CNN - Communist News Network is a Dumpster Fire

The new majority stockholder in Time/Warner which owns CNN is a big Trump supporter. It will be interesting to figure out if CNN is salvageable or if it's better to liquidate the company to make funds available for other Time/Warner properties. My understanding is that CNN is deeply in debt and not funded very well because sponsors don't want to waste advertising dollars on a sinking ship.

I’m sure some assets of time warmer will be spun off or sold. CNN is fixable, dump the partisan hacks who have no value ie stelter, don le mond, etc and get back to news.

Even if someone is a lefty, I couldn’t understand why cnn would have the programming it did. It was the same topic, almost always about trump, for 18 of the 24 hours in a day. The same words just different host spouting them.

Pre trump I remember they covered the missing Malaysian airplanes for over a month 24/7 and after the 3rd day there was no new information. The story was non existent and they covered it non stop for over a month.
The new majority stockholder in Time/Warner which owns CNN is a big Trump supporter. It will be interesting to figure out if CNN is salvageable or if it's better to liquidate the company to make funds available for other Time/Warner properties. My understanding is that CNN is deeply in debt and not funded very well because sponsors don't want to waste advertising dollars on a sinking ship.

AT&T owns WarnerMedia, their cable company (Time/Warner) was spun off years ago and is now owned by Charter.

I’m sure some assets of time warmer will be spun off or sold. CNN is fixable, dump the partisan hacks who have no value ie stelter, don le mond, etc and get back to news.

Even if someone is a lefty, I couldn’t understand why cnn would have the programming it did. It was the same topic, almost always about trump, for 18 of the 24 hours in a day. The same words just different host spouting them.

Pre trump I remember they covered the missing Malaysian airplanes for over a month 24/7 and after the 3rd day there was no new information. The story was non existent and they covered it non stop for over a month.

If you look, when Trump was 18 out of 24 hours (with the other 6 being commercials and intro-outdo's), their ratings were great. Without Trump to beat with a stick, there is no incentive to watch.

Same with Fawks. I'm sure their ratings are up since Jan of last year - because there is a new whipping boy in the WH. Once that boy is gone, ratings will drop.

Remember - CNN covered the Anna Nicole death for 24 hours. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with "what will our viewers stay watching the longest?"

They program all of this crap because it sells more minutes-of-eyeball. It's that simple. What is hard is to plan for the NEXT MoE topic and stay on top of it. And in 2021, CNN failed to pivot to something else. Don't blame them. Few of us could effectively pivot anyhow.
If you look, when Trump was 18 out of 24 hours (with the other 6 being commercials and intro-outdo's), their ratings were great. Without Trump to beat with a stick, there is no incentive to watch.

Same with Fawks. I'm sure their ratings are up since Jan of last year - because there is a new whipping boy in the WH. Once that boy is gone, ratings will drop.

Remember - CNN covered the Anna Nicole death for 24 hours. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with "what will our viewers stay watching the longest?"

They program all of this crap because it sells more minutes-of-eyeball. It's that simple. What is hard is to plan for the NEXT MoE topic and stay on top of it. And in 2021, CNN failed to pivot to something else. Don't blame them. Few of us could effectively pivot anyhow.

Cnns new obsession is the Jan 6 super deadly insurrection but the viewers obviously don’t give a damn at it.
Cnns new obsession is the Jan 6 super deadly insurrection but the viewers obviously don’t give a damn at it.
No shit right every time I turn the station on just to see what they’re talking about it’s f***ing January 6 insurrection or Donald Trump or both!!! This morning it was Donald Trump flushing documents down the toilet😂😂

I love how all the anchors have that sad panda face on all the time. And they tilt their heads to the side knodding while talking about the insurrection. Put on that sad, sad face😂😂😂
No shit right every time I turn the station on just to see what they’re talking about it’s f***ing January 6 insurrection or Donald Trump or both!!! This morning it was Donald Trump flushing documents down the toilet😂😂

I love how all the anchors have that sad panda face on all the time. And they tilt their heads to the side knodding while talking about the insurrection. Put on that sad, sad face😂😂😂

Most of the shows on CNN are down 90% literally from the it peak a year ago. They need trump and the outrage bs like a junkie.

