himself.

It isn't going to happen but:

If he/she was impeached first the 'offender' is SOL and can not pardon himself.

When Nixon resigned he was no longer under impeachment procedures.

If anyone can add to this I would love to hear it. I can't seem to get a Constitutional Law Degree over the internet. But it has been intersting! [thinking]

WARNING!: Depending on the computer and locale you enter the link from be prepared to get Ad's to support Warren AND defeat Romney.


Constitutional Authority for Presidential Pardons

The presidential power to pardon is granted under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

"The President ... shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

No standards, and only one limitation -- no pardons for the impeached.

What the Founding Fathers Said
The whole subject of presidential pardons stirred little debate at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. No less estimable Founding Father than Alexander Hamilton, writing in Federalist No. 74, suggests that, "... in seasons of insurrection or rebellion, there are often critical moments, when a well-timed offer of pardon to the insurgents or rebels may restore the tranquility of the commonwealth."
The two bloggers that first broke Fast & Furious back in 2010 have filed to have Holder disbarred in D.C.

They have him by the shorthairs on this one, it will be interesting to see how the board reacts to this complaint.

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