Ct. State Police Receive Their Notice

Do that, and people will either not pay their bills, or show up with both barrels a la "Joe".

Then it would be just like eating an elephant, unpaid property taxes, come into court, shut off the water, shut off the power, foreclosed signs etc etc, heck they could probably even stop picking up your trash.
I don't think it's going to be considered legal if they State says you're guilty and you have to prove yourself innocent. Say you sold things or moved them out of state. You are innocent. The state has to PROVE you guilty. They have to physically show that you still have possession, flaunting the law. That means a search and no judge is going to give them a warrant on that basis, I don't think. That's like the fact that I have a Jaguar that'll do 140 all day long. Should they send me a speeding ticket just because I have a car that might go that fast and I have to prove that I didn't? Illegal as hell.

This is where the administration in Hartford is between a rock and a hard place. They have no accurate list of who's got what. They only have a vague idea. Once that rifle goes into the hands of the NICs checked owner, it might go through three other sets of hands during the course of a few years. So, how will they track that? Me? I sent my stuff out of state and can prove it. If I got a "demand letter", I'm sending it back registered mail saying that if they have proof that I have those rifles, Molon Labe.......come and get 'em. When they arrive, I'll be sure to have every newspaper and radio station waiting so they can see just how ignorant the State can be. I'd be sure to explain everything in detail so even they can understand, too. Why am I being so beligerant? Because this state is trampling on my constitutional rights first and foremost. I refuse to "help them" prosecute me, too. This is what's facing Malloy and his hit-men x 100,000. The lawyers in this state must be licking their chops! I can see the ads on TV now. "Fellow Gun owners! Have you been accosted and illegally accused by the State......Call 1-800-kickass...yada yada, yada."


What Cabinet man says applies even to MA

MA people, police included, all think that what the "registry" says you have is correct. That is WRONG. There are a number of ways that guns can LEGALLY move into and out of the state without them knowing.

If you move here with guns, you don't have to FA10 them, you now have guns they don't know exist.

If you sell a gun that is on the registry out of state and ship directly to the out of state FFL, they don't know its gone.
If you owned a gun prior to them tracking transfers (can someone fill me in on that date in MA? In CT it was 94) then they don't know you have it.
If you moved it out of state to a second home, then they don't know its gone.

The bottom line is that while the MA system is tighter than the CT system, its not a true registry. If I had to take a stab at the numbers I'd guess its 85% accurate. But that's just a guess. In comparison, the CT system is probably about 55% accurate. But now that it has MA laws with respect to transfers, its going to get better.
I think it is less than 85%. It is my understanding that all if the transfer records prior to the scannable forms were kept in shoe boxes and then thrown out - they were never entered into the system. So those guns that were acquired 20 years ago aren't in the system.
I think it is less than 85%. It is my understanding that all if the transfer records prior to the scannable forms were kept in shoe boxes and then thrown out - they were never entered into the system. So those guns that were acquired 20 years ago aren't in the system.
It's funny, I had long heard the rumors of the boxes of blue cards being soaked and then thrown out. I ran my own "list" at work, and every single transfer was on there, including my blue cards from the eighties. I've since run about a dozen or so guys from NES for them, and we found the same thing, all their blue card transfers were there. So maybe the flood was urban legend? I was shocked to see several of the transfers on my list to be honest, if that makes any sense.
It's funny, I had long heard the rumors of the boxes of blue cards being soaked and then thrown out. I ran my own "list" at work, and every single transfer was on there, including my blue cards from the eighties. I've since run about a dozen or so guys from NES for them, and we found the same thing, all their blue card transfers were there. So maybe the flood was urban legend? I was shocked to see several of the transfers on my list to be honest, if that makes any sense.

Interesting. Thanks for the info.
It's funny, I had long heard the rumors of the boxes of blue cards being soaked and then thrown out. I ran my own "list" at work, and every single transfer was on there, including my blue cards from the eighties. I've since run about a dozen or so guys from NES for them, and we found the same thing, all their blue card transfers were there. So maybe the flood was urban legend? I was shocked to see several of the transfers on my list to be honest, if that makes any sense.

That's very interesting info. Thanks for sharing!
They did go under water and they were stored in cardboard boxes. With the technology that is available within the "Fusion Center" I am sure information was recovered. However, I know I am listed as having firearms that were transferred via blue card and these same firearms I have not had in 25 years. The system is not accurate by any means.
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