I’ll check it once in a while like you do and am amazed at the crap their talking about. They act like Jan 6 is similar to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. It was a really stupid day with a few dozen morons but it wasn’t a moment in history people will remember 20 years from now.

There’s a lot of reasons why trump shouldn’t be the nominee in 2024, one minor one is how much money he makes for the media and how he is what keeps 1/2 of them alive. He’s their oxygen
Ironically J6 is the epitome of what trump complained about. J6 being a "thing" is the purest form of fake news that ever existed.

It was like the hooligan riots before soccer games in Europe.. a few dozen violent idiots starting hand fights and accomplishing nothing. The worst of it is those dopes gave the dems and media a talking point for the summer of 2021.
It was like the hooligan riots before soccer games in Europe.. a few dozen violent idiots starting hand fights and accomplishing nothing. The worst of it is those dopes gave the dems and media a talking point for the summer of 2021.

Let’s not forget, half of those people were either uc feds or fed CIs that started or enabled most of the shit. Hence the disappearing indictments etc.
Let’s not forget, half of those people were either uc feds or fed CIs that started or enabled most of the shit. Hence the disappearing indictments etc.

There were definitely a lot of feds. I think that’s also why there are hundreds or thousands or hours of video that hasn’t been released and the feds are keeping from defense attorneys. The Michigan governor kidnap plot was probably worse for percentage of feds involved and the instigation
So he didn’t have a kid. Basically, maybe one of them had a kid. I don’t play in a pretend world. They shouldn’t either.
No shit right every time I turn the station on just to see what they’re talking about it’s f***ing January 6 insurrection or Donald Trump or both!!! This morning it was Donald Trump flushing documents down the toilet😂😂

I love how all the anchors have that sad panda face on all the time. And they tilt their heads to the side knodding while talking about the insurrection. Put on that sad, sad face😂😂😂
Groundhog day all over again !😁😁 Get it ?
Ted Turner? The scumbag that most likely brought us this heap of NWO garbage?
When they break this into pieces it wont even qualify for landfill.


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Ted Turner? The scumbag that most likely brought us this heap of NWO garbage?
When they break this into pieces it wont even qualify for landfill.

I didn't know he was even a contender of creating that. LOL

It's a philanthropy award. All of those people just gave a lot of $ or time or prestige. Except Fauci. How is he even there??? The rest, as a group, makes sense in the philanthropic sense of the picture.
Such "awards" are giant circle jerks.

Oh I have no love for any organization that gives out awards. Any one that gives out awards to it's own members is the worst. Oscars, Emmy's, etc., Go away.

I belonged to a small financial group years ago. Second meeting was the annual meeting. The incoming people had an award for the outgoing people. The outgoing people had an award for the incoming people. I sat there for 45 minutes wondering if anything was going to get done besides these people shaking each other's. . . . hands.
Oh I have no love for any organization that gives out awards. Any one that gives out awards to it's own members is the worst. Oscars, Emmy's, etc., Go away.

I belonged to a small financial group years ago. Second meeting was the annual meeting. The incoming people had an award for the outgoing people. The outgoing people had an award for the incoming people. I sat there for 45 minutes wondering if anything was going to get done besides these people shaking each other's. . . . hands.
The local community - Gtr Waterbury plus the Lower Valley - is around a quarter of a million people, maybe a bit more, and most of that concentrated up near Waterbury. So it's not an especially big place. In terms of public service (not just the political flavor - human service organizations etc.) there are a handful of notable organizations, e.g. the United Way, the Boys and Girls Club, ... And while I certainly mean nothing disparaging - I know them well and they're good people, typically local businessmen and women - it's the same cast of characters (and I was one of them back in the day) on the Boards of Directors, at the Awards Banquets, ...

And that's just the utterly low-stakes Community Leadership in the Naugatuck Valley.

High-stakes Rule-The-World [insert evil laugh] shit like Carnegie and WEF?
Given the choice between being rich and famous, some pick rich. Some pick famous. Even if it's some podunk community whatever. They NEED to be the big fish. They probably stuffed kids into lockers in HS as well. LOL.

I'll take rich. Run me under radar for sure.
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