Chief Glidden's Book


Oct 5, 2005
MA - Northshore
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Len S. Do you know the date of the latest revision of Chief Glidden's book? Is he expected to issue an update in the near future? How much does it cost and where can it be bought?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Dave,

Latest book that I am aware of is the 11th Edition (September 2006). Only available from MCOPA's MPI website for $45 + S/H. [NOTE: Some LE Supply stores may carry it, if there is one near you it's probably worth asking.]

No idea when he'll publish the next one, but likely not until some new legislation/court rulings occur.

AFS still had some 9th Edition (2005) books available for $30 the last time I was in there (a few weeks ago).

From above URL:
Law Enforcement Guide to
Firearms Law, 11th Edition

(Updated September 2006)

This manual was written as a comprehensive training guide for law enforcement officers covering all aspects of Massachusetts firearms law. The manual also includes selected sections of federal firearms law. Words or phrases contained in this manual within a particular section of Massachusetts General Law which are written in italics or bold italics are additions by the author and are not part of the official text of the statute. These additions were added to assist the reader for training purposes only. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author. No claim of copyright is made for official statutes or regulations.
I had received earlier editions directly from the author some years back - I don't recall if that was because the author was just a good guy (and he is) or if the LEO organization wasn't keen to sell to non-LEOs... Does MCOPA sell to non-LEOs?
MCOPA sells it because he is chairman of its Firearms Committee.

That's not really the reason! I used to sell his books when he was the author, publisher, distributor and delivery boy. [wink] MCOPA made him an offer to write it for a fee and they took all the risk (and profit) for printing and sales. He was not chairman of their Firearms Committee when he inked that deal.

My only regret is that buying it funds one of the largest anti-gun groups in MA!

Go to the MCOPA website and you can order it from there. If you do an Advanced Search here with my username as author, you might find the direct link to the order page as I've posted it a few times in the past.

Law Enforcement Guide to Firearms Law, 12th Edition,©2007

(Updated September 2007)

This manual was written as a comprehensive training guide for law enforcement officers covering all aspects of Massachusetts firearms law. The manual also includes selected sections of federal firearms law. Words or phrases contained in this manual within a particular section of Massachusetts General Law which are written in italics or bold italics are additions by the author and are not part of the official text of the statute. These additions were added to assist the reader for training purposes only. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author. No claim of copyright is made for official statutes or regulations.
Chief Glidden is doing a class in January for LEOs and dealers. I had showed Joe at Archer Arms interest in going and he looked into it for me. When he called they told him that C&R guys would be ok also so i will post the info when i pick it up this afternoon for anyone who is interested.
I often use the Chief's book when testifying in the state house on firearms issues. It is a great prop when you can hold up a 400 page book and tell legislators that this is what people need to read to BEGIN to figure out the state's gun laws.

Its a very effective tool. If it took a Police Chief and an attorney 400 pages to expalin the basics, how does the average citizen stand a chance?
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