"do you have a match? Oh! you have a gun!"

Murfreesboro police said there's much more to the story. "There was no reason for her to perceive any legitimate threat," said Sergeant Kyle Evans.

Not only are they supermen, they know what we are thinking...We are not worthy of Our tin badge Hero's.
This is gonna be a hard sell for her, her claims seem a little ****ey to me.

Heh. That's 20 miles from where I grew up. My wife and I usually wind up in that Walmart a couple of times whenever we go down to visit family. It is far from being a hotbed of criminal activity. She sounds like she might be just a LITTLE high strung...lol.
21' "rule"?

And many MANY years ago I got sucker-punchrd outside a bar in exactly the same scenario. Guy got tossed out, I left about a minute later, knew nothing about his issue, he asked me for a light, when I reached into my pocket he whacked me with a bottle on the side of the head. If it wasn't for witnesses and a cop cruising by he never would have gotten caught. I ended up in the hospital with stitches.

I don't know the whole story, but it's certainly plausible. Her hands would be occupied opening a purse and she could get mugged/assaulted fairly easily. No mention of what the guy looked like, how he was acting, etc. I'll wait for more information than was in the article.
How bout you don't approach a strange elderly lady asking for a match & just go back into the store to get some instead of being a dumb ass.
what kind of smoker buys a pack of butts for $8-10+ and doesn't have a .99 cent lighter or free matches. old lady did the right thing. no one got hurt no harm done.
How bout you don't approach a strange elderly lady asking for a match & just go back into the store to get some instead of being a dumb ass.

what kind of smoker buys a pack of butts for $8-10+ and doesn't have a .99 cent lighter or free matches. old lady did the right thing. no one got hurt no harm done.


Call me crazy but, although I'm not pulling a weapon, if someone is walking up to me in a parking lot as I'm loading groceries I'm preparing for any possibility, if they get into my 'space' I'm telling them not to come closer. This could have been a potential strong arm mugging the old lady saved herself from and the mugger got scared. He could have just as easily ran into Walmart to get his matches as call 911.
what kind of smoker buys a pack of butts for $8-10+ and doesn't have a .99 cent lighter or free matches. old lady did the right thing. no one got hurt no harm done.

Got it! So everyone who gets within 10 feet of me and possibly says something like "nice day isn't it" and I'm good to draw and scream "I'm going to shoot you. I'm going to kill you"

Seems like an appropriate response.
Got it! So everyone who gets within 10 feet of me and possibly says something like "nice day isn't it" and I'm good to draw and scream "I'm going to shoot you. I'm going to kill you"

Seems like an appropriate response.
Only if you're a Medford cop.....lololol
She needed this sign.

So I imagine the best answer is to give that person your best "Paul Blart"? Put one hand up, barking a command to stay back, with the other behind/along side you, thusly giving the impression that you have a gun? (but actually having one, unlike Blart)
We don't know the whole story. For all we know, she could have been mugged in a similar situation before, which prompted her to buy a firearm.
And he could've been a guy who quit who was having a really s***y day and wanted a smoke. We can play what ifs all day. Hand on the gun and ready to draw but a simple no I don't smoke sorry could've gone a long way in diffusing it.
Eh, This one could go either way.
She might be a half bubble off.
Or he really was up to no good and wasn't stupid enough to tell the cops , "Oh hell ya ,I was planning on mugging her."
21 foot rule, right boys? I'm doing mag dumps when I get on the bus tomorrow then!

Get real. Busy parking lot, mid-day, dude walks up and asks for a light. Absolutely zero reason to introduce a gun into this situation, regardless of whether or not she's been mugged in a similar situation before, as someone suggested. Especially no reason to start yelling that she'll kill him. And she wasn't even aware of the background and muzzled a 7yo. She's a loon and I actually agree with the other woman in the news video that she probably shouldn't be carrying.*

*Before one of you has a heart attack, no I am not suggested that the Man take away her right to carry.
1. I don't really care what she said. Because in a self defense situation you want to intimidate your attacker so they stop. If anything that makes me more inclined to believe she felt that way.
2. She never did actually shoot at the guy.
3. Muzzling the child - she obviously had tunnel vision. Don't be so quick to knock her for it. Talk is cheap but when the adrenaline is pumping, the heart is going a mile a minute and you fear immediate harm you may just do the exact same thing.

All in all probably an overreaction. We weren't there though so who knows. Did he approach her from behind? etc. I can tell you that it is a common tactic for criminals to have one guy try to gain your attention while the other slips behind you. "Hey you got a light." "Hey can you spare a buck", etc. are all common lines...
If your in NYC and someone comes up and asks you for the time, don't look down at your watch unless you want your head busted.
That one's as old as dirt yet people fall for it all the time.
Got it! So everyone who gets within 10 feet of me and possibly says something like "nice day isn't it" and I'm good to draw and scream "I'm going to shoot you. I'm going to kill you"

Seems like an appropriate response.

I'm speaking as a former smoker. i can see a smoker walking up to someone else smoking and ask for a light but its highly unlikely for them to walk up to an old lady from behind while she's loading groceries into her car. did she over react maybe.
How bout you don't approach a strange elderly lady asking for a match & just go back into the store to get some instead of being a dumb ass.


Although, I would saying being in MA, if I whip out my gun, it's because I'm about to pull the trigger. Because, in MA, if you did what this lady did, you're finished. You don't pull it and use it to prevent an attack, you pull it to end an attack.

She might luck out in Tennessee. WHo knows.

And yeah, leave little old ladies alone asking for matches. I don't like it when dudes approach me for a light. Some people have fewer boundaries than others though.
I can't believe some of you nutbags are defending this woman.


If all the guy really did was walk up to her and ask for a match, no.
But none of us were there to know for sure so I might give her the benefit of the doubt till proven otherwise.
You wouldn't expect the guy to say anything that would incriminate himself if he was up to no good would you?

I had a guy pull a knife on me years ago in a liquor store parking lot with a little robbery in mind.
When the police arrived he was being held at gunpoint on the ground.
Guess what the first words out of his mouth to the cops were?
"Man, I din do nuffin"
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