David Hogg coming to town (and S&W plant)

Has anybody heard ANYTHING from Smith & Wesson on this?

What would have really been good would be if all the sportsman's clubs on or near the route would get members to stand out in protest, preferably with their kids as well!
Boston’s 25 kelly Sullivan actually covered this story this morning from Worcester.

There was no one in Worcester, and they rolled film of 2 teenage girls with their adult handler walking through the Boston common.

And interviewed one or the girls who basically said “it’s the guns fault for gun violence and we want “blah. What exactly I have no idea, it was so inarticulate.

Who is paying for this crap?

And why is 25 Boston covering a 3 person “March”.

5 minutes of the morning “news”.

She did report liarawatha and markey signed a letter about this and sent it to s&w.

I’m happy to say ,s&w. did not respond.
Channel 5 has not one, but two articles on it. No footage, no mention of the shitty turnout.

Watch, though. They'll bus them into Springfield for Sunday and make it sound like all of them marched the whole way.
Has anybody heard ANYTHING from Smith & Wesson on this?

What would have really been good would be if all the sportsman's clubs on or near the route would get members to stand out in protest, preferably with their kids as well!
You mean seething gun bullies and their inbred, hillbilly, brainwashed kids intimidating a diverse group of heroic students marching for their lives with moral certainty of the righteousness of their cause? Because that would be the media portrayal.
Channel 5 has not one, but two articles on it. No footage, no mention of the shitty turnout.

Watch, though. They'll bus them into Springfield for Sunday and make it sound like all of them marched the whole way.
by the looks of those fat bodies they won't make it out of the first starbucks
I cant seem to find any current todays news coverage of this event I can only find news about the pending march. I would have thought this would be a big deal for the media to be at the start of the march. There is nothing but old coverage, no photos of the start or anything. The way this was played up I though there would be a massive media coverage. I think amm5061 is correct "They'll bus them into Springfield for Sunday and make it sound like all of them marched the whole way" Along with the idiots that are planning to meet them at S&W for the rally on Sunday this will be played up big time. I like to know where hundreds of people will be gathering for this rally there isn't that much open public property at S&W or the area around S&W. Will other business open up the property to accommodate the rally. Or are they just going to stand in the road and bock traffic on Roosevelt Ave. I am not too sure this rally was thoroughly thought out and did they get permits to hold this rally.

Such an entitled tool. What's hilarious is the Left he sucks up to soooo hard will immediately cast him off when he's fulfilled his short-lived purpose. He'll be on the side of the road soon wondering WTF happened.
View attachment 244658

Such an entitled tool. What's hilarious is the Left he sucks up to soooo hard will immediately cast him off when he's fulfilled his short-lived purpose. He'll be on the side of the road soon wondering WTF happened.

With his attitude he'll be dead in a ditch before that. He'll wrap a car around a telephone pole at 150 MPH. That's my guess, anyway. #PeopleDon'tKillPeopleCarsDo

My condolences in advance to the car and telephone pole.
the news this morning said they had dozens of kids lined up to walk from Worcester this morning. Technically they weren't wrong. It was about 2 dozen so I guess that is dozens.

So what that really tells me is that pretty much all the kids in Mass only participated in the walk out last year to get out of school for how ever much time was allowed by administrators. You know they won't give up a summer day.
Heart kids not guns. ??? Why is it mutually exclusive? Why can't I love both?????

Because for their weak argument to work the two must be mutually exclusive. The left's tactics are always A or B and divisive in nature. To cover their intentions, they call the right "divisive". It's a mixture of Goebbels and Alinsky.

The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.

Alinsky (I underlined the tactics that seem to apply):
The Rules
  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Not to mention you're probably a racist. Racist.
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