MrsWildweasel said:
I'm not sure on the other ladies as to whether they served. I know Lynne didn't,but she holds her own too. I'll always keep it civilized. I've probably heard worse than most. (Joys of working with all guys. [twisted] ) There's a reason why the MARINES are called UNCLE SAMS MISGUIDED CHILDREN! [twisted]
#$%^$@# a, skippy! We're the most #$%@& ^&$*%(# up @$#holes on the ##^$&*@ planet! We've kicked more @#$, $%^#*#& up more $^#&$*, and #$%& in more mess kits than anyone!
We can't %$^*$# complete a #$%&^@ sentence without %$^#&@* $#%^@*$% using this type of ^$%#*&^ language.