"Fast And Furious/Gunwalker" mega-thread... was: ATF director expected to resign...

Now they're all going to walk out in the middle of the vote? Is that what I just caught on Fox News? (Trying to deal with screaming kids and a dumb dog and find some news coverage on this at the same time)

If so, these whining, sniveling little shits need to be fired. Immediately. Is there really no means but the regular popular vote of a demonstrably ignorant majority? Has the world gotten SO STUPID, IGNORANT, and the majority of it's heads up it's asses so far that the voting public condones these little temper tantrums from their elected representatives?

What's the maximum sentence for kicking a politician in the nuts? I truly believe it would be worth it, if any of them actually had a pair to kick.
Now, if the House votes to hold Holder in contempt, what's next?
I'm holding out for tar & feathering and then riding him out of town on a rail. We'll let Brian Terry's family light the fire under the tar kettle.

If so, these whining, sniveling little shits need to be fired. Immediately. Is there really no means but the regular popular vote of a demonstrably ignorant majority? Has the world gotten SO STUPID, IGNORANT, and the majority of it's heads up it's asses so far that the voting public condones these little temper tantrums from their elected representatives?

What's the maximum sentence for kicking a politician in the nuts? I truly believe it would be worth it, if any of them actually had a pair to kick.
No, yes, and not applicable. I don't think there are any politicians left with any testicles. Well... maybe Ron Paul, but he's the LAST guy I want to see kicked in the 'nads.

I read else where that the Congressional Black Caucus was going to stage a walk out. Hope the door hit them in the a$$ on the way out.

- - - Updated - - -

Yah, he'll get away with it, but his record is tarnished - forever.
Holder has probably instructed his colleagues to destroy whatever they can already. Hopefully he's so inept that when they find the backups of the email servers, with incriminating mail telling the ATF to dump guns on the Mexican street so Hillary Clinton can get a photo-op, they can send him to jail for destroying evidence.
Is it just me, or is the Democratic party composed of a bunch of 6 year olds?

Democrats walk out of budget hearing (Indianapolis): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st65nK4qBic

Democrats hiding in Illinois (right to work bill): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk3FGLJJp5U&feature=relmfu

Wisconsin Democratic Senators Walk Out, Denying GOP a Budget Quorum: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/ar...senators-walk-out-denying-gop-a-budget-quorum

Seventeen Democrats joined with 238 Republicans to vote for the contempt charges against Holder, while over 100 Democrats did not vote, most of them symbolically walking out of the House chamber in protest: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs...tes-hold-holder-criminal-contempt_647954.html

If they don't want to vote or if they don't get their way, they run away like little children throwing a temper tantrum.
Is it just me, or is the Democratic party composed of a bunch of 6 year olds?

Worse, much worse. A bunch of party-line commies w/o a conscience is worse.

Seventeen Democrats joined with 238 Republicans to vote for the contempt charges against Holder,

Wow, some have a conscience after all? [shocked]
Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't turn into an express train @ 100 mph[laugh]
Of course it can be worked out - turn over all the ****ing documents that Issa asked for in the first place, a**h***. What YOU mean is that you want some way to both NOT turn over the documents AND not have Holder held in contempt of Congress.

Hmm... I seem to have left my patience at home today...

Yea, but they did turn over all those irrelevant documents that nobody ever asked for, or cares about, so that should square things up [rolleyes]
All I needed to know, and this is what you should tell those who doubt (from Holder):

"Even though the document used the term "Fast and Furious" it actually referred to "Wide Receiver". This is the excuse he his using for not turning over the documents.

Wide receiver began and ended before Holder.
Does the Senate need to hold him in contempt as well?

This http://oversight.house.gov/release/...efusal-to-produce-fast-and-furious-documents/ doesn't indicate Senate action.

Unless President Obama relents to this bipartisan call for transparency and an end to the cover-up, our fight will move to the courts where we will prevail in getting the documents that the Justice Department and President Obama’s flawed assertion of executive privilege have denied the American people.
Anybody else wondering if it was planned to have the F&F hearing the same day as the Obamacare vote? Talk about loss of focus.
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